--  "Oulipo: The First Manifesto" by Le Lionnais
Prisoner's Restriction: a russian con's economic missive Ian Monk 
-- The Poet as Outlaw Harry Matthews
-- "Summary" from A Void Georges Perec
-- Lines read at Alix-Cleo Blanchett's and Jacques Roubaud's Bridal G.Perec


-- Locate a constraint in the Oulipo Compendium.  In your own words, explain the constraint or process. Then, write a piece that practices the procedure.  Write a process note at the top. 


constraint, machine, potentiality
Oct 26 The Analytic: art as retrieval
Oulipians: rats who construct the labyrinth from which they plan to escape [...] whole arsenal in which the poet may pick and choose whenever he wishes to escape from that which is called inspiration. -Raymond Queneau
The constraint is a rhetoric of invention which owes its powerful effect precisely  to the fact that it exceeds the cultural expectation defined by the rule.  -Christlee Reggiani
Nov 2 The Synthetic: Newlipo & Oulipo Now
-- from Eunoia by Christian Bok
One of the latent goals of the Oulipian enterprise is being realized before our very eyes: the explosion of a conscious revolution in the way we realize human potential. -curator, Drunken Boat No. 8 Jean-Jacques Poucel
The Oulipo's goal is to discover new structures and to furnish for each structure a small number of examples. -Francois Le Lionnais
The author lurks behind the scenes as the inventor of the constraint and the manipulator of its applications. --Alison James, "Automatism, Arbitrariness and the Oulipian"
--Write a new (invented!) constraint/form/recipe, and bring 17 copies to class.  
constraint, machine, potentiality