Publications & Presswork
We provide meeting space in our Publications Room, web space, advice, and an occasional pizza for a number of Penn publications and editorial teams. Getting involved with an ongoing publication project -- whether as a writer, editor, or staff member -- is easy; simply consult the descriptions and contact information listed below. At the end of the list you'll find an archive of older publications that once called our Publications Room home. For general information about student publications, email Writers House Director Jessica Lowenthal (

Common Press
The Common Press is the letterpress printing studio at the University of Pennsylvania. The press is a collaboration of interests at Penn, including writing (Kelly Writers House), print culture (the Rare Book and Manuscript Library) and visual arts and design (the School of Design). The facility provides a mixed media environment where students can move between digital and manual image making, collaborating with writers, printmakers and others in the book arts. The Common Press exists to assist in teaching design and to facilitate collaborative projects across the university. It was founded on January 17, 2006, the 300th anniversary of Benjamin Franklin's birth.
A journal on and of translation. We strive to represent and celebrate a number of different languages, countries, and cultures by publishing interpretations of the work of poets and writers across centuries and around the world. For more information, contact
The F-Word: A Collection of Feminist Voices
The F-Word is a feminist literary magazine made by and for undergraduates of the University of Pennsylvania. Established to fill the feminist void on campus, the F-word serves as an outlet for writing and art pertaining to issues of gender and sexuality. For more information, visit or email
The Movie Goer
The Moviegoer is an online publication dedicated to pushing the boundaries of contemporary film and media criticism, both in terms of subject matter and approaches to writing criticism - from Herzog’s Lo and Behold to Frank Ocean’s Endless, whether you prefer delving into deep analyses of Lubezki’s cinematography or dissecting the evolution of coming-of-age films and what it says about millennials. As an online publication we aim to produce content that is responsive to current cultural developments and that engages with an audience beyond the Penn bubble. If this excites you and you’d like to get involved in any aspect from writing to editing to editorial operations, please check out our about page for more on how to contact us.
Penn Appetit
Penn Appetit is a food magazine that includes all types of food writing: feature food stories, personal narratives related to food, political/opinion columns, food poetry, restaurant reviews, and more. We are also looking to include photography or other artistic work in the magazine. The goal of the publication is to expand the types of food writing done on campus, as well as to explore the food issues surrounding Penn and Philadelphia. For more information, contact, or visit and
Penn Review
to the literary and visual arts, Penn Review is the premier
mainstream magazine on Penn's campus. We publish poetry, fiction, creative non fiction, and other
original literary works. We also accept all forms of visual art, including including documentation
of 3-D, time-based, and site-specific work. We meet once a week during the semester to discuss
submissions for our annual publication. E-mail or visit
for more information on submitting work or joining our staff.
t-art magazine exists at the intersection of art and technology to create a dialogue between the two seemingly disparate fields. By bridging the gap between artists and innovators within the Penn community and beyond, our publication explores the collaborative potential to push the boundaries of art and design. We provide unique opportunities on-campus by hosting speakers and organizing student gallery shows, as well as off-campus to visit artist studios, galleries, and other creative spaces. Learn more about who we are on our website, and contact us at
Robinson Press
The Robinson Press is a Writers House-run imprint project founded in 1995. In the two years since the project's inception, we have initiated two broadside series - one which features the work of our visiting poets and one, called the "Hub Series," which features the work of our community members. We have learned to design our projects, hand-set movable type, ink and clean the presses, and hand-print the final product. Every year we also collaborate with our partners at the Common Press for special press workshops and embark upon larger limited-editions projects.
Other Campus Publications
3808: A Journal of Critical Writing
Each semester, instructors teaching Critical Writing seminars across a wide range of disciplines at the University of Pennsylvania nominate the best essay written by an undergraduate in their class. A faculty editorial board selects essays from among the nominees to publish in 3808. A student editorial board selects the best essay in the collection as the winner of the Henry LaBarre Jayne Essay Prize. All forms of nonfiction writing are considered, from experimental to traditional, from creative nonfiction and autobiography to research writing.
The Penn Political Review
The Penn Political Review (PPR) is Penn's primary literary outlet for student political thought. We cover sociopolitical issues ranging from international relations to domestic politics to local affairs. We are non-partisan—but this does not extend to individual writers. We are also uncensored. We want to hear what you have to say, and we will make your voice heard. To see more, or read our blog the Soapbox, visit us at or email
Philomel is a non-profit journal for the arts, founded in 1981 and published throughout the year. After a decade of dormancy, Philomel resumed regular publication in Spring 2009. The magazine is intended for free distribution around the campus of the University of Pennsylvania, and among current and alumni members of the Philomathean Society.
Punch Bowl
Founded in 1899, The Pennsylvania Punch Bowl is Penn's oldest and funniest satire magazine, both online and in print. Branches include writing, graphic design, marketing, and video. To join, email and/or bribe the editors with $5,000,000 in PunchCoin (The Punch Bowl's cryptocurrency that'll take off any day now).
Stamped is Penn’s student-run travel magazine. We believe travel can be affordable and accessible to students. Like travel itself, we aim to be a means for self-discovery and exploration. By highlighting novel and formative experiences, we promote cultural exchange within and beyond the Penn community.
Archived publications
COMBO is a literary journal of poetry and poetics featuring innovative writers under 35, alongside a few older and more established poets who have influenced them. COMBO is dedicated to giving younger and lesser-known poets more space and visibility than they are accustomed to, so that readers will have a clearer sense of the context in which that work is produced.
Dial F For Film
Dial F For Film is an online magazine for students who want to share their ideas, critiques, and theories about film. E-mail to submit posts.
Filament strives to engage seriously with a variety of subjects relevant to our student body, including arts and culture, science and technology, social issues and politics. Our print magazine features mostly longform nonfiction journalism – trend pieces, profiles, reviews, and criticism – while our blog covers similar subject matter but in shorter, pithy posts. We also publish select works of fiction, artwork, and poetry, both in print and online. For more information, email us at
First Call
First Call is Penn's weekly undergraduate magazine that provides a forum for the expression of ideas and opinions, in the forms of creative fiction and poetry, reviews and critiques, as well as art. First Call is committed to a strict policy of not censoring opinions. We print provoking commentary on the university community as well as on our society as a whole and remain committed to providing top-notch writing that will sometimes anger, sometimes inspire, but always challenge our community to think about its ambitions, its beliefs, and its ethical and professional standards. For more information, visit or email
Flux is an ever-changing, online-only literary magazine that features all kinds of literary and visual works, across a range of genres and unique styles. We publish poetry, prose, fine arts pieces, photos, short films, and music, and are constantly updating and adding new art forms. Flux is a place for college students to showcase their talents, and we are dedicated to the wide-spread promotion and viewing of their art. For more information visit or email us at
Generation XX
Generation XX is a campus publication which serves as a forum for women's issues at the University. It is published entirely by a group of women and men concerned with these issues.
God Save the Beat
God Save the Beat offers an online home for diehard concert-goers, casual iTunes listeners, snobby music critics and everyone in between to review, discuss, debate and appreciate all genres of music, whether new or old, classic or MP3 leak. Founded and edited by Penn students, this blog is open to all and music listeners outside of the Penn community are especially encouraged to share their thoughts.
The Green Couch
The Green Couch is a seasonal publication devoted to the genre of literary journalism. There are no meetings and submissions are welcome from undergrads, graduate students, and alumni alike. Each issue includes a feature piece (This month's Couch Potato) of about 3,000 words as well as a handful of shorter articles. For more information contact Carolyne Volpe at
Kedma is a forum for Penn students and faculty to discuss, debate, and challenge ideas about Judaism, Jewish society, and Israel. Kedma seeks to bridge the political and religious spectrum by providing an open and intellectually honest forum for both Jews and non-Jews, conservatives and liberals. Kedma seeks to engage and excite Jews at Penn who are not normally active within the Jewish community, and to stimulate and challenge those who are. For more information, check out our website at or email us at
The Little Black Book
The Little Black Book is a magazine publication and social group that focuses on the wholeness and well-being of Black women on our campus. It is a forum through which Black women can discuss their concerns and opinions on a range of topics that include sexuality, emotional health, and financial growth. For more information, contact Rhaisa Williams at
Penn's Jewish literary publication.
Mainstream Online Magazine
We may have had a mainstream online magazine. The current staff can find no record to match this description.
Other Voices
Other Voices is an electronic journal of cultural criticism published at the University of Pennsylvania.
PhillyTalks is a dialogue with contemporary poets. Its newsletter will feature responses by two poets, each to the other's poetry; it will be available on-line and in hard copy at least one week prior to the event. Philly Talks, the event, will present both a reading by the poets and a panel discussion. The panel format is an invitation to extend the conversation together.
Propaganda Silk
Penn's Asian American literary magazine.
Quake is the University of Pennsylvania's first literary erotica magazine. Quake is student-run, University recognized, and dedicated to the principle that sex should be both enjoyed and discussed. The publication will showcase the prose, poetry, and photography of Penn undergraduates from all sexualities and backgrounds. Inquiries and submissions are welcome year round at
Symbiosis is a student-led group and annual publication dedicated to the interrelationship of the visual and literary arts. We publish innovative collaborations between artists and writers, as well as interviews and critical essays on the cross-pollination between the two creative fields. We give equal significance to literary and visual media and appreciate work that showcases them as one cohesive unit. Emphasizing the benefits of the collaborative process, the Symbiosis project also facilitates interactions between participants by matching them up into pairs. For more information, please visit or contact
Threadsblog had its origin at a reading by Swedish language poet Anna Hallberg at the Writers House, during which she performed an excerpt from her series Mil that begins with the sentence, "is interpretation about something else." The blog presents a web of poetic conversation that exploits an unstable poetics of call and response through frequent contributions across diverse media (including writing, visual art, music, video), which always orient themselves not only as always unfinished artwork, but also always unfinished critical response to something else. Such a conversation necessarily prefers notions of poetry as play and practice of thinking to notions of poetry as craft and practice for writing. The blog actively solicits "commentary" by its community of readers at the Writers House and elsewhere in the form of poetic contributions that will exercise the irony that such a strict distinction between text and commentary necessarily engages.
The Vision
The Independent African-American Student Newspaper of the University of Pennsylvania. For more information about The Vision, e-mail
Xconnect is a tri-annual electronic journal for contemporary art and writing based in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania.