Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:19:56 -0500 (EST) 88'ers: Thanks to Mike Magee for joining us for the chapter 8 listserv discussions. Mike is now going off the listserv, and our old friend Louis Cabri is joining us for part of chapter 9. Welcome back, Louis! Even though the listserv is on "break" for Thanksgiving until Sunday night, Shawn and I do expect 88'ers to begin reading the work on the web under week 11a, 11b - Nov. 29-Dec. 5 - introduction to the "language poetry" movement As for the "Language poets" themselves, George Hartley notes that "from the first issue of *This* in 1971 to the present, [these poets] have establish[ed] an elaborate network of small presses and talk series, a network which has possibly allowed for a greater degree of cross-fertilization and of independence from the defining process of academic criticism than perhaps any group since the Black Mountain school." Hartley's helpful intro essay on these poets is here: Hartley talks about influences on this poetry. He writes: "I trace . . . the recent history of formal concerns in the works of Emily Dickinson, Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams ... Louis Zukofsky... and John Ashbery." Of this group, of course, only Louis Zukofsky is a poet we haven't studied, so what the language writers think and do shouldn't be too much of a surprise. It should flow fairly logically from the earlier chapters of 88. One of four points Hartley makes about Stein's influence on language writing is this: Stein "does not write in order to enclose (define, delimit, decipher) the world but to move within it; in other words, she does not function according to the static determinism of the noun but through the process of relationship." In this sense of relationship, think of Ashbery's "Some Trees." Hartley summarizes language writer Bruce Andrew's sense of the importance of John Ashbery: According to Ashbery, as Bruce Andrews sees him, "The answer is not give up on language and meaning-why write if such were the case?--but to put forward a writing of self-conscious production that recognizes the arbitrary but necessary hoices behind what we determine as truth." Williams is important to these so-called "language writers" because WCW seemed to combine political ideological critique with disruptions in conventional language. This nicely establishes a key point for us: these contemporary writers take a lot from early modernist poetry: Hartley writes: "The notion of poetry as ideology critique, as a specific mode of ideological struggle, associates much Language poetry with the various avant-garde manifestations which occurred earlier in this century (such as early the modernism of Williams)." MORE ABOUT THANKSGIVING BREAK: yes, the listserv is on official hiatus until this Sunday, but...but...that doesn't mean you can't post to it! I'll certainly reply to any and all messages you send. If you have questions about what you're reading from chapter 9, don't hesitate to write. Yet when Sunday evening comes along, you should again feel a sense of obligation to read the listserv messages and post replies. Now have those disjunctive conversations at the Thanksgiving table. I can just see Sara R. beginning such a conversation with her family: "Some turkey," says Sara. "These are amazing," says her mother (seemingly about the yams). Gobble, gobble, goo, --Al