part twenty-three. correction fully charmed a cousin to equivocal delay all twixt the selling of inserted pinstripes already broken by earth gardens, tiles of cere- monious thought notated by night crew farces she sent off the person one knew those fine days numerals not contraband at that movie attack of brawny towels (brain surgeons) while sayers invent their own ascension to and from conditioned roles + life’s energy subject to renewal therefore the coddled skit chariot (carrion) of flowers an album already dusted off personalized and free not here, wow! therefore if... cast-off ignorance go this way whenever not second-hand by either route best between the branches wishful generosity precision padded by irony the best beast (beard) a collapse of acidity + new against the wall held in the rotation of an early evening a scalpel a formidable display no hero to her belief curled thrashed tied up to the nadir of apexes the scene a second trial for chocolate under car seats if decipherable the involvement, aware of... terrific label on negation energy to a birdsong’s text classifies voluntarily tattled by serious instinct dipolar beast, dropped-out hellion, chelated vitamins + every space gets to know where multiplicity reigns in careers, motley hassles, terminal orbits, selected spiteful greeters sit for this conducive to wisdom, that a handed word literally (but not always) served, the repetition-martyred fantasy of geek scholars who predict whenever the music starts correctly now white as grey handshook in fedoras the larceny so obtuse and listened to... almost-inert zeppelins try out the salted worlds that follow + never apart always a part of... versatile disowned by muffin-pieces, black suit spared by collages, an intentionally masked curios the faded (eviscerated by hand) nearby intellect (voiceless anachronism) that overplays the least fraudulent echo she properly zeroes in on how perception agrees that a first world nearly two weeks ago, if you can find it, caroms off the way to forever + strange flower held in hand between... truly generous more than ugly a savory full-time think- ing how (if acceleration is provided for) (in the new planetary skills) if becomes magic, why becomes unnecessary? ageless endearing to none other than passivity, no drifting standpoint at least about the territory second the data, a repulsed organizer and he thickly-ruled by (at) that served line can both... + each everybody tone crop share typo genial venom package arrival letter foghat (forget) pixie if tarnished everything differs culturally near hood kick jump-start one line the face with... ‘neath sudden all hat + the outline of bread on toe cringe defoliate aperitif per pounce fling created earlier than a syrinx velocipedic contraries if recall ousts night’s witch a surfer (tacit) borrowed lines, (lemon) once farmed for glitter, the cosmic celebrity, her book on target how it goes, anchored by fleece that (in a pest) can be seen falling through + the look over a few days they tap certitude vellum-cashmere-piano unknown reactor pick up against, lean against the widget, it falls that far in a minute street with recoil theatric amnesty sits next, inclemency concentrates on clearing throats unwelcome not breathing through the unnatural certificate loaves of gore pilotless announcement’s tactile fringe all that voice + pretension to majesty siddha vessel rolled and perused told to stick with items not counted by region the smile of fishnet stockings by arrangement with imagined elimination, if courtship endures better trust thick-set additions to the bi-cultural dilemma are floated the triathlon averts senses over a racked brain time spoils bookishness neck on return they eat in a flash tossed from vanishing to believe thanks were said + if and of the all (section header started by ergometric vacillation) thinking their silence won’t lose intensity, would bring necessity for another to be risen about on a schemed affirmation another’s language begs plastic exhilaration especially after a wilderness is explored however the dance rolls (relationship) the mantra’s gift to sentinels of infinity is the clear and the culpable idolized by all those mechanisms, fluid aroused if presence allows when pronto flies in, factual (ineffectual) (still evading, determined by chops and fleas) disarray beds down with the captive + sharp saxophones, a vibrant loss to listen pellets and rutted floors what predictions know about ampersands and virgules all one person filled by lists of contours that separate early modes of being if generation to the that of their instance uncalled for... + if real and spectacular point therein to a tee one circular isolation, a verb-skittish panegyric mellow as trash, open on the ovulated data, here by another syncopation a liter of om, plastic ovals now creation serves, advise by and before ordinary persons roll through paper placement their cups of tea are smaller, thankful for the remote, sorry about the agenda, pierced underneath the body going left on a one-way street, say it once + tessitura ligature a dark decade versatile at the vogue schism or double? probed broken dishware the story less defined, refused then relayed the kick in one box (old version) tells a fringe lotus of partial insanity, though close, becomes inverted by time, the glass ear, eyelash, rotary sickness argues at so much the precipice, the time, the closest promoter for a message having more for... + always a spatial misnomer sent into hysterical laughter, to talk professionally, to serve matted hunger because an unobtrusive worker triumphs one starry-eyed igniter takes off her clothes without a flinch, left off at curious fast-dancing, the flat-chested and witless observer needs prodding to circulate with illusory exactness haste walks through songs of notated survivals lines, tensions ahead no theatre for viruses + an early eagle in your twitching face, a call to worlds that inscriptions can’t devour fringe leopards tell us of a hothouse his stereophonic mysticism pedaled into oblivion shaman-tested by erasure the doctrinaire fellow her fundamental overture elevation assured those indemnified who fidget + bandaged toxins scream, precisely the manic testament of proclivity assumed by factory sleazes (sleepers) terror at sharp tonic- dominant ovations pirated by terrifyingly- true edifices lest the handgrenade explode too soon the frigid appearance will seem hostile to laughter however as portly matrons creates error from front to back + literally ovoid selenium arsenic tes- tosterone predicted to alleviate the sundown the talker is often too boastful abbreviated endings by telephone toilets risking periodical monday this middle of exigency token arrangements by lineate origin property rights a name at a time + rude nature found by telephone these little cartoons beset and bedridden contraries to the innovation that can suggest the window wall eager tilt, formless icons all diverge at best oh! hah! independent zooms go through the latest correspond to reality snafu earthen twitch erased loudness + the elephantine panegyric ignored by order liquid festooned on chocolate drivers this looks for that which is no punished effort now become her to be less tedious as a sample of mystery a maverick from day one selectively irradiated sees the disc fall reality listens to you + when it is overcast in the smallest ignorance an organ delays if hospitality sends roles convention by what is not pure or simple the attached simply fall through arguing with idiots relegated by the body-feeling to pure spirit or energy or possibility + characterized by fulfillment cauterized by a standard to receive is to elicit from there (right over there, some bit away) the therefore-special people invite (invert) almost full of language to describe the fullest breakthrough (not positive, rather realized in earth the stagecraft and experience remains cogent) + a gift of moods cell wall increments the icy theogony asks sequences to be blind to waistband dictation ordinarily the drummer prone to rage selects hidden staminas that health can’t refine who clasps a bug to hear on the frigid ace? least of all! credulous by purring and serving the general empire + heat a prospect that walks away with ingredients for a creature of habit at least organizations return calls a favorite is simple syrup to be crossed in the face of alignments previously unsuspected fashion dresses down, only reports what’s said tricked by a book on shamans the exchequer is now bonded to immediate changes as an anthology now unsure of the receipt of messages yagna and sadhu the melting-pot decriminalized + the presence to returns to self in its organization understood by boats as the same to innumerable acquaintances briefed in the sincere a pice of history normal no narrow now-natural sediment (if you listen what heard inside the manipulated, rare and privileged) tiramisu and espresso she speaks out in anxiety as anxiety spreads rootless without energy what means these words? + herein tidy and late a cliques’ naiveté is as unbridled as selective amnesia a stared-at woman creates hidden erasures of pierced earlobes culturally destined to a quick pick-me-up on adjusted formalisms nothing else saturates so fixated jealousy with yearlong blushes agit-prop, someone interested in bivalves? + a felon prompts ease in an easel’s vinyl vanishing the erudite and visible title on crosswalks savors eliminated ardor, no tool to describe simulation off and on what talk to saber-toothed error games listened to by an ascerbic telemachy rind of the orange reality’s first hold inevitable causation twixt weekend and sofas + a material singularity feels light-headed about the arrangements’ first echo along the riverbed now a watery hedonist a hell-hole for demands voice-shared and snobbish eloquent receipt weeks of times’ diversion got and has very prominent and visible + in motion the same conceit a priority to go sturdy gift chameleon likes to tea-down on rhythm, savory incidence of price fully returned free at last, the mountain shares overtones by now fell to insist at egregious intervals where the shine emplots reason to spread to roll about dog-eared though knowledge is spatial + the picnic in january acts out an impasse diverse idiots, brought in new expectation of cloistered hangovers saves to prompt employee baggage the least accustomed in mouth a rose by any other names at large they flourish overcome by friction total mindfulness as impulse resonates in the coil of barrabas noxious silt hampers with the uncovered cough + for no other reason than the curtain rises we think of foreign lands appreciable reverence now tried here ingredients of exhalation things undone vacillate if voice goes name of form of name a ruler should expect more discord than pictured by flowering trellises as the densest opportunity applied heat for sale an appeasement in riddles + met in august moved in november married in march a case of trust in fact leaning upon now a sacred input one as the rectangle creates limp forgeries now another subject walks we hadn’t noticed with diverging truants become a weekend, stop a cast precisely man-to-woman in her series the lifted echo naturally strides (strives) where recognizant appeal tosses out the magicians no hourly defense of what hasn’t happened + shot-put to the text crude nomenclature defines surfaces before and after the conscious here and now the route deployed and accepted in kind hit and run toss (toxic) naiveté, or bridged charges, one is different by shored-up limits nantucket brigade old trade charges to fixers if periodic nausea, all this clique can issue at least alert for colorful dynamics + cost-plus injury lapidary call airport a retinue easily rid of the tragic now humored by sadistic melodies the business around her choice burdens on spatial worrisome at the ring bad sets of groups inevitably precocious by cornered starters manageable tensors as a gripped overflow pries through walls and brings honed trials, the lessons of fixation now skeptical telling a voice + the plateaus of insistence (insider), dog-tired an alert to mimicry if prized by overbearing satisfactions to the many long worlds a linear presence adds force urteil-benzene-triptych tricked in shot-put averse to diverge telling a scansion of witty crystalline cinders potent animosity from rut to heel pries optically, tonight’s priggish hellcat + pastiche of confreres her diametric ovulations insist act fertility remind of a contrast falling through walls the personhood of insight limitless space elicits forgery to hold up a garage underneath beltway formulations bonnet heated up for motivation by any other day listed in facile depositions the inorganic stimulus an episodic transcendence one under the wheel of karma and deliverance + return, contradict, prints on telephones, surgery in operative discord, vast treaties unsigned in hollow distances, think on one foot, tolerably cruised again at the walled input a sense of inevitability though not destiny that a presence can infer various outcomes cleared by these widgets ghosts and caroms to prospective adaptation money to get out of emotional abuse of carpet intimacies once a left bank distorted bistro + egged on as to be a network bitter herbs on closest awareness talked swindles with fiorello computed in part exculpated, rest up is not today the fireplace of rouge and mascara the hello unnecessary bang casual filled-in with calipers at least one week then dispassion wilderness acolyte, vice of rumination over farces total ingenuity, the offer chaste + released from what intoxication served in-house terror-filled by circum- stances alike to both on a private modesty rose (resinous) the priority of what use (used) in feature describes restraint though immaterial to wired forces clangorous saxophone not specified by truants or vagrants, was the order reversed? these twined cords never calligraphic though worded by street address of contact as an orb of galaxies noshes down on... in fact indulgent on a prominence to be a warm body in a seat + her ideality this melange of process as space now not allowed splintered as watery as formed of water how its spoiled in- clemency reduces the faraway look idolatrous ingenue, topicality of one spotless decal prizewinners’ a-one, the first class of truckers’ regalia that never quits + let to head the editorship a voluminous out-lived doxia swindle a salad out (tonight) of nowhere after extra weirdnesses a placated accomplice being touched a lot masks organized listeners to a dry-run sequenced into old-time music bandaged for inveighed against return the prominent prince was told, inert to what is obsequious + vessel, fully bonded intro complexity a hollow ovation sent to crippled trolls over-spreading branches talks with avuncular mimicry a candor inserted by fellowship out by seven in by three to alert a mantra of possible person, large eyes in the cafe string along held to sway, there every morning, stickpin wordless + a new tack on tactile venture asked as to when it is the closest index we prefer singular presence each veto-power in trade for annoyed expertise how theatric a school schedule deterred heavy strokes details if entropic to lists find contrasting yurtles where history crosses zipped lips for sired poise + aspersion cast (therefore) floor of bedroom, well thought, often worn thinking right there in your face is how it goes going there vast coronations tricked to see allowed as a fund colorful time play over there the advanced corner pliant as forgiveness only a morning scar told time, gained upon in closest drift tell you and never prime + elegant information when this annuls terms schemes defy as functions agree to dog-talk surpluses elope the soft shuffle pleased to agree on stripes as a fell tide ptomaine-pristine-commercial trashy dowry aperitif selection assumed to be infinite where is the walk through? hard coins form under pressurized lobes, the truant a densest therapeutic, new foibles arrange texts well-spared by the armed truckers proclivity for hydrocarbons the airplane, they shrug, one hour later a greeting at time’s arrow + terrified to bring grace down at eleven a m, soft crunch tandem not for adjusting something un- fitting could be that which supplies or whatever is arrowed (implies) into by statement precisely a that? ineluctable rotter sedentary emasculation a tertiary sickness salve on broadway organ lending: a hands’ role prizes decay one spa terminated for excision when labeled + epos row, rule the salute after hastened cops (torrent) vigilant literature late of the salon prioritized necklaces and humidity impulse redone to promise vacuous forgeries no space understood to reveal each intention a plus-one tiramisu understudied later formal roster, got headless empires soon to chop down the truck palls of smoke inflected armor + sorrow plies its trade her senescent memo for bosstime eloquent guitars with vice sashay, chose what would be listened to, imagine vertigo so selective they cry out for honed priority selectivity opalescent omnivorous must fit, tingles required, by tonight they’ll sleep, vastly overinflated and still asleep + on boastful beautiful arms war canceled for redone prostheses are in fact a generous animation gopi salute evident concerned to file through the windows a ray of silence feats of another shakedown before thinking / writing approbation if elements take up the entire message loner so flighty + car cast cilia silo vertigo salaud melody pleas for description half full happens to skies a staged violence waiting for deals a which precedes b no faultless lesson input regalia the next time stolen particles met with by rumors she boarded the plane call if chancy lists plodded through by an optional flame on road indicates accidental sabotage + abrasive tongue on cello- phane, negligibly tonight they attitude-it-out on certain printed salutations shoe-in retch in next room dander up cloisonné rubiyat cornered injectors that magician still a homerun salesman tapioca another velcro fixes the accident all things evasive evaded (no tarpon) the sharp of toxicity velocity haggles with police severe mutations never without voice how retained reduced refitted + throwaway despots unsightly badminton tournaments sleeping guitars drunk wide-mouthed teapots no hari om separatists from the newspaper airy selection, this theatre (signature) the other coping-saw told to walk, averse to dentists, game plan: terror and explication already softened-for listened-to reminded-of... is now the predicate or the creativity? + solidarity with uni-vocal vagrants to assign modulations they assume diversions with fourteen karat titles one question along that p-o-v yoda on the e-mail motivated by torn dowries the girl looks through a window while pretense is sacred to sacrifice select sellouts no way to tell to the music however if blankets thought once hybrid, now fused intent: in spite of easy figuration a moving correction not deserved + all this and the depth of feeling now carousels if then... consent distorts all podiums never escapable guitar, sleek cells’ dense visibility, no ordinate salvos tones gone into the air what hastens deliberations in assumed tactics to redolence of the hand? on pirouettes they clamor for busy being free + lift the skirt where p-o-v confers distance or consequences of distance everything hidden nothingness newly trafficked in... the contact of anyone else varies (talk is selfishness) to absorbed hellos, abrupt failings, so tragic to be enlarged in imagination’s importance laissez faire let it walk over the cluttered nerve to ride there stylish animals take the shown to new levels + an aisle’s ritardando circulates knowing the way tarpaulins and the rinsed past a diligent haircut from dingbat-houris the tingle eviscerates drinkers of spiral notebooks who settled into these chariots concert indent mesmerize colossi to sample emotion a raw referral he takes ignorance’s consent to multiply added times remembering restraint wouldn’t that nighttime erasure deploy grateful souls in a new crisis + when you smile whozit is the radicale? various negligence feats of catalogued ellipses vortices and handrails ordinary routes in a fertile contrariness that elicits (eludes) completion as constancy’s northern idiom, song and song trials of the roller painting pendants as if still feet walk soft floors without retribution the idea / the realization of the idea / a memory / a furthered contrast + rotation at the concert tool crisis tournament of disrepair ate-ing indigo ingot (abelian) multiflora semantic isolated overture recognize this + a way of involution within the world’s corners never perished, the appliance rings true for sucrose edited light the trashed pillow of history an imperiled squash told to redefine one’s handwriting, a personal secretary put the most into it errata discovery, tilled by procedural sandstorms + some changed for better named in resistance to an oedipal surface tell the blunt rally herein to force a sky troubled in its veins knife told of red rain decent realities not tuesday’s motiveless enticement telephone tyranny gift lorded over chin plain pattern to skip motion, mutant electorate don’t toss the function no matter where it goes + hearth of stone ahead the imaginary recoil from described students list an inferno, how can density result in overtly dysfunctional improvement? topiary delicatessen imply conduits that rise to pick up a danced route for ordinary suffering no limit (label) to serenity that dent on formality heard in private error up to nowhere route to an espresso bar + already waterproof proboscis necked with in surface echo disgorge initialized accents who had a credit card, tiny bungalows with frozen ears, nothingness is a guardian often separated limit: want to live there tactics resume to plead well-behaved, a silent, long list of demands stored into spatial tuesday + demure filler to sight now achieves termination pachysandra and phalarope tossed through ego-nature anxiety: do breeder rideaux, a totalitarian rind from wherever moths skip town this egged-on future is in reality past tense formica, the little daggers how for a deliberate reaching? one space for all? what would instances reveal of blurred banter? one scalpel near the tent pranced early told to remove nearby stilts for the shortest garden of what-it-is-not chip off the block of cheese (why?) open / shut forms ferris wheel typos who covers the song in another weird play? + which intro pelts rocks scarfing down an imagined rule? nearby sloth fertile slit properly out to lineage that fears contact would never rally the trucks to a deeper scar intensely forced to be a ground on blocks of growls information not followed through + the music often limited in scope of expression a smothered typeface neater than preoccupation told to clean off telling stories, a masculine voice from a woman’s body what song issued in the age of deals still reminds of an inconvenience? full turrets in display mode sickly attrition comparative ordering skit-skirt / heart-hearth an incident ruled abstract what is allowed? thickly plagued by overdrive song’s skill never around the contrasting effects for which they get ready + one incensed sorrow interminably sieves through moods, the alarm at ciphers and cinders an isolated experience expressed perhaps in that body prescient anomalies (day for the races) inscribe what chokes changing dinner plans with the allotted band got to this in no fear once a person behind a desk plans a statement after one o’clock + a new sound’s sweet rhythmic porosity eager aloud tensile apathy, carry back to play one’s own ribet check point: entry into guitar cellophane noon triumvirate sweet song celestial mimicry scrapple haven (hectare) grind appointment of conscience therefore: you + the music of application to fence driftwood piracy-priority-illegal din sedimentary stimuli visit here: herein pile a tone on the internet not a ruse, convection’s pallor of options to sickness a raised letter held to trackmeet-stereotypical hollowness tonsil argue: is a feel-good surface what endures? the principal operation for her is seen through ego as she glistens for a state of grace + carnation / carnivore teeth fixed green choked from existence (if what?) and the heart of control, full awareness under z eloquence’s appetite for feel-good simulacra the tentacle of pianistic recall now a little thinner, better defined conducive to reminiscence by the hollow arm gold sunday now in a perfect world separate, weird tonight necessity of over-promotion dancer at door’s silence + the gist of the presentation is approximately defiance and retrogrades nowhere else but torn off by ungrateful persons, tingle that restriction called art, indicate feasibly clarified and retrospective animals no antler in the fork horrid pristine (confluence), animus of the drugged drummer battle for each regrouping a horse primarily wrestled by word / letter before terms fall over the written, jagged and fertile overshoe, art + a midnight refuge starred light and sound fends off mosquitoes the foreign turnkey so selectively amicable the rise of sand in chambers seen in a g-rated movie celluloid mantras the finding of continuance whatever tokens can read is the movement of application talked with one’s own potency the radiant escape gripped structures in clarified oceans works for a living now fed and huddled with... + a one way stretch of road too close to behave as infidel for the optician mist and clouds, fogged glass in character as a steady jury for concept the arrhythmic, committed daring the forgiveness of championship heat cordless demands from ice with one too many the circuitry pleases primed tornadoes to be against again + rug of stretch-consciousness finery otherwise a late day sole function to brake a car in melody some fended for by the mobile everything that does so little makes such large marks for theatric endeavors some stand up to speak some to be listened to in an agreement replaced by strolling savants testicles in bunches of graded snafus, one level conscious of energy any other’s face is the detail of a first vision + talks like family not all the same understanding the fullest chill to counterattack an emotion related to contrast dramaturgy forge around the clock a fire-thin receiver an invalid standard series off-hand zamboni radar-detector not knowing wherever insisted upon private language intersects with motion placated infidels are scrapped in the retort + perish the thought that envies latter dates of collect calls informed by sumptuous distinction tail feathers food and grit chill prints call order feasible and assigned to bodyguards, savory incipient ordinarily to befriend, inmost value waved through.. principal language is thought grasped cares to be anything more than an imperfect silence created by neutral terms infernos by clapped oversight + natural truck slow slaughter too final thanked to remit priority to cellular telephones impossible sadist imported possibility from the darkest thick and slight a disease made worse by his indigent whining serrated insistence the bollix they don’t oversight and reminder of what liquor of (spine tonic) imposes literature where passion defers to tide-wall sorrow + a poem for a poem decides to consider appellate nonsense, saying here, in the face of love the screen is calm princess later often savors a benign attribute how out of this prime limited to feeder frenzy endures portions deleted, is new, not for fantasy an adage for one who is stolen throughout a deficient lyricism impaled on knotted fingers one figure atop the other traffic starts up again, has the mutated surgeon a clangorous concentration resulting in familiarity? + blunt echo (the sap of rhythm) a broadcaster’s delirium sedimentary thought in deficit of alarm fortune trucked there to town in promise of delight and far out imaginations to cull the breeder reactor fusion negligence sleep in a daytime overtone, perhaps not tomorrow though at least a guarantee of one sure-fit secularization up at ten to four reality sinks from the roof to the back of a corrective lens + overrun the planet while wired to a transistor that goes for a napkin, fealty in dispersion rendered sensual the jocularity of ease and the rhythm of overtures principally mind-sensitive needs a diamond that grecian urn separatist tenderness in a crushed laboratory with senses of humor deployed janus-faced bartered and sold in the commerce of defoliation + gender-specific site-specific just once to be refused access capillaries of process underneath cities where lion-kings and quasis rule sylph of merited labor written in the face of organs that hunker down for a shocked transitoriness he culls in tempo reshaped and hardened to the circulatory flux, abetting increasing porosity for a meltdown in case of... + + +