Chapter 3 - The Reaction "against" Modernism: The Radical Thirties
many U.S. poets joined the efforts of anti-fascists
during the
Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
communism vs. modernism?
Al Filreis describes the transition from the "high modernism" of the teens and twenties to the radical politics of the thirties, with examples from Isidor Schneider, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and William Carlos Williams
, with readings from the poetry by Shawn Walker
Edwin Rolfe,
"Season of Death"
Genevieve Taggard,
David Greenhood,
"Bread Winners"
Ruth Lechlitner,
"Lines for an Abortionist's Office"
overview of the
Sacco & Vanzetti
Thomas Mann on
the word and social responsibility
in a time of fascism (1937)
Max Eastman,
"Modernist Poetry"
Max Eastman's
critique of Gertrude Stein
, from his anti-modernist essay, "The Cult of Unintelligibility" (1935)
Edna St. Vincent Millay,
"Two Sonnets in Memory"
William Carlos Williams,
"Late for Summer Weather"
William Carlos Williams, "The Yachts" (
, p. 321
commentaries on "The Yachts"
Kenneth Fearing,
"Green Light"
poetic term:
"terza rima"
Carl Rakosi's comments
his status as a communist poet
Carl Rakosi,
"Oh, Sestina"
(text and recording of the poet explaining and reading the poem)
Bob Brown,
one poem from his
Aaron Kramer,
"The Death of President Roosevelt"
George Hitchcock,
Wallace Stevens,
"The Man with the Blue Guitar"
Sacco & Vanzetti