"The true healer neither knows nor seeks boundaries between the arts and medicine."
- Richard A. Lippin, M.D. (President of the IAMA)

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Kelly Writers House
Word.Doc aims to gather undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and anyone who is interested in writing and narrative medicine to discuss and experience the ways in which medicine, narrative, literature and art inform one another in creative and useful ways. Through writing, sharing and discussing our own narratives, art and ideas in the informal, intellectually-stimulating space of the Kelly Writers House, we explore how narrative, art and medicine connect in our own lives and how we might be able to make use of these relationships. Word.Doc is especially dedicated to open, seminar-style reading and discussion groups for interested students, faculty and affiliates from across the university. Members of Word.Doc will join a listserv and are invited and encouraged to participate in our discussion groups, which will be held at 6:00 pm in the Arts Caf� of the Kelly Writers House, and to join us for our other featured events, guest presentations and programs!

To join our program, to join our listserv or for further information about Word.Doc, please email Nicole Saint-Louis at nicole.saint.louis@uphs.upenn.edu.

To read more about narrative medicine, please click here.

To read more about Word.Doc and its members and affiliates, please click here.
Leonardo da Vinci's Vetruvian Man
Program in Narrative Medicine - Columbia University
Narrative Medicine - Rita Charon
Narrative and Medicine - Dr. Charon, The New England Journal of Medicine
Excerpt: essay by George Stapleton, medical student in Dr. Rita Charon's narrative medicine course:
Stories we could tell: a look into narrative medicine
Excellent article about narrative medicine in Columbia Magazine
Click here for more links
Spring 2007 Calendar
7:00 PM at the Kelly Writers House: Penn Alumnus DR. JACK TRUTEN has spent many years exploring the connections between narrative and medicine -- join us on Monday, 2/19 at 7 PM for a conversation with Dr. Truten -- you'll find out for yourself what makes narrative medicine such an interesting concept!
Please remember to RSVP to nicole.saint.louis@uphs.upenn.edu if you'd like to come, and tell your friends, co-workers and students to join us as well!
Word.Doc meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM

Questions about this page? Contact nicole.saint.louis@uphs.upenn.edu