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Critical and Constant
The EPC Blog List

Edited by Thom Donovan

atonalist (collective)
a big jewish blog (collective)
delirious hem  (collective)
diy publishing (collective)
future of the book (collective)
give a fig (collective)
intercapillaryspace (collective)
interanational exchange for poetic invention (collective)
k blog (collective)
philly sound (collective)
pennsound daily
x collective (collective)
freewill applicator (Stan Apps)
to the sound (Eric Baus)
belladodie (Dodie Bellamy)
web log (Charles Bernstein
hi (Brandon Brown)
beyond the pale (Tom Clark)
news and notes (David Buuck)

ca conrad
dennis cooper
cahiers de corey (Josh Corey)
Catherine Daly
detainees (Linh Dinh)
wild horses of fire (Thom Donovan)
tabla sin asidero (Dolores Dorantes)
ken edwards
the lipstick of noise (Steve Evans)
al filreis
Overlap (Drew Gardner)
exoskeleton (Johannes Göransson)
ululate (Nada Gordon)
a crash course in counter-intelligence (Michael Hennessey)
invisible city (Cathy Park Hong)
paul hoover
dbqp: visualizing poetics (Geof Huth)
nomadics (Pierre Joris)
was jack kerouac a punjabi? (Bhanu Kapil)
kevin killian @ amazon
modern americans (Rodney Koeneke)
pantaloons (Jack Kimball)
amy king
modern Americans (Rodney Koeneke)
like in a report to an academy (Gregory Laynor)
Rob McLennan

green integer  (Douglas Messerli)
limetree (K. Silem Mohammad)
grand text auto (Nick Monfort)
for the birds (Allen Mozek)
weird deer (Travis Nichols)
heatstrings (Aldon Nilesen)
nonsite collective
damn the caesars (Rich Owens)
blogitations in an emergency (CS Perez)
mappemunde(Tim Peterson)
radio real time (Amber DiPietra)
fait accompli (Nick Piombino)
harriet (Poetry Foundation)
lemon hound (Sina Queyras)
notes (Tom Raworth)
(Barbara Jane Reyes)
poems and poetics (Jeome Rothenberg)
cuneiform press (Kyle Schlesinger)
tin fish editor (Susan Schultz)
kulturindustrie (Mark Scroggins)
squandermaina (Don Share)
LWC/LWK (Suzanne Stein)
Ron Silliman
possum ego (Dale Smith)
elsewhere (Gary Sullivan)
swoonrocket (Juliana Spahr)
arras (Brian Kim Stefans)
the blind chatelaine’s keys (Eileen Tabios)
wallace thinks again (Mark Wallace)
organ pleasure (Alli Warren)

See also K. Silem Mohammad's extensive list of blogs
Archive: Nick Piombino's 2004 EPC blog list & 2008 archive of inactive blogs from this list

Last Modified: May 2009

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