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- JS Welcome
- Hub Introductions
- In attendance: JS, Blake Martin, Pat Green, Randall Couch, Anna Levett, Vani Natarajan, Nick Montfort, Emily Missner (NEW!), Arielle Brousse, Gabe Galson (NEW!), Matt Abess, Scott, Joan, Lindsay, Richard Lawrence, Maria, Matt Rosenbaum, Christine, Nora, M Tong, Jamie-Lee Josselyn, Sam Barrow, Fred
- Everyone was asked to introduce themselves, and tell us all what color/type of socks they liked the best. Here's the breakdown of hub sock preference:
- sockless: 3
- white: 1
- black: 3
- argyle: 3 (richard prefers whatever his history prof. wears, matt has a large collection)
- reinforced toe: 1
- colored: 6
- non-traditional sock structure: 2
- JS thanks hub for all their volunteer work in october; we couldnt have gotten through many of these events without their assistance. JS reminds those new to the hub about our volunteer resource, the "exquisite corps," coordinated by Adrienne Mishkin. JS asks those interested in EC to talk with her after meeting.
- Proposals Website: JS will send a note to the hub about when it goes live and urges everyone to USE IT. A physical proposals hublet meeting is tentatively scheduled for end of October / first week of November.
- Upcoming Programs
- Marjorie Welish & Peter Gizzi
- Homecoming on Sat 10/16
- We need volunteers from 12 - 6:30PM!
- Open House from 1-3PM, Alumni reading at 4:30
- Live At the Writers House on Mon 10/18 - this months is special, as we are taping at the brand new world cafe / 'xpn studios. The space is large, so we need lots of people to fill up the space!
- Jean-Michel Espitallier - important french poet whose work is being translated into english for the first time. hub member peter schwarz will be cooking dinner for this program. we'll need more volunteers to help in the kitchen!
- Closing: hub reads "On Civil War" (in French and English!) by J-M Espitallier and has a discussion about the piece.