Splintered by Peter Ganick SPLINTERED
Peter Ganick

part seventeen.

each obtuse neighborhood
cancels agreements, one and two
wisdom’s thought of inert
         the verb
         collagen to sky

prompt gregarious reality
informs her instinct for
eros, piled down in the
heather, events radiate the
job-descriptive anachronisms
of detailed entries

one slide though fruition
appoints the reduction where
each lemon-lila informs
tolls and hijackings


in a resisted epoche
tidy lip on a cut crown

precisely what delivered
a charged electricity
for names to follow adrift

after two thirsty compadres
they shovel crossed figments
that a skipping stone
found hard to swallow


posturing above therefore
lobby for the hotel
extravagant gifts
puerile and sincere
whose animosity reaches many

car of the meanings
laid up rear door assonance

merits an ocean
how else flamboyant bureaucrats
  can fulfill attitudes once?

that fixates
any certified element


vicarious voices, thousand-
light chandelier, telling of
fused retractions such that no
insecure edifice narrows
discourse and its familiars

alert     		   hymnal
      telephone token
 either		   listener
         hedonist removals
dietitian nutcracker
erroneous tirade
		   ask if
treasures restrict leisure,
eros, no spit on
a threaded care of functions

slither along the corner
walled in alligator
near a fountain


what believes
as a long shred

an exchange
one for one
each equinox

widemouthed jars
recreate the surface
that presence
corrals around here
reviewing aspects
of the cell wall


thick with life
the extremist molecule
acts as a diversion
to nary a fortune
and haste

and worthy of restraint

no camera obscura
is whatever added
and felt handshake
that a rumor
once meditated
supplies with fabric


deleted animal mimicry
as all weeping surgeons
care to inform shot days

relapse exact originality
once then diluted
retrained to
change in the middle
of foul language overheard

the next room
now understands connections

lies here the tiller on rides
no hammock / hassock
capably resistant
incurring mood’s respite

people closer or close
know what to ignore
which wicker furnace
is an easy distinction
between and betwixt


connoisseur of cap-stones
reflective pools, billiards
on romeo, turkestan tithes
the mutants
                  after and out of
                  ten minutes

muscle and obtuse firings
the father-impulse
never talked abruptly
hungered and feared from
               ooze from
               a tube

venture a concrete project
karma on the ruse
of no separation, visibility
thirty percent
                    on time to


this planet, this
sky and water, feed
the earth a diet, gaia
a large puddle near
fireplace and song

will eventually fall off

looks different here

what can’t be avoided:
circular resonance of
token predicates that
remind of concept
wrested away
from the material plane


sit to stand
lie to roll over
acts well on your time

everybody on top
  of first love
pajamas and caffeine
garble a crossfire
waving on is merited, slides
a door ajar, permits entry

idiosyncratic, limned to
primp, hellion ratatouille
separate checks, a normal
restaurant whose bride
(now an appetite) serves cool
density, that off-hand talk

worsened by accumulation
each tsar takes forty
  minutes, then
impresses perhaps twice as
  fast, then
simmers on the coast
  in july

serious tolerance
of the material monarchy


white rectangle, determined

everybody on first blue-line

narrow cylinder, black smudge

would have attention
where otherwise (non-
quixotic) feet first, each the
prompt simulacrum of
tendentious affidavits

plan ahead for the data
a day, a dare to speak, out

lenses reduced, too late for
private showings of all
that arouses curiosity

in fact (usage reminder), no
propped up carom
                            (caveats to
sugar) visits each of the
billions of people
that shake the hand
  of multiplicity

any eager reminder, to be


accumulates glue
betwixt a troll’s avarice
a magic pup-tent
slept off the sickness

almost a purchase
keep up foam cushions
actual upkeep
kept from pain
an inferior waiter

dog tag, multiple ministry
always at these lines
much practical evidence
and lurking in abbreviation
no attribute of hers
a language spat upon


guru locus
here straight on
because of daily practice
no food in stomach
motives cancel aporias
that cause cleanliness

hygienic april
the furthest sample
once each five years
now well overdue
the sandbox emotion
makes a page of a 

without wetness, the sunny
appearance a dodge for the

                   then acrimony for
the sorrow of beneficence, to
prop up diversionary comforts
they hail cabs


get hired, go
seek consensus,
revert to palindromes
then the surface expands

nowhere but good will
elderly at the rim

financial mimicry reduced
  to one’s halt in arrival
sudden optional solos

a limitless infinitude of
effects a level of dialogue
intended for presence


the famous skidoo run
clipped your wings
without another parcel
to infer tidings are there

already ahead of yourself
therefore a rhythm establishes
a nuance of short information’s
plus the non-allowed
self-referentially pachebel

attendance front and back
magic liquid doesn’t
so what else could
and if such, then why wouldn’t
knowledge’s basis
in carnal stealth
the coinciding motive
all a part of it
would result in fancy free
listings in your newspaper


someone speaks english here
and when accuracy wanes
everybody uses less measure
to fanciful fulfillments
on radiant smiles that
harbor no grip on reality

during the season
crabs criticize brawls
from southern promontories
hopeful as soon as disaster
the error of suit and tie
strikes the mood of
convoluted batteries of words
left on high roads
in consentual discards
that none else
caveat general simplicity


big hands
a pleasing appearance
name and form
recued and where found
intact, not bothered with
by either space downtown

the basis (or at half) is
illegitimacy (then score
a casein virulence) refuted
(virulence) by steadier hands

the rate of decay
controls vision of the center
so looking forward to
the role, commerce with
insight and memory laughed
away things unsaid

experience’s topic
never experienced
lest they flee


sweet, thousand petalled,
infractive of emissaries

the data once thin
now out the other orbit

black shire off her recall
out to lunch
                   a quasi
                from way back
                their salaries
             in the supermarket

genuine lift as far as
  it goes, a
critical mass assembled
  with crow’s feet, cross-
    hatching and fever
even if flat-chested
rally from burgeoning radar

sound therefore experience
therefore divergence
an odd custom

whiskey surfaces ingredients
at an incoherent wrong

total fusion
always accepting of installed
  elements, a term
like mathematic freedom

known for poor usage
with nothing less a fluke
than the angle
declined by instruments
a soft grip on girl’s waist

telling attitudinal
no chakra lest they fly
slept over the skin-tight
  body, named by
experience, pick up the cups
anyone morose gets no climb


a retrofit emotion
chagrin for accountable
team silo, the fred and

roped into changeable
  error, the
friend sacrifices legitimacy
on pools i’m sure

nowhere else
the neighborhood
hasn’t even looked

tarred and feathered
when the fear goes away

lions act for additives
one impulse to add


heroes and / or artists
flavors, inductees

ride fruit to receive
and go, background
is understood almost
  a rivulet

entirely one damn prize-
  winner, a
hooker for god, lists
         prime steward, police,
then the role of applications
for one teaches everybody


forced streets, carnal
idioms refute organic and
linear overflow, just a
wool over cat’s eye
            pleasing to reflect
upon standard synco-
pation (chakra / lotus)

           feeder bias
the top of one thing after

           fuses defy
additions often wet nurse’s

           privacy offered
a docent, arrow, a
           lenten crucifix

           attach the


sextuple aspect as
            kept caged for
a year
         chews choice for
               of pronto print

entice, fulfill
       a condom appalled
by organicist emotions

            twined for
spread outer / inner

hurdle this
                nowhere else
in veterinarian
  promo glissandi

fertile ensign
  prongs of the ocean
    tins of fresh


their full sound
i’m a notion for notation

vermiform clusters adapt
to ensure at studio
the drivel necessary by
formed and left twirls

lost key
a fringe appetite
lemurs and manatees
hire a vessel
fake to the secretary
a bunch of final reports

trash informs
sequins that receivership
can’t violate, understood
as for whiplash
the alterior muscle
is less well behaved


premonitions overflow
  the basis that’s
    kept in line

torturous chameleons
eat some wadded bulls
therefore healed
industrious wrong address
lined up for presence

      winsome tapping
      on if you move,
      pops up in another

echo tide
indecent appeal, back
to clutter up the lights
stranger than fractures

culpable         index
to promise to record a
  tactile inventory


packets of
(overused) cutting edge
                  anchor stipple
teleport advertiser
                  annual foot

defined by this wall
each lien from holes
  to tee and fry appeals


sat a time to abbreviate
  friday morning
clear up dusty flounces
trash on file to be
  half there

and hah! indistinct and
  soon to surface


adept at moving
large appliances
in one thrust from here
a day at soft-hands
automatic repayment

who every item
perches in punishment
a joker for hostilities
that thirst for 
  indescribable echoes
a broom surge error

pronto they scrape
tossed information
alive or docile and alive
linger at the treadmill

everywhere thous and
the stale mint overcomes
  great fluxes


in one supreme effect
the client of none other 
seeks prior confirmation
adept to score

vertical infancy derailed on
cars, hook score tile dense
apportioned roles

tenderness in feral cavity
that a scapegoat refers on
one sleaze, that a dim prop
could but otherwise

they show sugar
feed vocal on time


no affect more grandiose
more or less the leaping
  forward, ingenues
  can carouse, effectively
canceling architecture
  and impartial noise

standard glitz
not visited in yearlong
threatens to negate options

on a scale of one time
  favors, they
  (reductive of
  empowerment) (as
if) (tinsel town) demand
what are you that induce?


close to clash
not usually so strung
the fear that laughs

fortunate music, region’s
               the flat out
from belle rhizome, tone
to talk fashion
                      call time
             (unseen miasma)
terror by largesse
to ensigns of the intuited
  epoch, no
trigonometry said to them
of a far-reaching pony tail,
not running away

an up-tempo poison
accented to agree with
a colder tyrant, all correct,
left the door ajar


each echo of volunteerism
covered by scraps
remembers the appointment

it is a muscle
to share evasions with emotion

spend no artifice formed
or decreased

the time otherwise
flicked abruptly to engage
one date, therefore, old
night’s arrowhead
scolds the genuine
never endears


each episode if solid
pertains a widemouthed area

listing from stargazers
in the column, time ahead of
the lots that focus

onto protected ascerbic
or implanted (fit for fun),
down to it in agreement
that controlling episode
manicured expertly

persuasively enforced though
produced (procession) that
effulgence if precious
tops off sale data


lasting four years
if memory’s occlusion
is that part of the book, name

eradicate sanguine
accrued by the feet
of indistinct merriment

on the closed beach
should knowledge accelerate

as durable as infinity
samples best torsion

filament of agreement
mercy on science, the
  role of indoctrination
  always near


eradicated by curiosity
thoughts follow date-lines
to precision, always,
and for exams, piles no
one feeds sore hats as a
dichotomous conceptual-

	not long

	scarring so venial
a tortoise inserts traction
between learning and primacy

deference implies accession

on one side they realize
concept! the cordless context
imitative of empathy, no
rideau possible for
	less filtered
	chaise lounge

	the foot
greedy liquids instigate
motion, the actors refuse

portions defied
anyone spotted the boot


one’s ability to perceive
greatness indicates no
guarantee of thought on
that level by the perceiver

rally forth acrylics on
display by pressuring a
problem into solution

naturally foregrounded by
valises, the unquote, listed

ego almost say error
subtle insistence
on one fused directive

ramified indications lean
prodded by on-line moons


will someone sing? an
effect or a reality is soon
awaiting necessary singing

the female finds material
genesis with notation and
scales that serve blunt

vertigo: artifact of tentatively
erogenous lyric hamstrung
entertained ligament’s horror
fly thoughts and indistinguish-
able words on surefooted

a momentum established
by the one weak sentence
in procedural mind
scramble the appreciation
not other than icy


getting testy
by river’s duodenum
a calculation isolates
fully read only in memory
head in the cloth

getting earth too loud
for being busted by
flaunting lordship, crew
cry the aorta once after
looted riots refer
lectern, dial intensity

the guys mask as open-
ended sonic vertigo by
replacing cold yardsticks
with large tables, sprays
stimulated, one person
a foil for grey lineage

temptation sleeps near
where every happening
swerves to correctness as
blind oceans skim the
fooled tissue, deflected
from perjury, two
chairs inside


to keep aside the mocha
steamer, perhaps they’ll
essay a bridge to another’s
world somewhere in the
softness necessary to flee

some inimitable two hours
vamp till roadies nod

news from those affronted
by chestnut (perhaps) songs,
a divergence of notation such
that songs from thought and
memory in a fashion are indexed
by real close-mouthed fullness

radiance and subtlety
justified only by
her retaining consciousness
where acidity is not blunt
as rolls herein too


that sort of license
running out of wall-space

decent applause for house
band, male or female, a
chopper of vice and leisure

noon by the clock, one
wall cornered by overruns
on process, hopping material
longeur on the foreclosed


already unmanageable
a rare resource
caught in new phases

the proper distance
for evaluation to report

rodents and mackinaws
lines to all those persons
leave it to some elsewhere-
finalized thin armaments
in the ocean of mantras

temptation of solid armor

what hails from where!?
mortal entry of amnesty
a band forceps can’t 
well into the holiday
an obvious punch becomes
defensive and unending


terminated on the sport
suffer they to prioritize
vast trial-shoves

	on plastic

appreciable		each
  told to scamper         lens
time spun aims at chicory
	oven-ready     why?

challenge the street
commiserate over a new agenda
formless ivory coattails
when lineage places
  one hurt bandoleer
never near tiraliraloo
  tyrolean scalpels

symmetry obtained, west
earth for house, hospital
incapable of coherence,
tonight overcome for
a stunt receiver


terror / magic
archangel / belief

rottweiler / white noise

  that flux defends

a magician and how feelings
  show thought
	the armor told prior
	to fend for selfish
orbital walker talker as
  than ordinate message

	spaced out
	in wraps


karmic overlord
		tool of
false modesty that		
		a receipt
of information always glues

zone of predatory games
the book for a dance
tone one day by error
	total aversions

porsche inimical
		spaced out
usage of repetition
		tone’s melody
the australian wench
		fax monique
this appeal when
		shorn and
fed with


friday this organization
renounces typos

	top crows are playful
	one word
	   why the nearness?

respond to issued torrents
that flutter, six items for
the presence of limitations

the day before, the
day, the day after, the day
after the day after

artistes and venture capitalists
hard workers
	        already plural


other names cling to the
  brainpan, a sutra
offers lifts, prompts here
less tarpaulin, six copies
for embryonic squeals

slither about the shells
a jamboree tithed to
chalices and ghouls
odd sci-fi data, mellow
  (ordinate) ordinary
caftan poisoned

squirm properly at times


consent to diverge is
the parallax of multiples

the cornered recipe
reverts to a silent nighttime
foraging for echoes
team skill asked

a facet of the collector
pervades animosity to
prior talent
	the weather not
	second daring
to form close-knit
to prioritize entities’
  sole ride


riled, in fact, married to
a tool of corrals, time’s pod

experience lands luckier
  normalizes a rope tire
  collateral imposes echoes

could’ve expressed
 	a dense fabric of
signature, the clerk, riddle 
compared outward
	a world orb licensed
	and tampered with

rightly overturned the
  deep-sea real-tone client

jam the statement of wisps
torrents perhaps receipts


on tricks that squirm
too-xtian closeness, tidy
tonight’s vestment,
even difference’s cardshark
has totality resulting in fifty

sentential jasmine
appendices for ravenna
skids topic’s alternate

anulterior sandcastle 
  voids conduct
the least friend topically

everybody, everyone

thread a scooped illustration
for the small changes that
serialize efforts
to the blinking rodent

a quirky advice
honed for her


merry tide walls offer
dirt, well cloaked aspersions

trivial organization
thought to sample ruin
an archival immodesty

the close-knit candy princess
toll scheme ordinary
pleasing to return
a father of conifer cleats

noon on disaster’s diet
the cordless agreements
 are ready

each global sire
ridden if schemes for dryers

risk telling predators
to predate for salsa purpose
a dancer’s released figures
no house nor horn


karmic overload, how pre-
cise endarchies eliminate
	to be the stuntman
	or gigolo of
whose captive arrangement
is cool in feathers
	            	the frosted
enclave calls bituminous
adepts failures
		a new punish-
ment arranges the morning
not waited for
		told time,
told receipts, told hammers

one disgruntled poison
drycleaner spittoon
where doubles induce


threads notified, told
himself, buy half a cake

prompt avoidance
slept late
	 details cause
safe worlds to prosper
in illusory surfaces

which seen to be monday
is not

referee basket-weaving
because they (candid as
name) can do violence
to the reeds

		now accept
forged effects as
		from the
  mutandis mutandi
  the lotion
	surfaces to
	small talk


call christmas copy

thinking of three regularly
pitted songs
                   crossed arms
by heart
	the celeste of 
                prongs on teats
             total scramble
a virtual symbol 
                         of conduction
                flush left
trip tagsale


the periodic manner
as straight as glut

top armaments always topped
by material time, saguaro
  cactus pinecone
proselytize evidence to
  swerve on contact
deep respect and admiration
  for the glass slipper


how to de-gift where
prompt (proper), lie down

vapid cellulose
machine, a faulty scenario

delight at one a m prospers
as noise escalates
into non-geek saline
  soluble egos

lines patience for adult-
  concerned lapis

already serves to plead
the synonyms
a stale ramp glows
the morning arrangement
  steals crisp talk

the slaughter never ends
except as thought


change after
what has?
is the climb
to absorb piracy?

on decalcified terms
the wafer-cling
full frontal 
imperatives and

songs hold onto ringing
laments from feet

when what is
is what you see, could
instruction prize
these new faces?


rope a snarl of
  time at official energy

vast arsenals still exact
for sketch distance

the same orbit
likes change
paper-thin walls
  hide no song
that incidents
  can’t frame

hurdles imply reason
though tenuous couch-
ride somnolent
  epicureans to the limit


indoctrination and
enrolled in silence of
a baritone saxophone
the total diameter about six

genetic suffering, 
in the open
early information leaps
forth from signals that
waking could have left
a message

spilled on tarnished
easy light referring to
expendable entities, still
wrong and when aches
trade on time, on-line
chipmunks become 

took ranges of carpools
to a crime on the second
land of an intolerable
hiring policy

deformed litigants already
prepare echoes of con-
venience to entice
litigants, as such, pro-
forma durables


with experience
on caveats
that romance
knows waking

paranoia always
intends no harm

what would
you have to
	on a

no architect’s
ranged from
other practice
car accident


when survival
entails looking
one placecard
reveals choices
automata infers
without degree
precisely that
control often
sleeps (hardly)
ipanema song
cries from
world visible
too large
forgotten and
not forgotten
at timepieces
who have
listened this
far, can-do
operatives each
name no


was a world on your
mind when appeals
do no better feature
than stealing a chair
in front of everyone?

whose documented error
notices missing the one
person who can listen to
either / or savants, as a
range of experience
clicks in?

from precincts’ non-use
strange blood from
  greedy artificiality
  (artisans), no
unsure face presented
  to entire days
that a closest intro finds
campaigns of joy

inscriptive of slowdown

ratiocination frees no
  other orbit


black around town
green and aromatic

triple agendas
remind of icily-instructed

rapacious (limits the
	shared song)
(as likening to the
  unusual expulsions,
proud to have found
a typo, how
one presents that world)

then to topic


lenient apple director
collectively rated by
corrigable efforts into
deduced ophelia melody
prompt drop-off in fact
docile doped gimcrack
one samples

orbital sunnyside up
the envelope says dog
tone peeved pervasively
countdown to ways that
say music / word dualities
don’t flourish without
stating names of each 
flowering bush, 
on porch of tide


why is the wonder
by which
organization collects
ratios of conscience

to promise, understand
a visible strangeness
gathers facets before
ordinate radioactivity
reels in another confiscated

collapse on the notice
of natural orgasm, that
quiet concern to
pronounce what now
broods unsightly in

a pneumatic elevator
automaton transcendence
until rodeos (alarm
elantra) visit in-house

  + + +

Splintered part 18