whose book must be real
underwater world
or aviary, a butterfly garden
animal, dynamic
up close
so many faces
three blue legs, one obscured by its size
pointed ears, multicolored eyes �
fox with an eye patch, white blazing through
cover this beast in
a wild field green, blue, yellow round square of
frame but not without
slants of looking, vertical tongue of flame
the way the tigerlillies radiate in July
while poppies are destroyed by rain,
no one's fault
in the ocean
lime green lips of footprints on a duck
bed of water
dandelions about to blow
Outside looking up the side of a tall house
windows � same as the adjacent building in
a narrow alleyway � on the second floor
other side of the wall
multi-winged animate large in the scale of
a bookshelf which collapsed, professor
too on the
floor up close textures emerge, can
almost pick pigment off so many ridges of canvas
Faces within faces
faces within feathers
dance in lines and dots
after years every possible thing is a face
woman, man, fish, priest, skull, animal
reef & cow with scallion head
what you see in it
is dying
of distant
Streaks of something in motion
Light & perspective reveal a new face
from the tongue & green lips of the old
Sun's going down
use its images for stimulus
�Chris Funkhouser