Carl Rakosireadings in photocopied handout:
"An Interview with Carl Rakosi," conducted by George Evans and August Kleinzahler (from Man and Poet) Andrew Crozier, "Carl Rakosi in the 'Objectivists' Epoch" (from Man and Poet) "Apparition in a Bus" "In a Bar" "To an Anti-Semite" "How to Be with a Rock" "Abstractions on a Child / Sixteenth Century" "In What Sense I am I" "Image" "The China Policy" "To the Non-Political Citizen" (from Selected Poems 1941) "The Winter Garden" (from SP) "Waiting for a Poem" (from SP) "Emmanuel Hocquard, Gazette du Lecteur, Asks Me for a Poem of Not More Than 55 Typewritten Characters and Spaces" "Punk Rock" "Amulet" "The Nature of Yellow" "Americana" "Oats" "1924" "New Orleans Transient Bureau, 1934" "A Reminder of William Carlos Williams" "Coca Cola Sign" "No Passaran" "The Sense of History" "Objectivist Lamp" "Oh, Sestina" part V of "The Old Poet's Tale"