Penn Poets Society

Note: This is an archived page from 1996

What good is there amidst the chaos of life? Walt Whitman answered by saying, "That you are here - that life exists and identity / That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." Founded on this belief, the Penn Poets Society is a group which meets regularly to share and discuss poetry, focusing primarily on members' original work. The society puts out its own poetry publication Catharsis and plans various activities throughout the year, which include night readings and coffee house gatherings. The group has visited the Edgar Allen Poe House, Baldwin Book Barn, and the Art Museum. Membership is based on meeting attendances only and while writing is encouraged, it is not mandatory. Any student interested in poetry is welcome to join. In the years to come, the society hopes to continue inspiring students' creative expression through verse. For more information, please contact Scott at 386-9402 or or Henrietta at (Scott may have graduated).