Right now, this site consists mostly of a mush of pictures that you can click on and see slightly larger versions of. Believe it or not, this is not my final plan for the site. This project needs the help of people like you, people with connections to Philadelphia, to get it off the ground. I am actively looking for people who are intrigued enough by these images/online artifacts to write me a response. It could be a 2 page essay, it could be a five-line haiku. Just something. As I collect responses, I plan to post them on this site, and hopefully some of them will make it into a small publication. But in order to do that, I need your help. Here are the steps:
And who is me? I? Whomever? I am Moira Moody, and I can be reached at momoody[all one word]ATgmailDOTcom.
Thanks in advance for helping, I will try to reward everyone who participates in some way through the celebration on April 22nd.
Although the content writing is my main push for this project, there are other ways you can help. Do you like photographing Philadelphia, and have pictures of historic sites? Tell me about them. Do you know someone who would really like to write about something on this site, someone I may have overlooked? Let me know. Does this site not load correctly when you navigate around it? Please do tell. Any feedback you have about this project, in fact, I'd love to hear. Please drop me a line.--Moira