Aug.. 13 87
Dear Faye Wattleton ,
Enclosed is a check my mother sent me for
my 60th birthday. I'm in a wheelchair (c..-palsied from a birth injury),
never had a regular job or earned income (except for 3 or 4 checks from
magazines these past 36 yrs and mag..s, letters and bks galore out of the
blue). So I sure feel unable to keep any one thing for long, feel spread
out thin spreadeagled.
I'd say not to waste postage on mailing appeals
to the president, cockeyed optimist to the extent that he really seems
to be, an entertaining fellow like Sinatra, Liberace, George Burns, P..
Domingo, I.. Stern, I.. Perlman, Baker, Falwell...andmyself at times.
(I've heard Helen Caldecott describe her meeting
with RR and in the last week or two Studs Terkel's interview with the
author of Reagan's America Innocent at Home, which, it appears,
might also be subtitled, optimism and an aphorism over all. Well,
when optimism and realism don't go together at all, or in some way, humanity
stops.) And a media shouting match or debate looks to be futile enough--more
mere confrontation. Although let's hope not.
Oh well. It's
quite a wonder Man has come thus far. Quit It's a humpty Dumpty World.
The piece on theother side, here, you might somehow enjoy seeing or even
find some use for
Ok to send it along to the White House with
the petitions if you like. (Or a copy of it.) I suppose it'll get shredded.
yours Larry Eigner
from Child Life, vol. 19, no. 1, Jan 1940
(an earlier piece appeared in the Oct. '38 issue)
In through the Window
The short, flat nose of a feline wedges itself
into the
crack beneath the window. It bears upwards as the opening slowly
widens. At last the space is wide enough to allow a full-sized
cat to enter. It stealthily crawls through the space, and leaps
to the floor. It is Spotty the family cat, who after finding
himself too impatient to linger about at the door, has begun to
copy the window-breakers way of doing things.
If the window is closed, he presses his nose
against the
pane, which eventually attracts our attention. We open the back
door and, with the flexibility of a serpent, he slips into the
Age 11
Canton, Mass.
Aug.. 21 86
I would like to have the SCIENCE '85 with the
article on risk in it, although I may not be
up to taking it in much. I've just heard its
author talking with Cokie Roberts, a dialogue that
went by too fast for me. (I fell asleep on some of
it, shutting my eyes to listen better.) I've
often heard your fine radio programs and enjoyed
them, and so many others on NPR (KALW, San
Francisco Unified School District radio station.)
Even though the more I go through the more I for-
get for one thing, c.. palsy prevents my taking notes
And I'm unfocused. How few things should anyone
focus on and how many can anybody ??? Life puzzles
(And one article on probability I've seen involves
Gaussian curves - I had to give it up.)
Thank you however things are
Larry Eigner
[ a page--all that's left--from an essay
of Larry's �BF]
I n s t i t u t i o n
might as well be clear about it. It's never as complete or as
continuing a community as people may have, have had in the past,
with their neighbors. The best thing a magazine can be is a
letter of the highest caliber, or roundrobin, inducing a reply of
some sort, or response. Ezra Pound was quoted: "magazine saves me
the labor of copying 17 times"--which reflects the historic
origins of the little mag at that."--and anyone can join in." So
maybe an editor should never bother very much about reading "the
highest possible number" of readers.* One of the speakers talked
of the inactivity of the audience: We don't make judgements, we
just make choices, just turn our backs on something we don't
like, and take up something else. But High Kenner said he had no
patience with the great majority of literary magazines, and when
he was asked why he wrote for them then, he said it was because
he hoped to improve them. Well, often men go by in the street
when I would like to try and talk to them about something. And
Marianne Moore said, to wind up the whole conference--within the
last two or three minutes this was--it was a matter of being in
good company. "I would not submit to an editor I despised."
So the Fund idea would seem to be quite a puzzle.**
* It's worth keeping in mind that "80% of the important
writers since 1912" got started in, and most
of these still
find themselves exclusively in, the little
mentioned a number of times after it was first
cited out of
a coauthored book whose authors and exact
title I missed.
And the vital has always developed in relatively
small, at
least independent groups. There is certainly
more to reading
and writing, often, than there can be in stamp
or playing checkers down at recreation centers.
or even
** No finances were discussed, as one man noted out of the
audience the last night. Most editors in attendance
reluctant to reveal circulation and other
figures in the
closed sessions. I wonder why.
�Larry Eigner