Lorine Niedecker, from "For Paul" (1950)section IX from a nine-part poem that was first published in the annual New Directions in Prose and Poetry 1950 (volume 12), pp. 184-85
You are far away sweet reason Since I saw you last, Paul my sight is weaker . . . I still see-- it's the facts are thick-- thru glass: a peace scare on Wall St. . . . O Tannenbaum the children seem to sing round and round one child sings out: atomic bomb not all suckling where Paul is and check-writing but as the queen, Elizabeth, beside the barge that night "longing to listen . . . Muzik is a nobl art" Hi, Hot-and-Humid That June she's a lush She marsh wallows, frog bickering moon pooling, green gripping Fool Keep cool