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PO Box 6203
Santa Maria CA, 93456

153 pp., $12.95 ($10 to subscribers)

Edited by Greg Boyd, this is the first issue of the annual, replacing the former magazine of the same name. The poetry, fiction and artwork featured here is first rate, drawing heavily on the neo-surrealist vein in flavor and the prose poem in particular. Prose poems by Russell Edson, Brian Swann, Jessica Treat and David Henson stood out. The poetry mixed Rene Daumal (in translation from the French) with Cynthia Hendershot, some Buk with Ruben Dario and others, equally known and unknown. Fiction was also a strong component in both short short and longer form. With some art/lit criticism (Kirby Olson on the Marquis de Sade was exceptional), some collages and clipped graphics, it is beautifully laid out, kind of a cross between old faves KAYAK and GARGOYLE. Though it may seem pricey, you're getting more than you paid for.--John Stickney

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This review originally appeared in TapRoot Reviews #2,
Copyright Burning Press 1993, 1995.

Contact the editor, luigi-bob drake, at Burning Press