A mac program called MacLibs 1.0 (see http://pubweb.nexor.co.uk/public/mac/archive/cgi-bin/location/misc/ linguistics/maclibs1.0.sit.hqx, try several of the download sites listed at this URL until you get one that works).
What it does: Picks randomly from word lists and generate two kinds of sentences (future version should do more).
Most of the output is garbage, but a lot of it is hysterical but weird, some very interesting, and some profound.
Your mosquito sweats under the highway.
(one example probably suffices).
Hysterical but weird
A bug yells inside the toilet.
Another worm screams inside the teapot.
Diabetic housewives ignorantly laugh around lettuce.
My sick kitty collapses on the highway.
Another kitty crawls under the outhouse.
Their girlfriend cusses inside the taxi.
A retarded mother wiggles outside the drive-in.
His psycho goldfish convulses in the sink.
Angry rhinos rapidly mount under lint balls.
Very Interesting ----------------
Your ugly girlfriend sucks in the church.
Petulant cannibals absently chant over raw meat.
My brother burps outside the restaurant.
Horny strippers coyly play with swim wear.
Skinny photographers ineptly wrestle with makeup
Flippant babies ignorantly sit inside witches.
[not the most charitable view of pregnancy...]
Her foul father giggles over the playground.
[rather disturbing, no?]
A confused shrew shakes under the bus.
[Zen moment.]
Crazy politicians gleefully climb over toxic waste.
[best of show!]
Hopefully the next version will do haiku.
Document URL: http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/random-generator-moo.html
Last modified: Wednesday, 18-Jul-2007 16:28:20 EDT