English 88v live webcast schedule

Rich Bloom, I.T. support specialist, monitors the live Webcast poetry discussion at Writers House on July 8, 1999. Viewers on the Internet e-mailed their questions to a panel of Penn faculty and staff, including, in blue shirt, Al Filreis; to Al's right, Shawn Walker; to Al's far left (in white t-shirt) Bob Perelman, and to Bob's right, Kristen Gallagher. The event was reported by the Summer Pennsylvanian.
When the day and time of the webcast arrives, click HERE to begin receiving the webcast signal.

Read this document carefully to learn about how the webcasts work, how you can get help with technical problems should they occur during the webcast, etc.

  1. Thurdsay, June 29, 7:30 PM eastern time - Emily Dickinson
    (You can view the recording of this live webcast by clicking here.)

  2. Monday, July 17, 7:30 PM eastern time - Gertrude Stein
    (You can view the recording of this live webcast by clicking here.)

  3. Wednesday, August 9, 7:30 PM eastern time - Ashbery
    (You can view the recording of this live webcast by clicking here.)


    Bob Perelman as seen on a TV monitor during the Stein webcast discussion.

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