part nineteen. already surly for mon- day, isomers, each side of the dance (dashing the mucilage), they call it cookery tendency to somer- sault the environs error: wrap a masterpiece with the downtrodden (no movement from maniacs) on colorless datelines alarmist accomplices tell you to stretch boundaries talk-radio freezer burn a side of the immigrants thickness of sudden tools + each indoctrination is movement in an industry of discretion tabled to fill on time the ratted instance tried at a deep-end sunny day lyric atrophy still night, in-bound intension wanderlust improbable temperament torn from worship to fade in an umbrella that surely vested for climbing rocks and chimes on colorless punitive + reality that glistens, on hold for hours tenacity compact disc what relates? happiness from turned moon the necessity of blanched soma that they (functionless entry) materialize next weekend, flageolet briny stallion, how disapproved vile creatures classist endurance elegant ice, the noun from hello + same irony the acceded impolite a presence of tactile essences reminds valor, the futurist of prime time spins, each endorphins less the pared- down instruction babble curiously to find out india on call, that summing of one stalemate (initial and then long line) filters on holiday, always struck on home pretense, tally-ho strengthening an incipience + elect to correct a tee on private address, one’s hello to skiers dung- beetles aside the cromagnon’s knuckles scrape on the floor exponentially scarred by both, leaps eleventh hour, prime tornado likelihood of misbehavior totally scraped decent decaf idolatrous for entranced ink how forced relates to one + rehab clones before the left’s magician tolls the bistro forms lines to greed tailor-made attention to detail that the corsair indicates in a letter even beastly little bit of vendetta the hurt ego on bride’s moment icarus-pantheon-crowbar jumps to fresh grits on tossed saline vestiges leap forth a crowded house settles upward tension feels she can make dancers out of instability + liars from lip-synched xenophobic maladaptiveness wrapped from coherence improbable substructure open early for gleeful chthonic memorizations, always more known than prized, always stare at beginnings without deeper function, that... an agreement (stylized or predicted) hooped through an all-covering timepiece the gloom of tear-down stunts mantra indicated through off-hand or stealthy brine seeding the confluence that compares first life’s errors to prime tellings of scraped knees let in on the fusion + the dynastic informality caresses house and hearth lessons of curious competence a question for dangers as hurt tipped cigars sell mutiny -ous the hurdle savor consequents of one pileated conceptualization for whom to read caffeine causation, retrofits and bandannas some religious impertinence perhaps bid weather seals off the heard + many people pervasive and perhaps too many to risk falling statements broken looks through sealed glass must conversation storm the hell to pay for what otherwise goes outward brigand of the forcefield captive antichrist tell terminants while analysis provides insurgents with cheese prize thick-set domiciles’ thirteen-thousand inputs to be soaked twenty at a time + line-up for paint here, the glitch of familiar tonic apparitions easy-feed treadmills found it swear else after new york contacts reduce amnesia fixated to appear running especially if you’re not print cellophane additives where slowness indicates oil to please properly one must garner a form level to apostate precariousness + what is seen? the motion of negation a ruler never displayed by fed-ex oil-cans later items provoke sobriety alive in one place to inform the chocolatier with goal-centered bells helpful to be right there or is the provocation safety? a monad of criminology smart ego torn in two the appeared justice a full spread-sheet for one thousand errors + greet the safety now acceleration disturbs time helter-skelter one less the concerted elizabeth nomenclature unsure one plus, threadlessly anarchistic looking to seem diverse an hour that fixates upon what could be term: loquaciousness defies distortion as a heated familiarity + perhaps resentment is the flow caused discredited by life and death as hard linearity replaces deep structure with brush acumen no vitamin c, less the cornichons which delete what disintegrates feel front to back five blind elephants something to pin it on + sharp hari om closely-fitted, stiff shorn at wooden expressions anachronisms rebut each other against time-saving and carefree what you know, what is known, there is no question, sharp efforts are called to peek through a crack the separate as fortune crystalises, eyelid-eyebrow-breath consecutive endarchy whose severe tailspin congregates in stimulated earth? then in doubt as it becomes functioning, on all burdens a space flood-lit and agreed upon + history adjudicates reforms by proxy leapt from a bridge keeping the lines true tone reduced from iroc-z -handed listeners terrific andes of the mind torn to resuscitate, turn back nervous abrupt stalemate an onside tenement precise to surmount, echoes inform upon calibrations wet along the baseline not dotty, likely, nor feasible + dreck sundown token play prompt for is granite or marble such a larger protection to mold a grenadine, sun-shared by closest recoil the noise one place arched wall between his tea inverse nor filed + opalescent to starve here one plants for a direct previous, nor over star cliques should determine a space totally other fill ovals fix lists of created terror, now aced by with- out less magic than could be no thread of sky, to make exits before they punish the old ways + told to a gift of this the corona deified by natural signature, elements of that always affect binges, telescope amnesia, a psychology for eventuality as yet uninformed careful from early move tarot stultified ardent primacy of demands small icon, total fiction as reminders say: how could it begin? taken by ivy voracious effulgence, third to the partisan, her written distortion laughs at concentration, reread the abnormal ion + just as its doing doesn’t activate exploring terms the rise is narrowness one horrified stalwart knows rules that indicate behavior unbeknownst to the fusion of multiple anarchies telling of one who speaks topiary staves off church pellet noun anon tyrants talk tools, remake is held for hours, taking seconds to accomplish gertrude sampaku hopscotch cell wall total princess to structure desire around a form of reality clusters saying this + body incarnate get there early, stay late dishonorable chalice, vertical endurance primed for the cola wars traffic hoodoo sponge the listless wooden morning song for a danger called front and central to the retaining of information listen-look-provide armor where startled by hiccups bread on rollerblade stylists effulgent / paramilitary redlined for the serpent naturally defined assisted by moose starts + salvage sentinel off-handed for about the same money just no feature that angels agree upon as is telling ten times as much is honed in pellets that rabid circles demand in overtures that sing alarmist sneak, how fellows remind of each list the tonnage appropriated signal-pop-quiz arcade-garland-serial wounded by truants scenery if letting (in concept) a failing buffer zone, crews impale artifice where itself the tourney seizes, alerts one to possibility not necessarily cd-rom monikers telephone + the book, lord to sky periodic remaining (sampled title) assumes every tirade has something hid from a gratuitous melange odors and sutras greeting the swami held as recent as that correct files termed obsolete various effects curb chewing, the dog commences belonging to adult expression when it becomes less sensitized sonic voyage, a braggart’s fluid grit, naturally artificial when surreal disproportion announces celebrations + however it learns to scrap ukulele fricatives eloquence (late appearing), time gains service to renowned clients mustard leftward, tide shore and tonic the crushed anachronisms by feted and cruelly reimbursed despots serious about denials trap-door virility hooks skillets to appearance no dogs in the cartoon seen on moving pictures torrid-flaccid practical and understood which serves a presence to personalize changes in skill-level + eventually reunited by consecutive disproportion inner garland to sexualize embryonic amnesia the florida compact on no telephone rights curious and curiouser lenient artesian wells predict prejudicial liquids entering the scone, febrile entity at arisen entry induces hope that somersaults violate necessity stray straight on + the similarity from equipoise, heal a frozen insertion that a mind full of ego calls a cornichon pure and edible ridden-tamperproof-colors gather, gather the heat join fully work these then once, why this? she? flautist pool when you kneel at once put the music of chance off limits, caffeine organic intuition retraces on-line etiquettes + he who hates no one is compared, tickets redline the portal every instruction includes entitles that feeling hardened inwardly let to align favoritisms a pretentious vocation imperatrix genuflections hot crowd for the night tonight that diverse fellows can direct traffic at an hourly leaning not hari om nor happening the cloisonné digestion dogs taken small pried open the jar of infancy likely replaced tales with a nerve a totalitarian eunuch prizes the race + retains all intact from sleep and fear of same, in fact what cold mind replaces time to play with time to eat precocious amniotic embrace tactic of one planet job hierarchy exploded one’s hot crown promised to the highest bid stones and standards incurred, florida appears likely to remain + controversial opener that a dirge held over a flame, prompt or clueless as to the romance has timely advice herded shape- shifters when appointed, in fact a glut of mem- ory to sample on one occasional cruise cheerful, dim prospect for appalling echo, time, less slavish over indoctrinated confrontation, here landed and voiced + talk to periodic drudge, tone down the receipt of initial slaughter alive for chip, label: omicron attitude slavish neck on the titan nude curio clean of conscience triad and interest to sit correctly animus animal animate never asked for three, sleeping all hours tonight the rules demand deport deposit one hour that frenzy of intolerable margins slimed by the salt shakers + explosion overtakes gloom filled as most size down not more than twice sleek protégé on promise to flee quietly the maniac nearby activity can divert from arsenic, therefore chopped servants, one chin for the addict alarmist entry an on-side sleeper tomorrow’s ordinary day lights on the house front seeming screwed up a cry in the parking lot once dysfunctional because paper slides + certain indoctrinated echoes half crossed-out in back of the book of no judgment invariable to the matter at hand no crass entertainment can be brought undeclined fortunate constant paddle, cranial sacral, never arhythmic, written for me, then translated contrasting radioactivity new friends all the time narrow expectations writing that looks alike fed prior tapestries that moths flourish + the regency attaches itself to a deeper thrust fused (controllably) into a select vibration purchased in variously listed crowd-pleasers the tag sale memo never arrived, least of all surpassed by address and ratio, thought of by slovenly appearances the densest oratory close down to random applications no hat-check girl least of all a curmudgeon vacant influence on homerun mantras for american skies lip-synched to modernize new energies pervasive architecture leaning to tamper, no idiot mystery can have firing plans, the small, smooth + poison arranged austerity stare as far as gone up did they never ask for an outrageous negation? the occasion to follow through on prime distances no face frightened less for overdrive intends more conduction than what’s rated slightly higher, so what is fleece is perhaps packages uptown or nowhere when whom where is nearly stimuli (simul- casted on tv) to relate to songs fitting for entrance steakhouse visible for hire, tonight a lesson that cruel stamina gathered and slick + insecure tendencies roam the hurt horizon where does the ingested paisley go under? liquid fever nameless now ink previous euthanasia never volatile the hurdles strengthened by a motion of flux lent to a friendly face on a summer day what error talked over and merged with slings afternoon policy, tenacity overcomes + messy attaché, velocity of probable thanks granite arden princess day of bring-down however context suffers we’ll never know roseate glissandi the girl opts for fundament crushed by clothesline fractures put cellars on stoppage always fear of politically- correct violations when carded for crimes against discourse the neighbor didn’t sympathize leapt all the forgery + everybody ardent to the accidence of metal furnishes any priority a pellet’s creditor, india less happened than is thought from the temple to the photons inscribed risen as habitual calm spot telling of protective isolation since an arrival (likely a half-wit) condones precisely what injury no hundred-fold precision goes somewhere when thought slows the downtown area with its velocity + illicit fondue, crown of tactic, elephant cromagnon, this element of division reads likely protected stored reversed tantalized, into horrifying liquids a versatile concerto labels for arizona ask after the people vain princess texts of time prodded by stories the banter as impresario has moved up a story of success linear potency aside newly-vacated stimuli renege early for other times if all consent + now various and shut down a magnetic circus for various stage presences world spun that way in stylism of hoop-shots listening to soft interest for a stultified predator very saturated by correct usage there is no watching whatever to have you say it chapter on gold to refrain from assertions of a neat complicity referentially a holiday a word tipped hats to yonder skates smashed butt down on faceted gems no unfilled agreement suffices next to soap + sad sack obligated to create hospitality and truckstop atoms replace windows of a cruel pleasing not the same as virgules on a forehead pylon switch a sweet young thing then tackle a ghost forced to print pages luminosity, cheers and the waiting has started for perhaps indication’s least crowd precise as a modicum of teal green sutras + odd song odd to a moving force that in- decent atria leap on a challenge vent too easily diverted to this time next spectrum forces a far threnody politics instigate, as name and form and a lost letter fed promptly this then that words used, a comparative mask for spirit no held-over indigence tonight changes tables + one-cent telephone call who found the pod? night and life let in pastilles in containment medallions of association serve a hoot to crave adroit pleasantries sundown they flee which a surfer crashes some plotted newspapers toned to gain scratchy advice neatness favors the crowd-pleasers that gear up for earning to send off valuable attention before cross winds impede good will echo in a storm + talk nice to the female that ruse of amateurs declines aversion not heartfelt therefore prime felled in a rush a bow tongue a statement non-reversal honed pried told to restructure then apparitions fade + conceptual for the same people advances in the somatic principle are getting a helper for convenience threaded yuppie / hippie circuits, this earliest data in from the capability where menial orbits classify depths of singularity + second serpent to the left averse as a ploy for one’s harbored future the other utensil in a loud voice proclaims: isn’t an iterated sequence the magic of showbiz? elementary mountain none reflect the sundown twilight experience sun on one’s eyes leopard indoctrinated by hoi-polloi cosmonauts vendetta surface that most can open up as cards and texts a vibrant atrophy: how can it be the item taking a rowdy to notify? + the real cause: integral mindstyles that don’t sort through alignments before their information strains forth inevitable as moonrocks who steal chromosomes those few underneath at third transparency a no-handshake opening the cortisone rinse of forty-five pages captured as delimited aspects a ferrite mallet crossed with genial children you won’t find elsewhere + choice statements surmount which touched-up road leads to himself speaking radar collectors find precincts copulate within the bounds of the senses to proclivities’ imperative main tendency some unanimous some never, therein a placated homerun artiste small countries there’s sun on her legs that boast of insurgency sex inhibited for work to score, celebrity animals finesse diverse options before operating upon the octaves the ornament is gritty salacious and excellent + why they prefer a ballistic loss of volunteerism ties cords wound around her waist getting pavement then huge the rumor off-hand and vicarious no anomaly’s early twist teams score pyrites, some teeth invert, big skies predators as sampaku as the dust focal length this shed of finest brigand, a mark-up waited until tossed to friday most elementary scholars dial the foreground buy at no charge of pressure + ominous, vaguely appropriate chaise lounge squeaky fellow trip, consarn it eddies in the shore plagued and spent through re-enacted books and magazines no heat for stretch points lest the bargain inflame sorted proved then attached what it does to shown actors is unmentionable and an invasive poetics the cling? optional introversion not held over a flame- thrower’s nozzle wide disturbing noises invite frowns rewrites and hammocks + tactile venture pressure padlocked from view pencil pen worker’s impostor laminated, in fact glances at some place over there bed bid bud foom celery scree downsize not told helter-skelter 1995 chopping memory not overnight second implant, no viral agent settled to crowning mood lotus, apriori dust bins held stored and intended part nineteen strangeness enters from wide open eyes + alongside a threatened ego approved for moving day licenses crawl through orgone reproductions wherever horrid threads are not down there on curlicue america alert convened from one after one to pleasure the fool’s harvest eluctable only for show took a bargain from one mess dates policies to chopped fixations colossal impulses this pressure-point strays to rotate through one-sixth of sector nineteen a smooth attachment files down a self-assured youth + from direct experience: a mix between theory and actuality non-statement on cheapskate, whatever goes forth from diverges later princess of traffic meters early strut prize less the carousel, full of pillared texture, vinyl processes that perhaps ignore you lost oval and egoic nature pictured in front of eyes: start from this point where otherwise would the ocean sleep than nowhere else? bend trousseau, smooth ricochet vessels swerve to the half full + nervous pilaster, toxins adapt more fully pontificated a slap-dash hustle lorgnette told familiarly threatens a dangerous triad the problematized alteration doesn’t know yet yammer new to hellion-magic swimsuit visibility selections at the closest imprint gone sorrowful, nowhere, the same clobbering through lateral forces face to confide talks of appreciable density already this emotion gold-tipped or irrational however they could seem understated in this circular version + spin-duo for hills hide apportioned to return fast wait off the circle grenades and collective animation of text the horror of long conversations that separate them wisely movie log, tendon priority duck (stage) bill (stimuli) before threats react with parts of speech hitherto unserved pardon fear for the limpet strophe + because being punctual they try starting early no rose for dalliance she fulfills dreams spoken one year to the day though nothing without the article of defiance persons appear dredged salmonella causation, a frightened recollection nematodes referred to one controlled calls for what done is doing for you? a largest receptacle the spiral boundary carries these foods certainly hot in his prime a duo texture can defy + she grades perfection in a simulated child pleasing no one else can scramble late january cotension promised furthered stuffy acronyms deflate related service cellars the ingredients at a step, mortal if it were everyday and all day, the orbits would reduce themselves easily to italics or underlines of some romantic notion very arcane, what’s up? no musician-webelos + september’s atrophy segues what’s up with corrections wed for the cartoon no truck yet as visited and changeable of plans let go for jury duty something crossed out all four drive back the simple request needing a horizon a medical concept rolls in figurations + whiplash soft words charisma not as late as five will drive out of town selected relationships replace oratory though not successfully orgone solitude the firepower always interrupted by a redundant state crafted by ego long on the fundamentals too appreciable you must retain warnings given earlier by mollusks incapable of error + evening, some musician cap toned to well how say it an originary confluence no trial for hourlies the faded off-limit necessity of no smock for intangible evidence left in your doorway eyes lit with conduction retrofit the gluttons of whim, no one always heard from false smile, nothing glued to contrasting evidence heard and trusted then let fly + word of a musical moment spread from a background of facile speculation nevertheless justified by heat and cold the tread liquid and ambient global warmth for those piracies left in dry-dock beauteous burlesque where the sultans flicker ligatures wonder how notations try possible adaptations likely no one struck out new to the legacy finally new music the outage (outrage), even capitulations need companions + secrets of the trade managed in public by throaty castles on load-free condoms elect a frigid listener too moving to bear witness the error from heightened rhythms, quasis not funiculars the voiced freeze leaps through rowdy hoops tactics multiply now in charge though unknown all that patience for added lions aware, not punished + snarled lights on brow-beaten autism felt the honorarium excalibur though sewage the iguana suffices labels by hockey crush atavists the down time frustrated for largesse from other notions, where potent compressions lose concept, there the hat of padlocks sits on this water-rutted floor conducive to ambrosia the visible autonomy can’t shake perrier- clones, the attitude if melodic nuance these water-rutted floors + a flavor nodule is however lightening starred by serpents defiled for rhizomes however lightening down a throatless entity in colossal sweat shops the modest angst from sluggard and erroneous items lip-synch this through the ear of a new and mindless generation house mantra dendrites soak for priorities some collapsible home- growth now from name to ski schools no pastiosity (front to back) they limit cups + many changes at first ignored how replete with vast conductors of coded nuance the inquiry about salt-peter tellers and sayers all dispute regulation often caused in fact by being alert to control and prize penicillin demotions linear pulse, how cross fire can ask about ponderous pilots that act for trinkets rage for risk chase a flirt from the bed post if reunited with a salted song + commence grit fell on hard days of a pencil’s detritus servo-mechanisms retaliate to hard copy materialist erasures cause why it can’t be as such much longer crowded fences form clicks on remote iconic maddening replaced by hurdles grist of threnodic notaries tithe (time) spun dreams of concentric engagement heard something to wake up the earth + in the place of exception goes a contract (comment) sent to receive or ostracize eluctable ordinations imperative as it must always be, other faces otherwise refrained from are told of faces less tolerated in persona as experience the coterie does no favor by hailing the confluence of presences seen as a pen on through the items that counsel featuring large boston followings starting to share + elevated from dim sangria the leapfrog performance skilled to a punishment alerts all causes first and last to detain no happiness whittled through wood ixlatan, savvy as concretism becomes the tethers fixated from the last envelope each triune resurgence may set an example reflect twin activations showings fit the happening no answering machine set to function could replace her formidable hardness of touch storage of the next potions the hammerklavier less the altitudes + a full replacement as all we ask is notoriously eager to separate language of complexity from distillation by hearing-impaired echoes into messages another can replace with good health and mystery hills of report called night to replay margins for the hook resume in partial deck accelerations accompany with force the call-right-back on reduced priority + unable to segment a coil from the perishable country a bit off the back hot with wisdom that calls itself inexact a motion from meritocracy of what cleans up if you don’t repulsed vitality, nowhere else the feedbag, cars scraped, post-it the limit of hunger, no tears fell through cracks less change isn’t idiomatic for stimulus + + +