Indigene ~



Creating art for me is a process of soul searching rooted in the social, cultural, and spiritual perspectives of women and people of color. Each piece of my work is the end result of dreams, moods, experiences or reactions to life. By this statement I want to avoid the confinement of a singular style and medium.

I have had a few variations of this artist statement, but the aforementioned continues to remain true to what I feel my art is and continues to be. I can't say what my style and medium will end up being because I continue to evolve, until the end of this life. This maybe difficult for anyone who may want to label or put my art in a category, but this is my intrepid art-making . . . so only I define it.

I read something recently in an article about a state conference in Mexico where a group of Native Americans and Anglos (dominant culture in American society) were discussing art and one of the tribal leaders stood and stated that in his language there was no word for art because art was not separate from life. Art is as close to us as our breath. Art is our clothing, our food, our healing. It is everything we do or think during the day.

I agree with my tribal brother and add to that this quote by Romare Bearden, one of our most adventurous artist-brothers:

"There are roads out of the secret place within us which we must all move as we go touch others. Practically all . . . artists accept the influence of others. But . . . the artist with vision sees their material, chooses, changes, and by integrating what they have learned with their own experiences, finally molds something distinctly personal."

Now western society needs to broaden its horizon to realize that we are all human and our differences make us unique and that is true art.





The artist known as "Indigene" (aka Theresa Gaskin) was born and raised in NYC and currently lives in Philadelphia. A first-generation Caribbean American, her parents are from the islands of St. Vincent BWI and her grandparents are from Trinidad and Portugal. She is a graduate of the University of PA, Eastern College and has a graduate degree from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Indigene traveled extensively in the Caribbean (notably Haiti after the US invasion to restore President Bertrand Aristide and the Dominican Republic) and the Dominican Republic during the 1990s, an experience that changed her life, bringing her art and its approach to the foreground of her life. Her influences include Van Gogh, German Expressionism, Matisse, Bob Johnson, Beauford Delaney, Edna Manley, Elizabeth Catlett among others.

To view the bios and some works of Elizabeth Catlett and Beauford Delaney visit: