Lucy couldn't help feeling nervous as Mr. Beebe accosted the old woman, and asked if the house was for sale. 'We want plenty of views,' he said firmly. He was Lucy's uncle, and believed in speaking firmly when abroad. 'Is this house for sale?' the old woman repeated, in a heavy accent. 'No. Well, perhaps. And views? There are no views.' 'No views!' Charlotte's voice was a whisper; she clutched her handkerchief. Lucy smiled at her sister's anxiety. Poor Charlotte! Lucy could see over the old woman's shoulder that the separate dining room with two fireplaces was spacious enough, and behind that, the sun- dazzled terrace afforded unparalleled panoramic views out onto a family outdoor living area. Miss Bartlett went upstairs to inspect the sanitary arrangements. 'How horrible that a quality villa with such magnificent rooms is simply someone's property to sell,' Charlotte said, with her usual lack of tact. Mr. Beebe tried again, and raised his voice. 'We're English, and rather well connected. I've brought my nieces with me -' 'In Tuscany, where I come from, all the foreigners are lords from England,' said the horrid old woman. 'That cuts no cheese with me.' 'My niece -' he indicated Lucy - 'she's not well. We've come here for the waters.' The old woman gazed out over the valley. Cars crawled along the road at the foot of the slope like miniature working models. 'Waters? You have been misinformed. There are no waters. Here is the life-giving sun, and so we slip into the Spring. Oh well, come on in.' She led the way. Lucy's heart was beating. The young ladies tossed their heads and, full of alarm, surveyed the air-conditioned lounge and the marble fireplace. It was particularly mortifying for Lucy, for this old woman's villa was the very house she had longed to own, once, and now could never afford. Meandering across the marble floor, sighing over the lush family accommodation, she felt too ill to go on. 'Mr. Beebe, this fireplace - it's real marble,' said Charlotte. 'Silly girl.' Mr. Beebe had a smile on his lips. 'Far from being real marble sculptured with an impression of fresh flowers, the fireplace seems to be "marble effect", dripping with verdure gathered from the garden by the gated swimming pool. Very interesting. Here we can enjoy dramatic views out onto the charioteer drive, there is easy access to town, and by day Sydney's eventful history parades before us. And look at the garden.' The garden featured a galley kitchen and a wonderful wombat- burrow park with newspapers and its own balcony. A wombat � only a strong man would keep such a fierce and obstinate animal. Such thoughts, murmured Lucy to herself; such thoughts I'm having. 'Shall we go out to the front of the house again?' Mr. Beebe asked. 'Then we can look for Miss Bartlett's toque, which was lost yesterday.' Lucy's cousin George had abandoned his friendly manner. Perhaps it was the heat, perhaps the old woman. He frowned. 'Do you think we should? Perhaps you two could just go for a scenic walk. Lucy and I could explore the old laundry.' He smiled, showing his teeth. 'A walk, yes, you're quite right,' Mr. Beebe said. 'It's best not to stay at home too much. A person who is not at home is rarely disturbed, they say. Then we must take the tea-basket.' The tea- basket gave out a pleasant sound; he had players concealed inside, and they made a lovely music. Miss Bartlett was already upstairs balanced on a parapet. George took Lucy's hand and they crossed the lounge. Outside, pale sunlight flooded the sunken pit. Lucy and George went upstairs alone. For a moment, in step with fashion and out of earshot, Miss Bartlett contrived to remain undiscovered. Lucy, who was not what she seemed to be, went out onto the veranda. She had plans. Just look at the things we must do to achieve a fully renovated pool, Lucy mused: and then garaging for a cousin, gardens meant to please George, a timber porch with ample parking all night, which turned into a paved garden by day. 'There are comforts in consciously living in a state of attained profundity,' George called from the other room. 'The buzz of the city location is one thing. The lovely forty square metres of lawn is another.' She looked out the window onto the spacious gardens below: it was true. But how I should like the house to have something of the taste of Provence, she thought. Tuscany was not quite so much in fashion this year; a sudden influx of colonials had quite spoiled its allure. There, in Provence, the things grow old in a charming family manner, generation after generation. One room is casual, one formal, and so on. The houses are two thousand years old, or more. Her thoughts were interrupted by a commotion from the drive. 'Charlotte, can you please settle your driver?' Whose voice was that? Mr. Beebe's? She couldn't hear Charlotte's reply, though she caught a glimpse of her figure as she tripped by in a feeble muddle, taking ages, the way girls do. A voice from the darkened room behind her startled her. 'Now you gaze out at nothing,' said Miss Bartlett. The diamond pattern on the cold floor and a grand piano followed her eyes. George had disappeared. 'But you did not come here to gaze out. You came here for other reasons. There is a man, and you are making a nuisance of yourself with him -' 'Why shouldn't I be a nuisance if I wish? I am very aware of the possibility of trouble; they say opportunity breeds it. Damn you! I'm off to Bondi Junction to have some harmless fun. Then I may come back, but not to speak to you. I shall walk in the grounds.' 'Lucy! Come here this minute!' But it was too late. Lucy poured herself down the staircase in a rush, hoping not to be seen. The balustrade was almost blasphemous in size, a shibboleth that clambered across the mellow space of the huge entrance hall. There was a hubbub in the drive as she left. But for all her suggested means of escape, Lucy felt sure of having to paint other people's renovated bathrooms for a living. That wasn't what she had planned. The others gathered in a knot on the piazza below. George joined them. 'If I might own up as a kind of magic fairy to Miss Bartlett's grandmother,' he began to banter playfully, but Miss Bartlett cut him off. 'Stuff and nonsense,' she said sharply. 'You're concerned about Lucy,' he went on, a little more soberly. 'It's clear that she is used to being entertained by fellows whose traditional high style rarely allows glimpses of their baser selves to be apparent. From this we propose to show that my brother Robert had continued to enjoy many a rare occasion with her, and the theme that mattered to them, that is so sovereign in their thoughts, was not what you think. And as for you, Miss Bartlett, I feel you would be as happy to be joyful as to be truthful.' 'Well!' spat out Miss Bartlett. Charlotte tried to explain to the angry older woman. 'My cousin George is trying to be frank,' she said. 'My sister Lucy - you know, youth in tumult - the property market is in a vibrant mood, we can all see that, and some are susceptible. Their hormones tremble and gush in sympathy when a remarkable opportunity declares itself. This so-called villa, for example - I've made certain enquiries. The lease has expired conveniently, the tenant as it happens was given an inferior concealed laundry, with no separate in-law accommodation, and stormed off. What's more, she threatened some other people just driving by in their carriages. It's Lucy's for the plucking - as long as George plays ball. Can you blame a girl for getting a little over-heated?' She gave a cruel laugh. Mr. Beebe smiled. So things were not turning out so badly, after all, for his little charges. Meanwhile, Lucy found herself walking alone in the grounds of the villa, her pulse throbbing. There were images flowing through the trees, and ghostly figures seemed to drift across the lawn, some becoming plaintive. The animals looked at her playfully. But they failed to affect the way she really felt. The house was almost perfect, she thought, and yet - something was warning her. The Sunday breakfasts with a central pond and reverse cycle ducted air delight the soul, and the strange reversed light in the mirrors plays tricks upon the taste. Then there was her other self, and the night-life of the harbourfront where she wanted sometimes to be wrong, but nicely wrong. Lucy seemed to be 'it' among the crowds in caf�s and restaurants, their wildest imaginations making the worst of things. That reminded her of something unpleasant - the driver who had brought her home from the nightclub had seen things he shouldn't have, and there was now talk in the town. With an effort she dismissed her anger, for the time being. It's fine here, Lucy thought, except perhaps for George's asthma-there may be problems, but nothing he can't handle�and by day Sydney's eastern sunlight pours in through the windows. Elsewhere it is quiet and comfortable, except for the occasional shrieks of bad weather. We were disgusted with the city, and George-this is certainly a place to live a good life in. So I shall build, she dreamed, and cast moments into the stream of time. She thought of the way George had looked at her. 'What is my affair really going to end up as? Sleep brings romantic dreams, but what use are dreams? Yes, they're a natural part of living� Yet subtly wrong, too.' And now memories came to trouble her. This was surely the same garden where she had spent long hours with some man who had lost his head. Babble, babble said the little spring. In the shadow of a cypress tree, a bird. Those who really love and understand birdsong, she thought, the world of nature is a book to them. Under the tree she fell asleep, and had a strange dream. An old man was speaking: 'You may have noted on the country roads, the reverence the locals show for every well, every roadside shrine. The spirit of the shrine can warn you against hazardous investments. I acted the home buyer in an unstable environment � that was wrong, and the spirits said I may be killed - ' Just then she woke up. It was time to go back and face whatever awaited her in the house. When she arrived in the welcome shade of the villa, it was strangely empty. A voice called to her from upstairs. She found George standing at the railing. 'See,' he said, 'Charlotte has suggested how the laundry's features could be remodelled, including having the staircase lead up to the bathroom, like so. Downstairs� spectacular views over the valley.' 'So?' Lucy was not prepared to be impressed. 'And the prospect of vibrant local shopping,' he went on, 'the thrilling restaurants full of natural light with French farmhouse accents.' No, I want something special, Lucy thought, and this laundry isn't it. Yet she could only agree with his firm words. She wished to leave, but she had only minutes to find an excuse. The stained psychology of his speech seemed strange to her, and yet alluring. He noticed her hesitation. 'Do you propose to remain?' 'No, I'm irritable now, I should have gone ages ago.' So these two young people played their strange games. One could well question their quest for a quiet intellectual cul-de-sac. Heroes-gods-even beautiful people, cast in their image-come to abandon the things of the mind, and to enjoy outdoor living, and the original bi-folding doors of their youth open onto a grand entrance hallway which darkens and leads in the end to the clergyman dressed in black, either for one ceremony or for the other, or so it seemed to Lucy. He doesn't really admire me, she thought; he says that what I do in my bedroom had ceased to fray at his nerves. George talked about providing extra features, the tranquillity of an in-ground floor heating system. His soothing talk encompassed her. But in his plans there was-what was it?�too much decoration? She had been trained to dislike any decoration more than nature allows, more than is afforded by a property's expected capital gains. She gazed out over the harbour views, the water a deep greenhouse colour. 'Leave me for a moment,' she said. In the bathroom she sat thinking. What should she do? She wandered out through the spacious bedrooms and the formal lounge and arrived by mean of the subconscious family area at the outdoor barbecue pit. He was waiting for her. 'Well? I think I know what's going through your mind.' 'No, I don't want you to get to know me any better.' 'Try and stop me.' A waterfall plunging into a sunken pond completed the luxury feeling of the villa. It splashed her dress. And yet the water's insult was as nothing compared to his impertinence. 'You came intoning the virtues of a northern aspect,' she said angrily, 'of a quiet location with three bathrooms plus a separate shower under the covered patio commanding a large view across the harbour to the Botanic Gardens. And all the time you only wanted to impress a foolish girl.' He kept silent, and fumbled with his hands. She was waking up to his ability to keep silent. Was it intelligence, or the lack of it? She went to the railing and looked down. Her memory of their embrace that very morning-t bothered her. I have upset her, he thought. A woman in many ways, but still just a girl. She is looking for love, and all I have to offer is real estate. 'This property is worth two to three million all told,' he ventured. 'With your inheritance, we can borrow the money. This is a fantastic opportunity for us.' In the heat of the moment he grasped her arm. She withdrew it angrily. Beside her George mumbled a temperate apology. 'I don't understand myself, Lucy,' he said. 'This is capitalisation, and I fear I've missed out on it as the moment passed. It must be affecting me more than I thought.' 'No, don't apologise. It happens to us all sooner or later, and maximising the situation is sometimes an impossibility.' 'Oh Lucy, you are so understanding.' He moved closer and put his arm around her. She pulled back. 'Do you propose to seduce me, you silly boy?' His voice was full of warmth and he soon began to make love to her. They embraced, and came out onto the terrace. He pushed her into the bedroom and adjusted the skylights of this once grand old residence. The lace verandas gave onto the harbour and created a sun-drenched mood. Lucy's body was silent. She tried to open the windows, but she knew they were locked. You can trust him, Charlotte had said. But was it true? She began to cry. 'What is there to cry about?' he asked. 'Kiss me here.' Then they talked, and considered the harbour views and the buoyant market. For all she could relish the opportunity to make a killing while the market was rising, the joy that she felt most keenly was the abstract comprehension of the market forces working out their patterns behind the figures on the stock exchange. He touched her gently on the arm and drew her to the terrace. 'It is a dreadful thing,' he said, 'that this delightful timber kitchen detail is almost ignored by most people. This is a lovely place, with a fine garden, a sensible modern investment by Miss Honeychurch, whatever your opinion of her morals. It used to be a wilderness, and now with its billiard room, the close proximity to harbour and synagogue, it's perfectly civilised.' 'Her morals?' 'Oh, please, I shouldn't have mentioned that. Forgive me. Here, have you seen the laundry? It's quite remarkable.' Lucy detected that the room, ostensibly a place for washing clothes, was more a gourmet bedroom, and a perfect location for horseplay. To her it was utterly magical; she was shaken by the appearance of the well designed fittings. She had a yen for those itching bedrooms, and for love. He took her into the garden. 'Kiss me here,' he said roughly. 'Here? Now?' Here voice was faint. 'Ah, you fabulous boy-They sank upon the bank of soft grass. It had a fine south-east aspect and allowed plenty of opportunity to find true charm. They embraced for what seemed to her like an endless moment, and a luxurious certainty filled her being. She gave a cry as her defences fell, and harbour glimpses filled her vision. To enjoy that was a mistake, said her subconscious. Then she said 'There. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me again in the dark.' He counted her fallen defences. They weren't much. She pulled herself together, stood up, and checked the sunny northern aspect. No one there. Just what exactly she thought she had been doing, she didn't really know. How it was they had not stopped when any decent person would have stopped-perhaps they had fallen into some lower state of existence. If the nonsense of life could drag you down like that-she found herself running through the grounds, her hair distraught. Meanwhile George was in a daze. Her lovely voice made me do it, he thought, or perhaps something about her looks made me think of love-no, figures, investment figures, and this intense feeling became more than I sensibly could repress. I wanted to be the one to make a choice among many fine and uniquely maintained features, to impress the girl. Was that wrong? But with prices soaring like that, it was over. Mr. Beebe held Lucy's future in his hands, and he was obstinate in his stand against what might make her happy, the kind of risky but profitable investment that could give us years of good dividend yields. He got up and went to check the elegant forecourt and the somewhat whimsical shower cubicle; they seemed structurally unreliable. Lucy ran into Charlotte by a goldfish pond in the grounds. Her sister asked her what had happened behind the black windows that overlooked the sullen landscape, and in the deserted laundry. She paled when told. Could one so young rescue herself from disgrace? 'I feel used,' Lucy complained. 'Of course, dear. Men are always like that, didn't you know? Oh, you poor thing. And you were expecting a larger house, more elegant accommodation, a more generous lounge room.' 'Well, for instance, ornate ceilings would be one thing I should insist on.' 'Had there been any previous indication-that he might-' 'Of course. George had met me on the beach and undressed me long before he had shown me these properties. And at the nightclub- he is not the perfect person in the dark, to be frank, and he has little cultural content. He kissed me that first evening, if the truth be known, while we were analysing the quarterly market trends-' 'Oh, don't tell,' Charlotte replied. 'You're quite blind, aren't you? He was my ideal, too, once upon a time. He showed me his property near Wollongong, it's named Capri, and I had hopes - I mean, I was in some jeopardy-oh, never mind.' Indeed, on that occasion Charlotte had been subject to his stupefying touch in the dark, and in close proximity to mortal danger. It had been a long evening; it was now long ago. 'But he has something, a touch of je ne sais quoi,' Lucy admitted. 'He owns a typical Balinese bungalow. Is that what impressed you, you vain woman?' 'No-of course not! George has his surprises. Just a few minutes walk from the harbour he showed me a wide terrace house he's thinking of investing in, just the thing a shrewd buyer would snap up. Features flood the property, flowing to it from caf�s where retirees sip caf� au lait, incorporating generous proportions with Jetmaster air leading through the lovely garden. With his market sense, a girl could hardly go wrong.' 'Yes, but don't you sometimes want to go wrong?' her sister asked vehemently. 'That's what's wrong with you, isn't it?' Lucy regarded her coolly. What on earth could she mean? Back at the villa, the others discussed her behaviour. 'Lucy has fallen into moral darkness,' said Miss Bartlett. 'A dreadful thing has happened. Let us go immediately to look for her.' 'No,' said Mr Beebe. 'To the contrary. I propose this deplorable event be forgotten. There are more important things to think about. The property purchase George is urging, for example. Here the opportunities display themselves, in the finest classical lines, elegant to the ocean viewing. So what are we to do?' 'My dear Mr. Beebe, would you trust George? He was seen climbing the veranda opposite. Isn't that where that Honeychurch woman-'She stopped, blushing. George's brother Robert had joined them, and he broke in bitterly: 'As for Lucy, I saw her with her friend,' said he, 'in the private office area. Theatrette, you could call it. The lights were out. It was the night of that dreadful storm. She is not protected so much by the private nature of the terracotta paved garden deck as she thinks she is.' 'The choice of a genuine alarm system in the master bedroom en suite should have stopped him,' mused Mr. Beebe. 'I suppose she ended up in that position because of the storm, needing protection, that sort of thing.' 'She does not have to be forgiven simply because of the storm,' cried Robert. 'What about the laundry? Last Easter, downstairs in the eat-in kitchen, it almost happened then, worse than a storm. Have you not seen that she is the only person living in this wild way, bringing shame upon her family? She thinks to be forgiven, but what about me? The young woman had made certain promises-would you have put up with as much? She is thoroughly unrefined, and this house she is obsessed with -first, the living areas have to be seen to be believed. Elegant homes always have a superb outlook-they always have loads of winter comfort-this has none. And her exploits- even the foreigners were disgusted at her behaviour, Miss Honeychurch said.' 'I wonder what could she have meant?' Miss Bartlett said. 'You mean what, Robert Emerson? That it had happened before?' Had Lucy, in fact, suffered this before? Charlotte joined them. 'You've ruined the poor creature's reputation. There-are you happy now?' Charlotte glared at Robert. She had long since dried her soaked underclothes on the timber deck, among thoughts of recently-past joy. The one candle burnt trembling. Lucy-Lucy had won George. That's all Charlotte knew. She addressed the plaster work here, an elegant all-white city, to no avail. Gleaming doors led to a future, but it was empty. 'Last Easter, I never dreamed that such things might happen,' she said. 'That brief moment of hope and happiness will never come again.' 'I think,' said Miss Bartlett, 'that we had better forget the whole thing.' Darkness and the problems of off-street parking and so forth agreed with her. Charlotte said, 'He seems to purchase a kind of mental throbbing in susceptible women, with his reputation for dissolution. Since the mirrored walls reflect everything willy-nilly, their eyes can only reflect their own desires, seen gleaming in his eyes. In the end, he had the two women he wanted. Once a cad, always a cad. Such people not only hurt themselves; they hurt others as well.' Later that evening, Lucy came upon Miss Bartlett on the back porch, by the ornamental lake. Fish bothered the surface. Miss Bartlett said 'I want you to remember the highlights of your life in this garden, Lucy, and remember the dying man's words in your dream. They are meant for you. Your name means light. Listen to Persephone, whose hair in disarray rarely disturbed her.' Lucy stared at the old woman-she understood! 'In the years to come,' Lucy said, touching her arm, 'you will be welcome here. The villa will be different-imagine the result of years of labour, of value- adding improvements. As for Charlotte, and her forlorn passion for Charles-perhaps defeat was always part of her love, this deplorable emotional gambling, an urge to self-destruction while waiting for life to go on. She will recover, I know, and we shall love each other again, as we used to do.' Miss Bartlett took her arm, and the two women walked out into the night air. The painful things which had been buried among these entertaining evenings faded, and the floodlights from the double security fittings glowed through french doors onto the veranda bright with golden light, which warmed the lounge and flowed down across the lawns, reminding Lucy of her cousin's awful power; a power which was now hers to enjoy. T H E E N D