Hub Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2005
A joint Civic House & Writers House Hub Meeting
In attendance: Caitlin, Sylvie, Richard, Maria, Adrienne, Jill I, Jamie-Lee, Samantha, Scott G, David G (civic house), Walter L (civic house), Jen, Tom, Blake, Talia, Phil, Arielle, Sarah G, Gabe, Nora, Fred, Joan, Jamie (from Civic House), Sheri (from Civic House), Peter, Danielle.
Minutes by: Phil
- KWH business
- End of year hub party on 4/27/05
- KWH contestssubmit by April 20, 2005 email to to apply
- Junior Fellow Award
- Blake and Adrienne discuss their projects
- Jennifer describes Beandrea's projecta civic house style projecta possible collaborative sort of program between civic house and kwh in the future relating to photography
- Kerry PrizePhil discusses Hal Sirowitz's recent visit as part of this prize
- Proposals Hublet Tom reminds hub members about the proposal hublet website
- Civic House/Writers House potential collaborations
- an intro to Civic House by David
- started in 1998, proposed by students
- affiliated with local schools, Amnesty International
- often a special emphasis on issues of race & class in society
- they believe in forming new partnerships in Philadelphia; making meetings happen between various groups; working with community groups; coordinating student public interest projects; fostering community through educational programming designed for and led by student activists
- Walter
- Civic House has an interest in West Philadelphia, in working with the community outside of Penn students
- Showing students that there is a future for those who are interested in public interest careers by passing on and posting information about jobs to career services and to interested students
- Another goal of the house: to help and encourage student-run groups to sustain while students are leading very busy, hectic lives
- Civic house is not always full: part of its mission statement is that people should be out there in the community
- Sheri - Sheri is a civic house liaison to other student resource groups (over 50 student run groups)
- attends the Black Student League meetings, JHP, Newman Center, Hillel, etc. and reports back and forth between the groups
- understands that there are a lot of like-minded groups on campus, and since Sheri is a liaison to a lot of art-based groups, she is excited to be at a writers house hub meeting because of all the opportunities to collaborate
- Opportunities for COMMUNITY and WRITING/ARTS collaborations
- running a KWH led / Civic House style reflection session
- invite people to think about their work in different ways
- Everyone wants to do wellhow do we feed ourselves while we are working on our own programs?
- giving time to process our thinking while we lead and participate in own community-based programs
- "an organic process"
- Blake and other hub members met with Civic House hub members a few years ago and learned from the experience that the impetus for this sort of collaboration works best when it is developed organically, rather than top/down, and is able to progress in a comfortable, organic fashion.
- David and many others agree about this point re: organic development of ideas.
- Penn Corps
- Shari thinks that there could be an opportunity for a Writers House Penncorps pre-orientation program
- Maybe a mural tour of Philadelphia in September
- Or a session with writers who write in response to city murals
- Working with some of the Penn groups that focus on community initiatives
- Stimulus Children’s theatre
- InterAct theater company
- Friends of 40th St
- Penn Pals
- WPTP (West Philadelphia Tutoring Project)
- Dancing performing arts groupslearning how to dance
- Civic House to potentially offer workshops for volunteers in the Writers House programs Write On! and Saturday Reading Cooperative on how to coordinate and instruct students
- Walter suggests “Poetry and Protest” a one-shot program that would be fun even though we should also strive for a more organic idea over the next six months; we could set up a stage outdoors on 39th st. and have a joint writers house/civic house reading.
- Samantha suggests a collaboration on the idea of community where everyone in writers house has a buddy on the civic house side where we each meet for coffee and take each other to a programan exchange so that we can inform our two communities of what each other can do
- Tom suggests having another meeting and just continuing to flood the room with ideas and float out on them
- Jen suggests a workshop on art and its usefulness in the community
- Theatre and Acting related programs
- Jamie suggests a potential collaboration with Front Row theaterthey produce “socially relevant” theatreKWH has collaborated on a fellowship, but maybe there are more possibilities to collaborate
- Maria suggests getting “The Play’s the Thing” involved in this collaboration
- Stimulus children’s theatre is also always looking for student writing to perform
- Nora suggests that we get students in writers house literacy programs to write plays and perform them
- Shari suggested working with the Penn Music Mentoring Program to generate performances by kidsthis can be combined with Jennifer’s idea on a workshop related to community and the arts
- A possible teachers and writers collective to teach kids about poetry; to have a day together to teach children
- Next Steps - propose a date and time to meet again and work out some next steps on the potential collaborations we would like to try