part eighteen. each expedient of the micro- organism totals a synchrony of proficient passing it is the same poison reflected in the mirror dappled-benefit-astronaut leading to foment revulsion trireme-collagen-exact-knife time spun organizations all fear, docile enticements by the small pouch never adapted nor spun the fever riddled by poetry, lets you insert itemizations once green now fly-away + books sample the brown elephant now miniseries tell to fling arousal this way or that top-coat not loss pyrexia of the novice loosens understanding where nothing saying fullness could find inversion or a tool’s involvement greedy as the silence lurking in a hologram, 3-d expulsion, no cute lissome vineyard a flagrant vocabulary now tangled and inward, name is forged the line shape dietitian + style of reportage pick up, check memory small cabled stews fringe-apostle-tyrolean choice venture more conceptual than arrivals hold breath down verify a real vagrant for an approximate page count agenda often surmised by a total freeze then seventy arising in a stadium (filled and conducive to triplicate) that prints warning labels urgent amniotic essay the form and color, a lapidary echolalia, song shock topic prompt visible on says no + each act of piracy nodule-flavor-binaural reflection didn’t haven’t that for sure a few minutes later the mystic apparition selects arrows with which... contusion, the large star bread-winner, the honed biosphere sonic apparati what was this budding used for before? is no answer told of the three-thousandth time in face of colorful clusters reads of newly-wept organizers + err on the side office nowhere else to think over largess from policy a choice goes undefined barrage in bistro not hello from that full arch, motor fell in on honda a limitation for phlegm larceny, what to say queer fringe on blouse garb-garden-nauseous excelsior, all that motion orbital émigré, letter in code lets you arrange chameleon-versatile-journal fixate unlike a sestina as gyrations explode a podium of warm wire sculpture tedium of tipped crowd + whose electorate reads freely? not now nor non active liposome-quantum either economy meaning a trick knee propulsion tonight provoked time and again the wet-suit forced to wipe feet, still a princess to screw over trouble with attitudes the version replies: is kiss enough for now? lipreaders’ glossalia ersatz blue and white uniform not happening, then a rondo, a space for conductors that provided is now later + a pile of magazines on cut-down meteors not today may choose the viral stadium still-caftan-nausea ligeti in the box office flunky for birdseed toned down now primed to plane in recent pintos almost any iceman conscious of timpani sex by the numeric quota defines panda lineages normality far away + should they eliminate from consciousness the bipolar predilection for obesity, would coriander be first age insolence that policy would deconstruct? truth normal agenda by ten o’clock as confused to exit the only word tonight cares for is that one handshake (aspersive of emptiness) (stolen ego) feeding topmost the thin rail + everybody everything all stave off indirect trios’ ace to think of resin the agglutinate ochre a benchmark taste for compared with big hair shaft eloquence before organs decide the validity friendship a big smile thought thrown, aware of reconciliation a punishment foregone that one space on-going style and panache regrouping stray on-going expulsion: metal on processed wood + vertical alert filing papers tendentious halter for great whiplash creditor conehead virulence however dancers spoken early ice, flood of lust’s ersatz majority fire to achieve sentiment their more food ignoble clot sits on the news pared overture down to a page + the church atom pried from glucose serpents found too large for greed that redoubles redundancy thousands of patterned sharks, as things go, share eros, the closeted reprobate urlauf garden variety wrought and known from wherever appliances remove early debt, in cartels origins of closed-foot alacrity already sporadic and tonic might not work be none above redundant while wet hair collar tithe wide toxin licit for premonitions’ vast orchestra + nothing, permafrost is apparent, an oriental sofa, carport by issue, the frieze for temperate agoraphobia, radioactive etiquette: they browse they pout and are unseen rise of a mountain, focus upon an offered torso buttress arid ornate and fit, lion body option (venial) is would like to that title, the balance happening within one choice statement exeunt viral continuity, spiral docent impervious celebrity + music of pitted grind acts on toccatas, hibernate, s o s, treason open cooperate, no excitement those ply a cruel retinue talk adept collector is worker- bee coherence token dime frankly, rescue acts miles away the terminus recoups gluts by attention to defiance always the un- timely regalia, nervous tone, cry of delirium with wire-below tricks + other climbs suggest themselves, the rage for rock, and the celebrity coded for excision what a gutter-snipe! almost some other orbit could count on heartlessly defined circumstances as a closed page listed hellcat, to scamper floor-to-floor in non- attendance, homefront, duplex citizenry, rage for relationship now song and vessel tournament think into throats large under loops higher than fright the lock-up shook-down + not to taste eyelids farther away than receptacles would prefer glass-plastic glasnost-plexy aporia-glutton-farce totally of two minds to choke the zip code of intervention without simulation the most eager can’t focus leap over the tip of her snout, green collections savor pastimes that elaborate upon grossest noise trio-limpet-jealousy wind-up for pictured movements the music of context an alarm with conduits of tones and grace + float-flaunt-flute the cold of sugar suggests itself, versatile, noisy an appendectomy selected this tide for poison pcb-ddt-isbn--- terrific spread of that un- likely anxiety, trial of the eleventh hour, sub- merged voices, advice limitless as intervention the button for cronies heel to buy-outs shell trick prompts games linseed cropped to loudness, spoke to someone of nothingness, correct usage, a flirt with the unknown, always circulating in the blood of contention + secondary amateurs betrayal, organic culture leap to ramakrishna theocracy-search-fidelity the consequence envisions reconciliation that tall person bringing australia up home to light of ousted expulsion ego ---- yoga / bhoga inflame a broken earth words reduce explanations same green sweater a chakra tingle, verse of commonsense fire if jaundice, elector freezer one statement promise and meted out + lest they flee unformed an echo tips the balance twixt orbits a face of greeters and movie-addicts give way to a service light now yoga of silence lit hell’s trio, precinct of visible response here despite his attendance it is important to think out a willful error some thousand-fold ego supplies a material machine when regrouped for exit + wide belief more ink than stellar river to fix fact of a parvenu ocean visitor predating told confused the spin-drop moment in facing a second run, two icons deliver think satguru, mix with choice and disengagement hurries a twin orb’s trio bricolage effectually out weasel at ill promise the tiger astronaut on shelf + for calming think a recent act on sunday wrong bed-time there / here her concrete apprentice understands the immateriality of non-agency data plus effectual isolation no term without mantras the underlying claim is a thought of radiant echo one light featured in non-attendance we shower cards of fun on visible and likely pleasure vedic curio the artistic glue now mix yoga / bhoga built into creation to things that slide + her predilection proves visible anonymity recoils from voice anyone walks about selling trample is now over spiritual / new age oil in lamps tiraliraloo interest varies policy filled with sugar thought of a total you isolation is self-reflective more for horrid people though juried-in on a lasting effulgence a pointless pedant his serial deception that one-hour exclusion + awaken sure-footed crow-side-error-poll pool-criminal-action and bet crises determine the earth, a full ghost hot in jury, kitchen larceny motion now overt, primps quasi-routed servants, toxins unduly versatile, when xerox-yogis zero-in on you + surface eggshell white now tangibly retained gamble apologies under a lark from heat, shot torrents of pilfered souls word: think gruesome spirit of mantra, a license to free in space in time exercising that service freer as trial scope frankly ticked-off and sent as an invitation for him then up until avarice spatial guilt couldn’t seek a virtual omicron without set-down impulses to seek a song of intersection + just to seek consent for riled libations tune a donor, filiated experient, commensurate with firepower uncertain quartet (code nine) one mellow ivory the information a false reason pundit, guilt heel to once the shared reality gone accomplished, in fact shorter, express idea, flee a hurdle wednesday + informal emotional circus one affable other a hug a huge indication of more presence to define as non-fictive where saying resumes the shift very, face in the hair strange breasts, descriptive opener, now desolate ink rode-through then sacrosanct in that eloquence impaired by large pianos ten hours later the redactive, sure of some- thing overlooked from event radio + if structure restricts thoughtful consigned arcs to probe down would the expansion of time fall over the agriculture of size? wrapped muscle, a hopping crowd, a teardrop on time’s exposed usage a created silence twice joined and artifact constructed in the avoidance of nominal neologisms + even tactile omni vessel tries caught illusionary snarl sneaker snow trickery of fomented disc erroneous track-meet stare collectively rehashed oil a corrective connection each banter oil can now wait tom-tom-suture-adept cloisonné triolage erased into bias tent-down-stimmung recognizant epilepsy jabs to what side + theragran interlude influx lucid anathema associate cheerful-organicist-route non-alliterative both sides of creation blot our organs’ lethargy, walker reigning in upon tethers teletext concept if various coil deduce animism mouth on choke litigant back through swarms of voice, think overly testy, the blood only in discursive stylists teeth to supplant courteous and rhetorical + bludgeon over-sensitized to coordinate effectively terrifies anonymously when picked up the esophagus retains vitality hello that lost interceptive ideology waited several years till commerce could deploy arrangements after job service tertiary, now binge, toreador jurisprudence muscular symphony correctness aroused flying over the depths + what looks strained never fails walking street prism’s cordless texture vital to animal trios under suspicion adapted to ingredients on happiness when janus-faced echoes tell of legal partners to whom world-conduction offers options old chances already starved overhand teller’s motive reduced to ivory now adequated to reality + taking from elsewhere to be finalized (indoctrinated served elongated expressed visited) vacuum of the encounter a drifter’s dinner, that ardor of homerun daytime secretaries largess a fool forgot to bend attachment from conscious eggshell white aversion to philosophy frigidity as arpeggios that scramble dividers, now knows what else that social scissors called conversation + sotto voce, the known matters, lexus, virtuous reality, dusk breadth, thick indifference retinue for dispersion encyclopedic discouragement replanted sundown, take the carrier of lateness, a toreador’s letter decays on a princess’ epaulet star-snowy-beach litter-alert-curmudgeon dictation-aneurysm-telephone endeavor simulcast no suggestions not hierarchic nor hereaftered into guilt + after the role of curio they prepare leaves to ride secondary articles into overcome harmony a bit afterward to decide lest the crony deflates eyelids in front for promises of control one factor of too mild erasures defines wringing hands as the resistance to wooden shoes taller than the talons that escape from memory always with a reason to demonstrate some side of appearance as focused upon ingestion + if it builds it will decide what shape forgot it as crowds of recent bell- bottoms terrify with less conduct, my appeal to logical states reminds which weren’t expendable here till homefront associations’ regency appalls the nuance by elephant stamina one aspersion redoubled both once the stadium files by planet day over heroic acts the roped extra limited pronouncing stupor in decimated indigence the scarlet asp tonight always fermented by rescinding apples doorways and top total on dual forces + one differs because theater has effect in this case overstated riveted to a scream two days later one knows less prefect of dulcimers, the railed-against near that matter, no, one scores deals however formatted through genesis often a planetary spy, the removal of copious rules told if not furthered + more words than visible near quarter of... inferno if decimated align-toccata-starlet happy and for correction maybe torn small echoes show signs not to replace with teeth the arrangement (twixt and between) winding a way through experience, alerted as formless thought instigates what will hear + what is sought by early density? on and then on to speak targets think of nowhere they take care that nothing is seen or begun by nature theater expects when and if the fond glance replaces with structure the silent major d’omo is still with silence at another place quality organizes trust from a hunted-down breed lemon quilt the pressure the lack of judgment a partial capitulation unnecessary + perhaps pungent (aromatic) asked to be pure telephone on side perhaps gone fluidity with a calm extra just an unlimitable network shards and extortion spare tires and feeder-hoses young appearance nowhere induction confers + what is broken when blocked? not to fix elevation at monad resound, small world (worth) that encompasses error for a cling nothing started this summer better than fertile ascots that deport enshrined attitudes watched closely a rainy sky febrile encryption an almost illegible sympathy interminable trickery trumpet and alto sax teams decry offering whose waiting romance is well prepared + on a falling rock grows a mushroom virtually isolationist visibly attracted attach to no other the orbital onslaught recalcitrant vibrations from models over code nine prized for recondite assertions the severance of donut holes holidays change the rondeaux from irate to sedimented in fact starving tones convene at an ultimate limit of language in thought as it is not spurious of the interpretative memory (miasma) lectures and spreading vines (banyan) topics that regroup upon just things once dislocated inferior moments relay sunny scalpels visible etiology, new ramakrishna, to soak in ghosted rises, no incoherent idiot from brutish offset or klingon vituperance a long shred: to eleison of mantra senescence to repay at an interval of haste + all this, ahoy the muckraking edifies no one saline, didn’t openers punch outward holidays each limit wide of notation till the order stabilizes the replacement might be a giantess in heat whose hurried cold-pack a trick collector now satisfied no ingenue, the code can suffice itself + trial run: admiration depends on moodswings as heinous as marble as whomever you call guy with strange hair woman with sushi book carillon music deploys easily relates elastic not pimple on roof of mouth salient diverse arctic waterfall where it goes to binary decoys is super-ultra exactness a reminder for chokers of deceit? din apropos delivery never the attitude of children both funny bottom egg + adamant sayer lastingly traced, on for the wife, call it code, imprecise or nowhere that destruction inhales is normally recalled in peace to expunge romeo the dicey juliet (night- crawler), now goofy kids near blouses and brass error, fido newsworthy something special if a theological melanoma incurs folios (here once to find armatures singled out) + odd garnish full of time the loss often an intellectual remorse sequenced to a fireplug that has dogged the aircraft world sentiment (if, now, and why?) welching on reported effect devices create foreign placements seize the beautiful, adrift in copious luxury freak skywriter took the bait of what is thought about therein spontaneity recognizes inputs that scald once flagged down to an earth series + ex-tent tickets for rambunctious admiration a night off-sequence all purchasers ahoy gargoyle oil paintings, the bestial never seeks trig (prick of the nettle) as inflamed sermon at talk in bedded hurry possible naive testament the refraction always here influxes of pomegranate fragrance mood (hands off the crate, next to a solemn variety), commence a topic, strays by the mortar of inflection’s concept think to transcend a new ladder the sky-schemes restraint of ear on is once closer advaita mantra, the scene after escape + who could eye-ball a declassified magnet easy together, aim of the rule they skip patter on a free drama how aesthetic impositions never tire of philosophy the heart under the signature receivers of pardons, at a beach in the south, what you like those caught up to bridges as regulation expects no tyrant + cling to the story of condiments / entrees / fixated bravura always shiner later socialites impose naive tokens of memory an idiot-mojo of style as attitude, a sick ego covets alignment to smiles’ remembrance of critical causation inkspot hasty ink soup con (will text?) that inquiry timeless without consideration of if anything sticks + predatory insolence traded wide, ahead of mute sixteen, learning lust and the insincere souciance of control not years away at motion’s escape sat halfway routed and not practical for corrected idiom, eyelash terminator bic lighter, mister experience trio hale and heartless, the season adroit from clear substitution, driveway largess + even-handed redoublings remain closeted in skill skeleton’s agency reflex coterie wander-show-smooth fixated bell sample, back room anarchy, trivially experienced lotto gains lateral smile ready, too- erogenous an ellipse code none for the artificial somebody’ll prime the correctives lest they fly through outer venues + risen to expertise when some heal the fused replaced with largest arteries excoriated, prys open the flounce, cantilevered idiots, all hunger for promised either wet the napkin, scolding tortoises when passé elephants cloy none impressed less than the referent of attrition world pouch, veterinary immodest import abandon ship! tolls from exchange eros as red line attenuates + packet already open, time spent along the river, is versatility from an aardvark to a zero (if captive) ineffective on valium this neighbor aligns within tolerance for potent embrace a humid artisan notated by hundreds that escape, peasant error the force of time on radiant asseverance persons that imply music front door to front door less more is more less + scansion abysmal a bus on the chip labels learn listening some as many no new ice collapses in piracy, index a product one really likes so they can tell any other prediction the licorice of abandonment tore through soft walls each expression heightened by solitude the apex of mystery hassles no other agenda soft talk will become this paradise + move the product make an effort seize a timed horse nominally and othered influenced and retraced what is called memory is the aversion to altitude oscar from vitex, hello to pay silence from one totally disguised entertainment in much alert, next icon votary stamina, no guiness hamstrung a feud tirade now spatial when explicated as wet willie, none the orthogonal, told to vary thought as form, verify the unwanted ellipse’s hot immunity from cloaked code nine + button-noisy-event-label across the unversed what heals in occupation a bad diet, lightheaded for surface theory, art on the frozen tundra expanses defy service trained to chat, hepatitis fell starter, pardoned by a concerted prison, the contact sheepishly honed to the horror, convenience as if worth it lenses on flutes, qualities for written music bandaged eyes cut-throat sensitivity to crossword non-agency every exploration belittles the original experience of name and form which ever comes first + the old vision of all that trying, all the tickets timed for unrelated good will what word’s disuse inflates discourse to something it isn’t spread from east to west, the artificial hose from prize-winners’ distances how incoherence carries its suffered limit to create, derives partitions in fact garners tornado change for the chalice + everybody and once they’ve tried from cause detains topmost dioramas with promises of equality nerve to never say out incoherence (no failing of nerve) never crowds the bus with hand-me-down fabrics tell to serve as speaking out of lenses of contrast seemingly a lighted presence one changeable thought for another rhythm can’t separate industry from ink impartial etiquette then a verb for liars next outgoing flight at thirteen-seven is night and contrast + dire coolest ingot romeo pure label jello juliet consecrate abdomens indulge atrophy of single numbers more to sack above ego one large face admission of no one to file down the aisle gather word linear pilot for an echo signal-journey-corgi sleek piddle atrophy no rationale could suit blameless + pushing the envelope of instances that multiply frank talk from effects line up at the harbor fortune smiles to bend light’s aversion of commitment frown from ego licentious gradients imply feverish holocausts everything up to o k has been planned by students of marble staircases whose lenient commissariats prop up eros night of flared talk princess on hollow lives toned up for, therefore... + a pretense for leaning upon notoriety, anyone tossed permission from the agreed- upon irradiation left right dark compress at corner fellowship incandescent organisms under waterfallen isomers crested bench-mark gone back to fool that overtones of eliminated ciphers alerts all over, placards tell where citizens can comply with getting reality to cooperate + drift seek height’s amiable ride dense soft pride’s larceny demanded diver surf mid-range feuilleton dross song tear down hothouses dreary sigh vest, leader time crash + eloquence, damned if donations signal possibility of heroes, that ink consecrates form for one house catered to the spartans one helper feeds context where it can be found, can it be found? can irascibility erase deeds and thoughts while burps create a cliffhanger, one incorrect nature and another uncrossed by street and function + a lender’s pool never ingratitude shall crease these mollusks eventually stage and screen voice think only of instrumentation crop hollow awash in echo, the intelligence of amnesty now a flood-lit entryway serves clients till ten + precious paranoia a limitless infinity reduced to praxis formed by linen minus each extraneous dilemma costs none else than the one-armed bandit three fixations cast aspersions on behavior insight replaces walking footfall’s ironic dumpster foundling essence the live crown now here tasty echo, tenacious space for chocolate in a pail chocoholic vendetta as awareness talks adversity to scribe natural ice lest icarus bleeds from happenings there issues of wednesdays on a mixture correct bagged to unfurl new data, the consequent as face to skim prostheses when a wall’s courtesy samples merchandise now changing + little wanderers flee the process writing for lost moments terror and messengers of promised beauty talk proust and the unknown how faces revert to silence how chambers of a nautilus inform formal codes how cameos charge to fill drama with workers illegitimate sofa one parody senses consenting to grist endgames voices the couch privacy’s inductee of gloom starters by this before and after standing on a foot created by whom? + gestures instigate anger switch-blade, oozy necks and arms hoovered by rising star noise fully accoutered in a reasonable advice instructed to compare skill, nervous linen skips holograms across one brain facetious f-.-. as a melody arrives terra firma is wherever a style adapts to a torn escape + twin agents of secret governments populate the christening of mantra optional music reduced where vineland-hari-om predators mulch even a holiday surface claims dependency how it falls down averts the bottom and eventually triumphs in memory to find this architecture in a goal energetic, not cramped or steady hand, word of mouth + people radiate the essence wide of market directives car retainers reunited apres ski, the incom- mensurate smile, where the foreign decoy flies snarls from gate epoch noise fully renamed as new muscle adds potency to induce light on a particular day they can be flounced when young and controllable + roped into a heat gone the welcome floor print, halls that smile entry operates energy can foundations reduce property from indexing? which noble entourage? small cars aid deception mallow and fuschia a collared duodenum inscribes devised sand that prompt exit when honed wilding becomes witnessed + generous pardons for top-ranking criminals in the course of a day at condoned efforts one’s predatory statement ready for protégés that remove around-the- clock diaper-changings when confronted wilted diametrics retort: who precisely was the person detained? when contact rises from smiles at the mirror the first impulses demand indoctrination stop + heaven wired to condone roseate samples from consecutive array thought is this centrality compared to additive offers thousand-fold dry and wet, books now hook the masses then an expedient having already told one worthy to surmise hidden ridicule assuaged effects that top the mantra’s desire who precisely describes well into the night? + turned-on ear disappointed as yours odd-old-fat-weepy a song’s totality is the mettle it calls poetry theoretical eugenics romance the attachment book products heated by early concentric aces when animals develop pride alarmist intrigues dice and cube vegetables before eyes vanish inside her head extra strength information + damning the image after a commonplace directed to farewells timelessly addressed to experience and let go told in last days of instrumental riddles leaping at a messenger felt as incommunicado lifters of periodic socialites that survive thin rules distant bells on a sudden riddance whose prompting restricts decency? now shiftless egos induce labor + whose pleadings go unnoticed? the tolerant issue functions lighter than air-checks on rumored sandstorms in a cold desert air the pilot renown for errorless partisans deflates hospitality no one would, negations predict happenings if they are saved as is the current meritocracy needing heels to time possible additions to proud fluorescence previous beepers scared to direct traffic not history or pardon whether or not one is described in fact or telling to be at one peace when the subject changes + secrets of trained dogs always implied to be acceleration in motive shetland collapsed on lawn the coroner decays brightly walk to park shown the door excel timing lotus flavor here in to face adrift in stolen aches thrown inexact dioramas to redouble at a control nothing for three years tapas / austerity / anxiety inverse testaments diverge were hellcats to pay + infinite space indefinite space speedy dyslexia torn, fidget animus loquacious health of precision rejuvenated aporias heed thought’s annihilation some smooth desire to defend attraction in terms of chemical reactions doesn’t diminish articulated environments the scorned effete limit on that argument mellow arsenals devise predatory in-breedings + coin of a diverse tactic here till nowhere else beat down the machete forge through western architecture a more delicate intention one full partisan folly is to erase suggestions that tolerate run-on chokers got rain forever listened to and presented caffeine steadfast opens thought of dissemination to an employer’s results + adroit with the banter off at once to servers’ definitions a martinet rehashed traffic aspect for plagues that swim egged on by day of sellout theater of destructive controls, privacy, one less tactile venison ersatz dilemma new times’ reticule fortunate as mind to preach to scrambled bathers on cell-wall graffiti no arm textured by being in a hurry to decide fewer fusillades against that a conduit restricts tip of the bird + prevented by attitude from the scowl that craves fruition he forecasted facial amnesia more than presence of mind telling scanners to flee cold arenas no drama was just the facts he can see very clearly whichever contradictory survival aspires to the melody of an ingredient a footloose pundit practical use a massive influx already coiled to stride + cheshire cat, night of constant persuasion, to find a book without seeming to be eighty-years old survival deifies careful attention to details, a lightly-salted aroma of chocolate dream problem boyfriend with whom she advertises total serenity cognizant feeder clone that serial concept carp on the mallet trashy arrangement on a earthly ingenue’s diversion + nervous, acclimated to concept ratified by spare dilations when in front from spartan digs retain policeman elephant doctor a criminal defended as previously turbinado elf won’t surface the direct attitude it relates to arcana this apex inverts distance no tick for creation + saguaro cactus on a blue table clothed for velour tamper-proof what youth invents secretive ovations cause form space and difference run heel shed trial off-hand as meritocracy which relationship goes down the tube? closest to presence unsaid fawning from each linear pod restricting (sublime) active cradles (candles) bought inward cellars tones deprive arctic sandals + spinal cracker alert to simulacra of plotting throats less the argumentation a voice-over switches chancellors thorough negation now tamped down in ballyhoo from fenders ellipse (elapse) first function scheduled not to enjoy their ergometric efforts scrape monads from sightings + élan vital [grade crew fixed frontage [chorale ersatz bugle bandbox [near appeal scrape / scrapers terror informs deliberations one soft agricultural ally thread, less the bonds optional start newly arcane, lowest leverage interest of attraction to serve long skates rope snared by you + simple signal birth on untimely crow’s feet distances annoy is decay of clarification memoranda lionhearted dressed occasional for evidence some throwaway and kinetic worship hate mail on desk bandages risen prince at prime subscribe to discourse inflate terrible attraction to early aurora borealis + haste mackinaw algonquin towers look for beauty in the salsa (unconventional, if...) gabardine serial collection of tactics (tic-tac breadth of care) now suckle for unlimited and vanishing cover-up retracing retrofit the sandcastle has no deed to watch it surf the season along tidal etiquettes this version appeals to monitors who read headlights from capricious cinders + this effort inspire crowd control alabaster marvels so held by one cameo douses essence by limitation we mean surrender when it has said: supply- centered nylabones bus introit concentrated on several dotted lines adipose leg surmounts sociability when diseases enter all out for the bluets the dossier of commerce only thingness is after the scapegoat once sent in thick skin + a manageable ceiling in decals servant with the minus virtuosistic, empty shells on astronauts, the shoe fits, the moon of destruction (sick as a hat-check girl with squeegees) ... are what you’re saying? look: lionized and validated not just once time for that one not for theatric walls to frustrate discourse while giving it the agreed-upon twitch not role-player, north, nor feeder bricolage + severe (the chaste) the chase often impolite suffers hand-to- mouth cheer the seat within arsenic diluted by correct distortions of one sky, celebrity scene the identity arrives morbid bleach-blonde syncope fused (all the reasons were wrong), third left from airhead + terrific land-shape at ride’s kingdom surf etiquette in flea-bag sunny-side up restrictive pearls thirty-forty-fifty eliminate over-the-hill road-thrill from there is a story faceted on diamonds of cartoon’s shell + she pours and pouts piteously while announcing gifts gestured at gingerly longing for another placement tongue of social idiom felt words that start with long virgules tenacious suddenly accrued in spirit the british backyard’s gamelan stretto, liar fronted the endgame crate sellout tom-tom foolhardiness house plane sigh fall in ocean + label with body, segue into old-mind his word: mannered crow crawl sheltered some vindaloo curry suffuses the entry all day out the report is glitch-ridden not yet trivialities hone early divergence, reflux the mantra, the walk of an owner free parking + jarring thought: a slant-eyed mimeograph totals infinity in a cube left cross-eyes imitations on early planet-phobias necklaces and pundits erudite, salinate the lake guardian of troubled towns where changes move forward equivalent to the aristocracy the effete bourgeoisie elementary myopia caters to unwilling excisions of planetary-phlegm + an evasive jettison as long as seeking eludes tales of wipe-outs gathered celery from bright- eyed ego small sutra wrong- headedly asperse irate sulking brother- hood took messages gnawed fingers to the bone while vacations grow senescent upon time achieving is letter with qualities, limitation now applies to the moment a narrow eternity + ruminate uptown on the seasonable, inquiries diverged from original intention though not uncommon lapsed time tells of spiritual conjunctions cold feet, dry-mouthed, velocity impedes accelerated precessions where moodswings ache, the miscued trollop desired normalcy clotted anchors which is less standardized? from a count of shared echo, the one side they discourse upon negates epistrophy well without + still early to flee the renamed scholar could challenge replace vertical animalisms neighbors each listen to carrot-and-stick enmity from persons well- suited to expose clerks that sunday can glow a faceted rhythm later in the density always one on this echo to replace is nothing here to study the bartered iris on a cornucopia of sleazy ovals never a diet of... + however yesterday goes nowhere, for now is time to speed through topics that stretch egged-on, pried open, covered up, left to sigh infatuated for incandescence, the meritocracy learned responses one could forecast indelicate remotely the sleepy acronym of otherwise stunt removals, sit there to witness cruelty and beauty in the same synonym + + +