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PO Box 3112
Florence AL, 35630

4 pp.

A new showcase of the wildest of contemporary burning poodle poets, collage sorcerers, and similar otherstreamers. This issue has, among many other things, two yow-plus illumages by Calum Selkirk, a truly odd ( and therefore fascinating) microherent poem-cum-maze by Matt Wellick (one sample line: "deep withing insidiust"), and a rant against government grants (because of their enslaving effect) by Mike Miskowski.--Bob Grumman

This 4-page newsletter is odd, to say the least--totally dedicated to the experimental form. It is Beat and bizarre, Dada and anti-poetry, protest and science slam; it is exciting and cheap. On the first page is a sound-rant based on multiple-syllable nonsensical words, slightly random, with the whole poem melded into a maze which resembles an electronic diagram. There are small abstract illustrations and most poems only run a few lines, there is a lot compressed into a small space and it can be hard to tell where one poem ends and another begins. But, this is okay, it doesn't really matter, because (as Dan Raphael reminds us) "...the ape dogs teeth eclipsing/ the stream trout recapitulate/ where realtors fear to tread."--R.R. Lee Etzwiler

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This review originally appeared in TapRoot Reviews #3,
Copyright Burning Press 1993, 1995.

Contact the editor, luigi-bob drake, at Burning Press