Welcome to Al Filreis's discussion group on the poetry of Emily Dickinson and Lorine Niedecker! To get started, make sure you're signed in with your Google account.
We will discuss one poem at a time. Al will announce each new poem just before we begin discussing it, so there won't be a "syllabus" posted in advance. However, the introductory message in the center column here will always maintain a running list of the poems we have already discussed, with links to the text of each poem.
Our goal here is to do collaborative close readings of poems, one poem at a time. Our sense of Dickinson and Niedecker generally as poets will accumulate from these intense encounters at the level of the poem.
Here are the links to the poems we have been discussing:
1. ED, "The Brain--is
wider than the Sky"
2. LN, "Easter
3. ED, "I'd
rather recollect a setting"
4. LN, "I lost you
to water, summer"
5. ED, "There's a certain slant
of light"
6. LN, "I am
sick with the Time's buying sickness"
7. ED, "I sued the
8. LN, "New Year's Day"
9. ED, "The Missing All"
10. LN, "Hand Crocheted Rug"
11. ED, "Tell all the truth but
tell it slant
12. LN, "I knew
a clean man"
13. ED, "I never
saw a Moor"
14. LN, "Otherwise"