English 88v live webcast schedule
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technical problems should they occur during the webcast, etc.
- Saturday, September 18, 7 PM: Shawn Walker reading
[A recording of this webcast is now available here.]
Rich Bloom, I.T. support specialist,
monitors the live Webcast poetry discussion at Writers House on July
8, 1999. Viewers on the Internet e-mailed their questions to a panel of Penn
faculty and staff, including, in blue shirt, Al Filreis; to
Al's right, Shawn Walker; to Al's far left (in white t-shirt)
Bob Perelman, and to Bob's right, Kristen Gallagher. The event was
by the Summer Pennsylvanian. |
- Sunday, October 3, 7 PM:
interactive discussion/debate on the Whitmanian mode "versus" the
Dickinsonian mode. [A recording of this event is now
available here.]
- Sunday, October 10, 7 PM: webcast discussion about William
Carlos Williams and modernism. [A recording of this event
is now available
- Monday, October 18, 8 PM: webcast discussion about
Stein, modernism, and the emergence of postmodernism under the
influence of Stein. [A recording of this
event is now available
Here is a photo
album linked to a rough narration of this event.
- Wednesday, October 20, 4:30 PM: conversation with
Marjorie Perloff and Bob Perelman about Gertrude Stein
[A recording of this event is now
available here.]
- Monday, November 15, 6 PM: PhillyTalks featuring Barrett Watten and
Rachel Blau DuPlessis [A recording of this event is now available here.]
- Monday, November 22, 8 PM: webcast discussion about
Ashbery (for the end of chapter 8) and introduction to
language poetry (beginning of chapter 9)
[A recording of this event is now available
- Tuesday, December 7, 7:30 PM: webcast symposium with contemporary
poets, Ron Silliman, Bob Perelman, Jena Osman, Brian Kim Stefans,
hosted & moderated by Al Filreis with assistance from
Shawn Walker
[A recording of this event is now available
- Saturday, December 11, 4:30 PM: webcast performance by and
discussion with Edwin Torres, hosted by Al Filreis
[A recording of this event is now available here.]
Bob Perelman as seen on a TV monitor during the Stein webcast
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