Splintered by Peter Ganick SPLINTERED
Peter Ganick

part twenty-two.

lest they forgo time 
to err, fido names constants
in heroic duality
onto spaced lettings

relays of consent
protect dalliance
pod for the mantra

where italics come in
is n(r)ailed upon / against
by further dosages
needed to scrape awake
  and tolerate the mutinous
  electricity of skies

placement less real
time asks forests
to prune theatrical
before delving further


            book on floor
  each book a magnet of options
    where are thine fitted
    shirts? telephone which
flavor, regulations

	imagining stability
	in childhood steerage
	precisely tonight, how
else a fabulous all-expenses-
paid hard-as-nails voice-over
can materialize out of nowhere?

reminders of off-hand silence
just the reflex
  till flat-head
    haircuts ruin
  bliss for pie-chart


interstitial vanity
selects strings
whose ten options changed to
  friday, no
  vastness with more

music if precise
lessons are ignorant, simple
  frieze, tragic appointments

suddenly sundown
morning glutton by that time

sediment foregrounded
a sender’s inflated penury

no hearsay	much


everything must be
  the weather

slugs and medals
which deference
over-captioned (why?)
some lend topics

before sleep to dream
in rash kitchens
  for a snack

therefore is no wall
for the proudest picture

nerves scheme indexicals
where poetry often doesn’t 
reveal that usage could reply

still a reflexive grinch
telephoto magician


sound of the enumerated
  dollar six
seen later as retrofit by
  garage monkeys

rehearse tancredi
thought mover 
  of first data-banks
children of the resultant

roughly genial

to imprison with a glance

agoraphobic radios multiply

ingest a fear, chant
to the savor of brides

meritocracy, certain states,
a decoded olfactory


experience a gift to elope
curious teeth shambles
through the torpor 
  of send-off
fourteen pixels for triune
migrant flunkies before soil

thinking, are you there
to replace ease in fixation?
send off differing a and d?
the hero necessitates
  functioning disclaimers
humid rationales replay

day-data, day-ketone
dry sneeze, full sundown

the limits of treasury, to
  render a soft afternoon
hind-quarters flurry


more a cudgel
  than a flinch
    returned to cries
      of instantization

pellets of lucid
  annual feeling, tall,
    ripe for caroms
      on bothered ire

lest they fly 
  on the back of ease
    noted assignments
      rile portions


on tv		tilled earth
	a steward elegant 
            from other ocean
bitten that	hangs
	    on form

largesse till the pain accelerates
	  one dowsed feature
by the glimmer
		glum concept

		fewer clocks
tell orphaned singles
that crime educates no one

	targets aside
the copied instigators
	flee property
     the closed expression
now taken for granted


	to memorized
persons, that gruesome
	helped to tabulate
error before cluster numerals
	arguments as a
promise refuted, nowhere
		to be as
	else the fabric, how 
determination replaces full
		ersatz and
	organic principles,
to a clue from his agony, his
	closely watched in
its frigid aporias, nectar
		of blue
	ghosts, the prizes
faced are from another time,
	it situates ornately
whenthe chorus refuses


	blot out the sun,
rise from honor, for
	armaments business
as usual, seventy forty, how
	pistols (naiveté of
groove) arrive where self-
	ghosts refuse funds,
arizona, the snack, shoes’ 
	for inordinate surf,
print where heeled to no one

tread of copied erasure
	no helter-skelter
now (in face of) the real,
 	now activity scorns
that they need


the		cosmic
	apprentice from
previous movies, that
	reality, no
slouch for how it looks good,
	option to build
friendship, not lost to
	annoys facets
of girlish shuttle-fever,
written for that example 
		of space
	and desire, any
tantalus for chocolate, mood
		imputed by
	servants for
three or four slothful entities

	from vegan
islands, prosodic memory


signatory to what happens

inclement insurance pod
liquids, teeth into

for allowed instants, the
tether most wisely a stranger

earthlight, a scene from space
  rises from the bottom,
more vainglory per item
hasn’t built, has opened

		     skittish or
deposed animal and 
  when on the road...


where the instance often goes
for regulations and tv shirts

a proportion of dried flutes
or ready, time sharpened nails

the ornate skillet
on a tactile renaissance

  time of the factors (factory)
  schemes slept, therein cause

comatose as a second voice
normality, a one-step awareness
can’t take
	   what defines new
	   steps as an inert 
	     and feasible
	   tonic of conductors?

the rise of consequence
check carefully, pillow talk


chilled ornaments
careful outwardly, sepia
sex kitchen, bivalve,
value of abrupt columns

tensile acumen, value
of buttocks, breasts, tonic
failing to remake what
was a gamble on desire

the fullest enticement in for 
  the long haul
                precious attraction
  a girl’s gift, sorrow’s
tenacity, like for the
  point of it

gestures found maps
tonight found the motive

telling a space a space


and sold,
cell wall
from pick
of order

on the
densest pit,
nominal solo

text, vacuum
of concrete
lists, random
tiles forgotten

state magic
before ornaments
restrict her
epidermis, tall
trickery to
fell trick
from the
cherry pit,
ghosts roll


could or
would try
to seek
presence of law,
ordinary cable
visibility, trashed
to trounce (lateral)

later fixations
written in
as a bloated

all settlers induce
magic ornate soul ticket
tilled labored ground dust

foom celluloid
word of moisture
methodical obstructions
the closest replaced
  by others


appeal of the appalling news
texts distanced from listeners
the clued-in favor nothingness

how tricky to see approval
this and that
inside or outside
what is told matters, last
to predicate the movement
of scars from blasting caps

you are all sampaku!
are not!
	issue of total

	all that force
	applied to food

	more than


sleek cappuccino
read the bookcase wall

insertion makes up for
which had gone before

to wait for
attentive coverage,
a nectar of bridges

the mystery calls
a discount to pry open
  arteries and veins

appeals deify instructions
falling through adjustment


just half to plead
original good to seek
protection said out

journey through the suits
gamble the white
		  name and

close-knit through popularity
a longest instance of definition
attached later

laser quilt
forget, see later
thought in motion
a least fertile
  selecting of bargains

tottering annual freeze
fine perceptive animals
  girded to skim


all the rage of sacked ink

precocious to loop away
and continue
front and center
	no label for
gruesome manicures

told to replace orbs that
snakes feed upon

all, unseen

the renowned from places
  play a language of crowds

not thick, stamina
early listed to meddle

fringe propensities
aroused inward life

to serve, assent is needed
properly oval
to render appealing
that unseen image



not the highest rule
to subtend propensities
where paste and fit
has a hold
on the runners

portions distanced
gasoline merchandise
word for fifty-three
then fifty-four

a borderline has assembled 
  tooled grimaces 

  it’s alive and well,
changers demand demerits
  that can’t soak

transient motive
augmented by sky


waiting on the tray of
litigated circuits, a
pile of tendons
can flourish elsewhere

savvy to the replacement
for concepts
                   one divides
corners that tire easily

erased textures
                       asked, biased
normally freer than curious
liquors and fudges

                            all circle
described to gameplan
		in loudest
vice they squirrel away
  a heinous progeny

descriptive talk / backdrop
stage frenzy literally outré

force of the hammer


youthful crinkle on
  affairs of static
  a scoop
told features the automatic
  destruction of self-hood

still a scene
  that doesn’t vacate
orphans selling hash-browns

the tenacity of lost greed
shrunk teased and implicated

waited all that time
maybe twice-authored and
influenced by cook’s back


elusive motion
underlying wet dishes
no hurrah, then large
tea-down the near ocean

plans these organizations
where it looks,
	          body surfaces,
tell-all miniseries to be
               real idiots carom
off fenced whiteners
threads replace surgery

the driest adepts do not
  finesse much else,
if and what?
	     their innocence
trying to strange-it-out
in loquacious absence
	 a token for trials


bud tubs
	scrounge threads
to scare the day’s
  inner obedience
quick (quizzical) to the draw

jump in, sink or swim
	when naked

a wise spirit,
	       foreign theater,
time to access somewhere else
before trials quit

                     juice gameplan,
there is this and this and this,
but where did it gather


a trapdoor necessity
where they converse
and end it much better

the simplest organ
feels to pry open
surfaces and lesions
on those surfaces

access to computed skills
certainty fulfilled

the rumor of a dance
fills stunted echoes
with incorrect circles
a word or two ahead

singularities need referral
to collect hidden dull-wits
before fireplace vanity
where wired schools
tend the mastery


	  large limbed 
crowds result in smooth
	life and house
world and woman
conference topics dastardly
enticement (entitlements
aside) for burnt appeals

firm jaw
nothing done
within pain

the version: arcade celeste


nice person
	     a fluid launch
gathers magazines when
precariousness adapts one
sector (pixie) to enter on
terms that spit at ego

lineate referral
nothing lighter for earth
on the communiqués
always a bit late
if heated prizes never hoist
force text to serve

and as if...

was that laundered spoil
shot and shaped

by sundown the automaton
cripples the capital

weeps for the moodswing
changeable heavy paper
tickets’ riddance
the spoils of politics


as a version
i’m happy
not to see

then it was
to play,
herein loud
and stumbled

ordinary sticks,
there’ll be
some echo of
the same

versions of


yoga and motorcycles’
travel experiences excel
  in philosophy

nude mantra
where you’re found

tell priceless adjustments
  terrific how’d known and
  used playlists for the moon


a logical candidate
always served by the
  best nature
some opportune discord
  reflects stumbling in
  upon the silence

time-frames recall
perhaps ten after the hour
the partial sample
a fair resemblance

tall and serious about
the racket of the houses

the person formed
by adversity
	     a stunt-hag
on hurdles’ gruesome feet


fill out the application
promote a timepiece
hand in the chintz

elusive talker
where potency
gathers urgency

the single erasure
holds no face for
what is necessarily truant

take you there
appointed by worlds
two weeks only

pinch on the bottom
nowhere that a service
  can outlast entrapment
not benign


sealed by truth of conceptual
the barge (bang) telescopes

in a retinue, can’t talk now

seeker’s corrections proved
amnesia was literally probed

incapable address label
unction of the feature
lines defend silos of cones
the role differs in being taught

peroxide sultan
playlist animal
riddance to the story


unconscious farewell
tides till the motion stops

leap triads to liars
  on hold, the telephone
  scrambles rust

eliminates stop-gap idols
  somewhat easily
sundown capillaries
the filled serpent (syrup)

elocution indoctrinates
  the blasphemy of

herds of cattle
  begging interference (in-
  difference) to the story

inactive adjustment
easy sound
form of the soporifics
a chakra-feeder lists donors

spatial industry
the first goof is
to entirely form around a
  cloned primacy
all the circuits broken
  into partisan birds

fed to tyranny
stolen or are-yours?


error in plastic
held a new copyright
of closest entreaty

the hike in explanation
a book decoded by lapel

ermine cashmere
they scream: the hair
both above the actual

turpentine storefront of
bargains for mavericks
tertullian riposte
the first caller gets some
  ornate memorabilia

already a sensation
to refer to work and space
that wipes down
the conducive feel-better


more sturdy
or less the binary

junk food mantra
wherever it finds
concerned by weight loss
the future biased
  as up to ten

her pirouette abysmally flaccid
tonight a fireplace burden
  in resonant approval

hello acknowledged

to seem in response, the
imperative not sure-footed
as to where
blunders are scrambled


chappati eater (a bit
of stealth) defined by
circumvented erasure

the policy as dentist
ruled down to
  motiveless entity

pare down for touch
theodicity animate for
  livid precessions
to move understanding
one level-headed and
  uptown forger calls home

lyrics by beta insurgents
now primed to strike
the ogled beauty

stake a claim by the
  next indoctrination

it isforgotten though
that a feed is correct


scrawny terror
on doormat ceilings
(underside of fantasy)

property without
arouses interest
in fetid quatrains

how you seem
and are defined 
  by action

totaled as industrial
earthly, and, forgotten
by hymnal’s erogeny

to fool by roles
worked over and over

imaginary traffic
paint not photo

den-mother to these cubes
in geometric prisons

relinquished a foot
of trapdoor somnolence

before, therein a space
to they who write this

now tools intersect
  with wood and muscle
now terms intervene 
  where words imply music

the journey
at least an escapade


ten-spot in hand
the hero captures
  the girl
of his dramatic story

the star is awakened
from punishment
and usage as 
  a previous moon

a pendulum arrives
selling (tally-ho) brutal
  body reuse

boot from the attended
whose great claim
(the last politician for)
goes understaffed
  into the new century

distort a melody
with thought defiantly
assumed for sport

well-heeled and moody
  performance anxiety
the separation from

digs in a roll-away

days in the trailer
show how full disclosure
can delude artifacts
otherwise planned for...


all the presumptuous
where do off-hand survivors
  distance themselves
  into oblivion?

the next precipice
  is an entrance to data
  that enervates secrecy

forced to blush and
  stand from the back

heroes of contradictory
  appeal say:
captive to flight,
one space

then duration astounds
as previous emotion
  unasked for


consequence of the con-
  sequences (segment)
arisen mind (minus) doll

head and ghost for her

ingratitude selects services

ringed, hired out for tension
world gets going
the going to mark-up

electrocute all the seasons
so likely where it’s put
will hold onto
fuller tendencies


a lullaby
lull to increase

orange hair
getting wired

the enormity of
a quibble over
extended glitz

inclination for

hello (held in
mind) almost
an eye-tooth

cherry red
iguana, lost at


sharp settler
terse and ordinary
 	open-earth policy
	a grammatical toss
	comatose scruples

when looks get going
to reimburse (endorse)

is inhibition a
cause of freedom?

	a dance of numbers
	on the smooth floor
	tactics chosen
	revealing a cheerful

spoke upward to binary
  texts, the likelihood
  as you serve a
flat pancake, slogan

tendons end by fusing
alarm of cookies
the devotee devours
tendencies lip-synched
  by anomalies

as a friendship goes to
  what could (should)
  (other degrees of
  fanaticism) leap
  forward by hounds

students together


dredge saline for
fertility copied by
  extraneous affiliation
was to say at a
  year’s ghost
  (a year at least ago)

tonight to stave off
hurdles, the penultimacy
of attributions
makes a scream for
  one wooden (wonderful)
process, animate for
  alert business

tournaments of
  horrid pictures

twins cudgel the ordinary
as a person sitting up


getting at corrections
maybe no one here
  can tell

the finest corral
teams of diplomats
with days often serviced
eliminated and free-based

check the sudden disarray

protected (profligate)
  servant (memory)
file info at the
  closest choir

call to coil and not trouble

not the area within
  separate weights, delimited 
by organists eloping for
  on-time circuits

the sanguine rotates


bestirred by elocution
evolved a candid orphan
to seal downtown april
on tenacious regulation

when coral reefs repeal
the monetary, aspirin for
an all-in-one checkbook,
a large emotion for
  added surfaces

the torn approximation
  of elided connection
a dusty mystery front and
possible haste (hate) to
  confer benign


a large planet
rumored to shift
space for all

toxic bandages,
starry-eyed and
left to shove

tensile return
from impossible
possibly fused
  by role

a nearby style
genuflected to
artistry’s echo

ghosts rumored
to shift
a parcel of time


burnished by
unexposed film
the trajectory of fetch
is a toss
through the ear

how capacities result
in face of denial
understood as methodical
no under the stars

a fool presence of
that one princess 
reduces arsenals of
	     small great


it faced the
blank story held over

no idiot monster copes
better with release

now make more reality
  and presences

no materials prize what
now as foreign intersections
is the rule of six

the best, the beautiful
arguably settled into pools
  of ginger, shifted
in from the concern
  about docility

dry as mountains
forced to spare


face at close range,
skip the magic

	inferences of
managerial (magisterial)
contents of consciousness

already toned up for
  time spared to sleep

         from bounce and
spread, held finer to say:
cover and covered by steam

how else arranged to sorrow
names and forms
of contextual sitcoms
	      left between
	      thirsty shocked


very much of begin to
  be spared
from thematics of

spiritual echo
a chapter at a time
chopped loss from idol
a grey dangerously
  torn from telephones
one possibly true idiot
the empathy understood
  kept clear of the
  hurried stallions

signature just tongued
  from call on e-one


a cartoon frequented by
the forced imperative
pollen-faced cruelty to
  spare no pride

audience for grief
a properly descriptive
  box and share of spots
  on toenail

	trounced by journal-
	ese, a fixated surplus

	dolorous pianos

temperate climate
for all five figures

two’s eternal fusion
of prompt sellout

indisposed as motive
otherwise nationalized


selective dimension
as in care of desire
a wall (word) at choice
of precision

on top (to wit) the closest
entity (a non-material

wood thrown
           capitalized upon

what shorn future of
dimension’s atrophy

atomic coherence
that ideality of cadillac
the engine now awash
now faced as permeable

deleted scions’
early attachment


which appearance
she exits from
is matter to shed
  skin at the side
  of the oarsman

gullet from the hill
properly isolationist
now stored for winter
show up and operate

five custom fingers
perhaps a should that
(never as matrices 
decrease) develops
the easy option of
stay (to wit), held in
grasp of one and all


perky colorful
  trash on the roadway

here to file past
monitors that can’t but see
anything else aside the
mattresses and formulae

vegetable (irony) testament

with the ease
of picadors
lined up for
twin meditations, one
property (this or that)
could master rules of
engagement prior to
nothing wrong

the inward ladder,
energy shift, her
  saying what is

the monday spot
this easy and light

recall being operated upon
by naive expense
rolled into one
  controlling saunter


a concession to arrangements
thinks of artifacts

no network, chosen words
by time to speech-forms
likely cellular phones

animated by lifts
insularity developed
that placemark now
a spiral torture

nervous mantra, no
spell-bound activity without
some recollection of

things can turn out for
a concert or such

this is the metal called
from an abstract machine


urgent time-share
as nervous as the cousin

a fill-out procedure
incorporated till
  they’re ready to go
enjoyed the silence

the modern grain-cellar
in a turgid district
stretched in not one
but two places
by rehearsed ermine

not terrible, that
musicale perused
as if there were
ten-million words


ternary disrepute
that weekend and
sterile work-weeks
filled by the new 104

the maddest get-doing
as when arrivals pursue

copper kitchen
turn, then three chances

at ease of mantra
a spiritual point-in-time:
this is an orchid
naive and beauteous

the most specious agreement
over a long time they
seek replete with flowers
a dangerous validity for
purposive ignorance, not
yet found by past / future


vitamin b remains as a
  fluency of prognoses

whatever the standard
at least sorghum biases
toward a large echo

now trapdoor celluloid
in the evening collection
  by the road

is this a moisture
predicated by stopgap
is correctness a mystery?
and, can another (lurking
in the shadows) be the same
that once narrated these?

a persuasive darkness
seeks the landscape
meditation aside the
  terrible name
a face in the street
occupied by clarity
nothing else


itchy ponds,
and marionettes

stamina and
for escape

no loud drama
perhaps furniture
knows incremental
this preparation
before whichever
notion is a spot
on created sorts


the profligate
could have hats of
each order
	    book and
screwdriver, one
placard, not how profiles
prize the sorrow

torn from definition,
a least scare for
hollywood noises


the mantra overshot
  with miscarried egos
  explains impossible

no arrangement daily

turn the beverage into
she escapes the pillage

ease in preparation
younger in another city
recessed for chintz

the highest advantage
an elliptical rhododendrum
a phonetic mutilation

words overcast
that doesn’t mean
off-hand explanations


	  the strongest
haiku (hazelnut) competes
with concepts
	        that redo
on-time silks,
	      as an aid
to motives you look closely

mascara		elusive
tendons			chipped
	at the bartered
		  gala till
	finder’s protocol is
	lured by heat

forensic intimidation
the movie set
	        dog sleep
not as confident


sleek vinyl covers on the
  workerly dust-bin

a managerial pastiche
eluded by chance (change)

how words’ equivalence
  remains operational

alive and leaning toward
  flamboyant lists
staring at blankets
voices in a foreign

appealing to that sector
where incomes are reduced
to skittish melodrama
uncognizable and


girl against a wall
yellow feet
	    bridged to ski

no packrat heels
on the tether within
close (copious) quarters

validity is foreign to
  expression of response

nervy little two shoes
the affect gone carousing

be not told
nor remembered to tell
in a flash

the adaptation for everyone
a message for you
now so special


mix better scenes
that don’t save public
  address systems
dial 3-3-3 to equate
  with messages

even the decal costs
  pundits their rage
however pitted

all sorts of answers file by
liking to be stared at

sequins quash hostilities
with negative empathy

time before time affects
the brazen hurrying

the other capitulates
with masked energy

events cast shadows,
as skill, a boundary


a secretary often heard
at the coffee machine
to warn on a smoke

savory pedal
acceleration in delivery

large and ugly reasons
the best is a ghost’s mantra
honed for connivance

not vanished nor labeled
  to provide selection
  that description evades

comptroller of the conscious
	between forms
relates this to you


without contact (roll the
bid, settled upon, gone
further than), time
to seek annual poise

the liaison between force
and defensive nature

the closest are a bother
not invited lineage
two contacts, one form

forge a crisis
sit for hostile favors
some jumping jacks


struck from the same biases
to endure at ease
  formalized suctions

venial dim processual orb

privacy adjective noun
elements of...
is enlightenment near?

a closest infandibulum

hierarchic mastery
the ropes, the robes,
timeless enticements
such as...

defoliation’s literal offshoot

pinochle devours standards

to recoup painful discharge
contract provisional music


problem solved by choice
  of meaning
averted by silence
to feed...

	annual rug (rouge) 
  	gathered settings
	for routing
	why cellophane?

visit asked to how itemized
  corrections abhor baroque

	who vanished in
	a fortiori jealousy

	polished whose scorn?


however dated, the
engine vacillates
more often than not	

be very careful...

distant tourniquets just to
disguise closeness to the
corrupt elocution

knew no sample better
than a complete devotion

mascara finalized (once
more) the fringe howitzer
telling (on time) you how
to predict animated:
	first person
	fired from youth
	freed to roam


trial fever
penser en francais
irigaray stupor fender etc

partial critiques invoke
  radium expedients

shaped of each inning
  to welch out from...

deleted personality before
  magic oceans qualify for
the pattern of no pain

ricochet around the umbrellas

chalice (challenge) the
  homeward ecstasy reviewed
    new news


the infinite regression
  of why must say the
songbird core (choke) says
everything is a magic?

one can’t replicate infinity

on a space to renovate
(space by space), 
why believe them to be the
  cause of ignorance?

tyrannical revulsion (his
nickel, let’s see...) that
makes good theater:
	poise / direction
	beauty / color

for five voices


tenets adapted
	         tones seem
	         a usage so
	incomplete, already a
chance to restrict the good
      pirouette (shower skittish-
      ness with precision), memo
to argentina...

a vegetable interred in state

defunct (so far dynamic
tendencies) further the grandiose

empty world,
half-pin vanishes due to
  causations’ illusory

three greek letters
line-item veterans’ groups
  called under the couch


tell to see
sky: another celestial assay
of delight diffused
from material / spiritual

one’s eggshell precedent:
this pottery shell-shocked
broken earth, no soup

eventual dreamer
songs from shared egos

to bind informal tension
just call out

a farm of pie-charts
when one’s mouth is turned


conducive portions
reminded to be formal

had night too dense for
  words like these

hearing on double-wide
the tonic returns in kind

that moist merriment
a thermometer problem
took it out

green apprentice
his domain hands shook
to the liar of benefit

tested oleo primed for use
by liquid cranium cellers 

the shots for a cone
  of these
pierce memory


up and down the street
in public arrangements
they wilt facing the sun

always cooped up
from the arrival
of his boxes
as the rerouting of conduct

not ironic nor multiple
  from use
just a figuration’s globe
talked about for a while
that fine revenge
when you circulate

numerals like five hundred
escape definition in purely
rancorous epiphanies

nothing can create
other than to emerge


the decent approach 
  of weekend
a pile of strays for your
  one-house servant

to enter, perky lifters
cancel visibility

disneyworld full-time asks
pellets at an 
  informative desk

bright nature spoken out
secret anchorites (chosen)
pierce texts with nounal
  entireties, spelled
for a bidden seepage

pronto awash edited to
the maximum of tension

heroic subtended inferred

new decals send
timely adults to entertain
a world of fringe echoes,


trickled into a burn-victim
lying down in fever
ten distorted people crave
  exclusivity of position

a boss and a history
made in choice lots
for several conversations’
  likelihood where the
telephone assigns to expansion
all the idiots ‘neath spaces

equal will to be back
on the return of oversight

a tailspin noon (terrifies
children) to induce policy

self-sufficient animals
needlessly turgid pellucid
  hamstrung eloped
just beacons
because the sky changes


sky between the branches
wired not to know
if organized lives care
to placate venial advice

pride of constancy
have hasn’t and wooden
alarmists, can’t wrong-
headed steroids movies
fly in the face?

all right, this domain
spotted in farewell

a tear for likelihood’s
nuance gone celestial

general interest formed
about the appliance

takes life from presence
and the amnesty for others


garage no shift

healer’s art saying: one
	     error, ghosts of
	tricked princesses

whomever it applies to
can serve altitude
as a mysterious publicity

beneath a cloud
  (literally one pice),
then starlit harangues

remote contrasts
  from one lively pace

the artificial enamored
by ten dialed dinners
from the hostile recoil
of planet-songs revoked

  + + +

Splintered part 21
Splintered part 23