First English 88 PennMOO Session in Penniman Library

with sides

Upon entering the virtual Penniman Library in PennMOO on March 22, 1995 at 9 PM, student typed "positions" and saw this:
The "triumph of the therapeutic" suggests two assumptions: (1) that
writing about your problems is therapeutic--is a way of dealing (or
beginning to deal) with them... (2) that people are who maladjusted are so
because of personal/individual neuroses, and that such maladjustment is
generally *not* the reasonable result of intense political dissidence. Do
Sylvia Plath's poems criticize/resist/fight against these two assumptions?
Or do her poems bear out these ideas--tend to show that they are more or
less true? 

If you think Plath's poems criticize/resist/fight against the triumph
of the therapeutic, sit on the door side of the room. Type "sit door".

If you think on the other hand that Plath's poems bear out these
ideas--tend to show that they are more or less true--then sit on the
window side of the room. 

If you think the poems don't do either clearly, are ambiguous on the
point--or if you just don't know--sit in the middle. 
They then typed "sit door," "sit window," "sit middle" depending on their response to the question. We turned on the "sides-reporting mode" (@sides), whereupon when anyone spoke there was an indication position. As students changed positions, they stood up and sat somewhere else.


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Last modified: Wednesday, 18-Jul-2007 16:27:47 EDT