88'ers: One more "housekeeping" (course preliminaries) message from me as we begin in earnest to discuss poetry. Here are four guidelines for using the listserv: 1. INTERACTION NOT LECTURING 2. NAMES ARE NICE 3. DON'T BE WINDY 4. BE LOOSE INTERACTION NOT LECTURING 1. Try to reply to each other. Don't just launch a new comment, from nowhere, unless you really think it's apt. Try if you can to respond to something specific I or Shawn or a fellow 88'er has said before you. This will build a learning community using our listserv (and our chat room and our webcasts, but mostly our listserv). It will make 88v more a community of learners than a group of people reading a lot of email. There's a big difference. This virtual space of ours is a seminar room, not a lecture hall. NAMES ARE NICE 2. Always sign your name at the bottom of your messages. Or, if you are interweaving your comments between those of an earlier message, make it clear which of the new comments are yours (by using your name or initials). At first use your full name. Later a first name or nickname will do. We will remember each other's names this way, rather than email addresses. (Nothing worse than getting to know someone as boogieboo@aol.com or mindblown@mindspring.com or ash8889873@compuserve.com ! Bob, Mindy and Ashley (e.g.) are just more nicer, sweeter. DON'T BE WINDY 3. Write briefly. One screen is more than plenty. A good paragraph is better. If you are replying to something someone else has said, don't just include the entire previous message. Try to edit - cut and paste - the message to which you're responding, so that your own message will be seen by others in the course as directly relevant to something specific someone else has said. BE LOOSE 4. Listserv writing need not be formal. Enjoy yourself. (On the other hand, be considerate and don't just spew forth without thought!) --Al