Past Shows


April 6, 1997
Jewish Arts Symposium. Artwork by Jewish students.
December 11, 1997
The Kelly Writers House Re-Opening Celebration
Curated by Jessica Chin and Jean Won
Exhibitors include Ted Pauly, Mitchell Magee, Scott Wright, Harris
Steinberg, Steve Keene, Diana Falchuk, Brooke Kelly, Alyssa Deaven, Graham
Kershaw, Jane Steven Steinberg, Alice Cisternino, Erin Gleason, Brook
Wyatt, Andrew Lurie, Emily Steinberg, and Scott Wright.
March 31, 1998
Art opening for Edison Fareira High School student artists.
April 16, 1998
5:00-7:00PM: Opening for a show of Rebekah Grossman's art books, in the
Arts Cafe. Gallery talk at 5:30; materials and method to be discussed in
greater detail.
As Rebekah explained: 
The books are hand-made, one of a kinds, all miniatures, mixed media,
combining fragmented text and image. While not exactly poetry, the books
operate as a poetic, combining found images, often pragmatic (such as
diagrams), and text constructed from/condensed out of likewise "found"
sources, specifically the mixed paper recycling bin on the 4th floor of
Bennett, catelogues for health and accessories, gardening catalogues, junk
mail, and product packaging, some of which I find on the streets during my
walks to through West Philadlphia. Some of the books are very pristine in
appearance, some deliberately "junky". 
This series of books is part of an ongoing exploration for conducting an
ethnography of the body--which is also part of my academic work (I am a
PhD student in Folklore and Folklife), and so a hybrid of art and theory.
There is a theme of the body in all the works, and together they tap into
the lexicon of the body, from the marketplace to the academy, circulating
in our (contemporary American) culture. 
May 15, 1998
	 A Salon of Six: An exhibit featuring the works of MFA students
from the Penn Graduate School of Fine Arts. Exhibitors include Lin Barton,
Deborah Bruns-Thomas, Martha Denmead Rose, Celestin Joseph, Maark T.
O'Donnell, and Alison Plump. 
September 10th 1998
5:00-7:00 PM Opening Reception for The Writer's Eye: Portraits of Modern
Authors, an exhibit of 35 black and white photographs by Robin Hiteshew.
The exhibit was displayed until October 31. Many of the photographs were
of Philadelphia writers.
October 31st 1998 (October 31 1998 - January 1, 1999)
4:00-7:00 PM Alumni Art Show Opening 
Exhibitors included:
	John McGiff
	Scott Wright
	Emily Steinberg
	Jon Poblador
	Eva Mantell (sp?)
April 1, 1999 (April 1 - April 30, 1999)
7-9 PM: Opening reception for the Photography exhibit "Works form Courtney
Bernhardt's Visual Diary".
January 31, 2000
6:00-8:00 PM: Opening reception for two-artist student show: Brooke Wyatt
and Brooke Kelly.
April 19th 2000
4:00-6:00 PM: Reception for the Pottery and Photography programs Joint
Student Show. 
May 2nd 2000
5:00-7:00 PM: Opening reception for art show by David Perrelli, Emily
Cohen and Courtney Zoffness.
In May, Courtney Zoffness will be getting her BA in English, with a
concentration in Creative Writing, and a Fine Arts minor. She along with
Emily is the Co-founder and current Coordinator of Speakeasy: poetry,
prose, and anything goes, an open mic nite for students at the Writers
House. She mostly likes to paint and draw, and also enjoys photography.
She'll be displaying work in almost every medium (including computer art,
and 3-D...)
David Perrelli is a junior majoring in English and is currently the
Writers House's photographer. His passions are photography, playing the
piano, cooking, and many
other things that we shall not mention. At the moment, he is trying to
start a literary magazine, and with much luck we shall see his product
very soon. In leisure moments he can be found hanging out in La Colombe.
From Emily Cohen: I am an English and Fine Arts double major with a drama
and 2-d concentration. I work primarily with collage/ multi-media.
Courtney and I co-founded Speakeasy at the Writers House and are very
excited to be having our last art show together at the place where we
first started working together.
October 21, 2000
6:00-8:00 PM: About Face: Portraits at Writers House. Join us for this
reception celebrating photographs by Peter C. Cook on display on the first
floor of Writers House from October 10-November 30. 
January 24, 2001 (January 24, 2001 - February 2, 2001) 
UNDERGRAD TESTS THE WATERS: A reception celebrating Blake Martin's
photography and writing, displayed in the living room during the month of
January. From Blake: "Last semester, I documented the life, past and
present, of Dr. Ellis Sacks. While the project stemmed from the class
"WRITING in the Documentary Tradition," I also took PHOTOGRAPHS. Hanging
in the living room of the Writers House are those photographs, accompanied
by some of the text from the written documentary. I hope you'll join me on
Wednesday night (January 24), around 6ish, to experience the work and to
say hello."
Thursday, 2/8 
Opening reception & reading featuring visual work by Kate Egan and Deirdre Murphy, and a reading by poet Cort Day. Work by
Kate Egan and Deirdre Murphy will be on display at the Writers House from February 2-28, 2001. A collaborative event sponsored
by the Department of Fine Arts and the Kelly Writers House. 

Deirdre Murphy received her Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania this past spring. Her work has been
exhibited in the Vita Gallery in Portland, Oregon, and in various galleries in the Philadelphia region.

Kate Egan studied painting at Rhode Island School of Design and is getting her M.F.A. at the University of Pennsylvania. She
is a winner of the Philadelphia Prize. Her work can be viewed at Pierogi 2000. Cort Day's book of poems, The Chime, will be
published by Alice James Books in 2001. Cort Day's poems have appeared in Poetry Daily, AGNI, Boston Review, Colorado Review,
Denver Quarterly, Fence, and Verse, and in many other publications. He lives in Philadelphia and works in New York City. 
March 9 through April 9, 2001
The Poets and Painters Series presents a reception and reading featuring the work of painter Mitch Magee and poet Michael
Michael Magee received his PhD at Penn where he wrote a dissertation, "Emancipating Pragmatism: Emerson, Jazz and Experimental
Writing," and was very active at the Writers House. His articles on American Literature are out or forthcoming in REVIEW,
XCONNECT, IXNAY and elsewhere. He edits the poetry journal COMBO, teaches
at Wheaton College and lives in 
Pawtucket, RI with his wife Susanna and his daughter Anabella.

Mitchell Magee is a graduate of Cornell University and received a Masters of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of
Chicago. His work has appeared in numerous solo and group exhibitions in and around New York and he performs regularly with
the improv comedy group "Monkey Dick" at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York City. He lives and works in
April 14-21, 2001: The Writers House Junior Fellows Program presents Aural Text In(au)gu(ral) Reception

          Aural Text is a series of multimedia installations that will be exhibited 
          in the Kelly Writers House from April 14-21.  Join us for this
          in(au)gu(ral) reception on 
          Saturday April 14 at 7 pm.

          Aural Text is a commentary on memory, place, voice and sound/silence made 
          manifest in recorded audio and image. A blend of high- and low-tech methods 
          are being used to generate, gather, and recombine Aural Texts.
          Aural Text is being created by: 2000-2001 Junior Fellow Andrew Zitcer, 
          Diana Prescott, Aaron Levy, Kyle Bartlett, Jeremy Braddock, Douglas Boyce.
          to visit Aural Text on the web, go to and 
          explore some of our writings and projects-in-process.
          Things to look for:
          "reclining spiral" a glimpse of West Philly through maps, math and 
          collecting--"60 words" an open text for four voices and mixing 
          board--"|cage:aura|", an interactive book installation featuring the wit 
          and wisdom of John Cage--a fantasy for Viewmaster and Discman--and some 
          splendid films of a secret nature...
April 15-May 5 3rd Annual Student Pottery and Photography Show
Work by Penn Pottery and Photography students will on view in the Writers House dining room and living room through May 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------- May 10-May 21, 2001 Senior Art Show, featuring work by Enrique Landa (painting), Sarvelia Peralta-Duran (mixed media), Jacquelyn Saylor (photography), Natalia Urminska (photography and poetry), and Suzanna Urminska (mixed media), curated by Suzanna Urminska.

Kelly Writers House ·
3805 Locust Walk · Philadelphia, PA 19104 · 215.573.WRIT · fax: 215.573.9750
    Last modified: Monday, 10-JAN-2001 01:33:11 EDT