A French word for a parody or literary imitation. Perhaps for humorous
or satirical purposes, perhaps as a mere literary exercise or jeu
d'espirit, perhaps in all seriousness, a writer imitates the style or
technique of some recognized writer or work. Amy Lowell's A
Critical Fable (1922) might be called a pastiche, since it is
written in the manner of James Russell Lowell's A Fable for
Critics (Lowell was her relative; Robert Lowell was related to
both Amy and James Russell). In art, a picture is called a pastiche
when it manages to catch something of a master's peculiar style; in
jazz these are called "quotes." The term is also applied to literary
patchworks formed by piecing together extracts from various works by
one or several authors. Kenneth Koch has made this integral to his
postmodern art.
dictionary definition:
pas.tiche n [F, fr. It pasticcio] (1878) 1: a literary,
musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work;
also: such stylistic imitation 2: a musical, literary, or artistic
composition made up of selections from different works: potpourri b:
hodgepodge -- pas.ti.cheur n
A note on the source.