Note: This was compiled for use at at LambdaMOO, but is applicable to
other MOOs as well.
This is a compilation of all help topics available to the beginner, together
with some short explanation for every item.
The items below doubly underlined headers (like this: ========) are help
only, they cannot be used as a command.
help -- get helpful texts & command descriptions
introduction -- what's going on here and some basic commands
index -- index into the help system
players -- setting characteristics of yourself
movement -- moving yourself between rooms
communication -- communicating with other players
manipulation -- moving or using other objects
miscellaneous -- commands that don't fit anywhere else
building -- extending the MOO
programming -- writing code in the MOO programming language
editors -- editing text and code in the MOO
tinymud -- a list of equivalences between MOO and TinyMUD
wizards -- what are wizards?
wizard-list -- current list of LambdaMOO wizards
@arb -- current list of people on the Architecture Review Board
LambdaMOO -- the `theme' of LambdaMOO, what new building should be like
manners -- the commonly-accepted rules of behavior on this MUD
cracking -- policy regarding system security holes
help/information/? -- display (hopefully) helpful text
index -- list these:
lmoo-index -- LambdaMOO-Specific Help Topics (#3223)
gen-index -- General Help Topics (#145)
full-index -- EVERYTHING
@who -- finding out who is currently logged in
@lastlog -- finding out when some player last connected to the MOO
@wrap -- adding word-wrap to the lines you see
@more [rest|flush] -- display suspended output
@version -- printing the MOO server version number
@memory -- gives info about server memory usage. useless for non-wizards.
@uptime -- amount of time since the last restart of the server.
help registration -- explain how to get a character
@describe -- setting what others see when they look at you
@gender -- changing your player's gender
@password -- changing your player's password
@sethome -- changing your designated home room
@rename -- changing your name and/or aliases
@who -- finding out who is currently logged in
@lastlog -- finding out when some player last connected to the MOO
@quit -- quit playing session
go - move
home - teleport to your designated home room
@go - teleport yourself to a given location
@join - teleport yourself to a player's location
get/take -- pick an object up and place it in your inventory
get/take/remove from -- move object from inside container into your
drop/throw -- remove an object from your inventory and place it in the room
put/insert -- take an object from your inventory and place it in a container
give/hand -- hand an object to some other player
@move to -- teleport an object to a given location
@eject -- expel sth unwanted from your room
look -- see what an object looks like
inventory -- print list of things carried
whereis -- locating other players
@examine -- print useful of information about the object
@contents -- print contents of an object
@locations -- print names and object numbers of all containing objects.
@parents -- print names and object numbers of all ancestors.
@find #