Minutes of Writers House Meeting, 10/23/97

by Christine Sullivan


* In attendance, Kerry, Heather Laszlo, Heather Starr, Rebekah, Kristen,
Al, Jeremy (formerly affiliated with Villanova), Christine, Josh, Ian
* All Hub members are reminded to get a chair for the Arts Cafe.  There
are tentative plans to go together to an auction house or warehouse on
November 1, at around 2:00 PM.  We will need to get some kind of pick-up
truck to transport the chairs.
* Duties and the schedule for the Grand Re-Opening of the House were
discussed.  The schedule for the opening to be held December11 follows:

From 12-4PM: a "marathon reading" and singer/songwriter performances
      5-5:30PM: live music as invited guests arrive
      5:30PM: ceremony/dedication with some light music; presentation
              of a gift to Paul Kelly
      6-6:30PM: a brief tour of the house
      6:30PM: dinner is served
      8:00PM: people start arriving for the open party; Jazz Band may play
* Other suggestions for the day of the Opening:
      * the creation of a time-capsule
      * a special lunch for Penn staff members that are members of WH
      * a "guest book" made out of craft paper

* The money left over from the sound equipment budget is going to go
towards chapbook making equipment/supplies.
* It seems that due to building codes and space restrictions, it isn't
possible at present to have a printing press/small-letter press at the
House.  Only the basement has a strong-enough floor and there's no way to
get a press down the stairs.
* Planning is going to begin soon for a book-making summer conference.
* Anyone that can help out with move-in on Monday morning, come by between
9 and 12.
* A list is being compiled of faculty members who might be interested in
the House and to whom we will give invitations for the grand opening.
* Jeremy introduced a d'magazine, which is a literary magazine in print
form that is based in Manyunk.  He also, mentioned asked that anyone
interested in planning a Philly-area Inter-Collegiate Literary Conference
should contact him.
* Whitney says that the invitations for grand opening will need to be sent
out by November 9.  So between November 3 and November 9, we will be busy
stuffing envelopes, etc.
* As usual, I urge you all to check out XConnect.