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#16, May-August 1992

PO Box 66
Harrison ID, 83833

48 pp., $3.00

More words per square centimeter than any other little (literary) magazine, interesting black and white art, some color, and a money back guarantee. Strong poetry and prose, mostly short stories, full of vigor, brutal realism, and often... social revelations! This publication is anything but light. These stories draw you in, perforate your empathy, twist you around, and surprise you at the end. The protagonists are everyday people, observed through a critical magnifying glass, engaged with the word in some intense manner, slightly distorted but interesting. They labor life making valid observations drawn from the psyche of anguish and painted with vivid metaphorical significance. This publication is not for everyone, it has an edge, an outspoken candor, a degree of unconformity which appeals to those with a risque nature. THE VILLAGE IDIOT might be one of the more unusual and interesting little magazines its day..--R.R. Lee Etzwiler

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This review originally appeared in TapRoot Reviews #2,
Copyright Burning Press 1993, 1995.

Contact the editor, luigi-bob drake, at Burning Press