Kelly Writers House Podcasts

For instructions on subscribing to our podcasts, click here. You are also invited to listen to PennSound podcasts and our new podcast series, PoemTalk.
To download the program, click on the linked title. For instant listening, click on the blue triangle.
- Raphael Rubinstein [info]
- Live at the Writers House [info]
- Greg Manning's writing about 9/11 [info]
- Judith Rodin [info]
- Dennis Barone [info]
- Rothstein oral poetry event [info]
- The Mind of Winter [info]
- Djanikian's poems on the Armenian genocide & after [info 1 2]
- Jamaica Kincaid [info]
- David DeLaura memorial [info]
- Book ideas for the holidays [info]
- Geoffrey Hartman on holocaust testimonies [info]
- Wideman back at Penn [info]
- Finding the Words after 9/11 [info]
- Bill Owen, Bill Williams, & the garden [info]
- Alan Light on The Beastie Boys [info]
- Helen Davies sings about leprosy [info]
- Book suggestions for the holidays, 2008
- Jamie-Lee Josselyn's memoir of her mother
- E. L. Doctorow [info]
- Grace Paley [info]
- autumn comes to the Writers House
- Robert Coover [info]
- 7-Up on trash [info]
- Roger Angell [info]
- Walter Bernstein [info]
- Nick Spitzer & the vernacular avant-garde [info]
- digerati at the Writers House in 1999 [info]
- "hubcore" - an open-mic night for the KWH planning committee [info]
- a J.C. Hallman short story [info]
- the Kanye West-fest [info]
- getting medieval [info]
- writing about television [info]
- new media journalism [info]
- radio host/producer Benjamen Walker [info]
- Francie Shaw, artist's talk on the occasion of her exhibit [info]
- an introduction to the RealArts internship program [info: 1, 2]
- sportswriter Bob Ford [info]
- sex in journalism [info]
- Buzz Bissinger in conversation [info]
- Rachel Fershleiser, Maris Kreizman, and Arielle Brousse discuss the Bookternet [info]
- Interview with Ella Browning
- Interview with Jennifer Yu
- Interview with Adam Dickinson
A podcast is a series of digital-media files which are distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and computers. If you subscribe to a podcast with software like iTunes, your computer will automatically download these audio or video files as they are released.
To subscribe to the Kelly Writers House podcast, all you need to do is
- install the newest version of iTunes, and
- click this link: itpc:// (or paste it into your browser).
Alternatively, you can
- start iTunes,
- select "Subscribe to Podcast..." from the "Advanced" menu,
- enter into the box, and
- click "OK."
You will see the Writers House podcast being added to your iTunes Podcasts library, and the first episode will start downloading automatically. From then on, whenever you open your iTunes, the next Kelly Writers House podcast will download after it is released.
We recommend using iTunes for listening to our podcast, but if you use another program, you can still subscribe. The URL of the podcast is
If you have questions about Kelly Writers House podcasts, please write us at All podcasts are produced by Al Filreis and Mark Lindsay and hosted by Al Filreis.