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XYLOID #1, 1992

Wanda Phipps
The Poetry Project c/o St. Mark's Church
131 E. 10th St.
New York NY, 10001

18 pp., $3.00

A punky xerox magazine from the New York School. Not bad, with Wanda Phipp's list poem of magazine titles, two pieces by Brendan deVallance, prose by Lynne Tillman. The rest left less of an impression.--John Stickney

The venerable Poetry Project keeps it's doors open, and this one's from some of the younger rabble that've stumbled in off the street. More Beat than PoMo--fr example, from a novel excerpt by Stephen Tunney: ""Damn' because a tiny devilish memory of my sweet beloved has escaped me once more! The impish little floating beast managed to crawl into my right ear, show herself in a memory for my sentimental pleasure, then escape out through my left ear just before I could savor the thought! Just to tease me!'" Shades of Kerouac! There's also a lot of work that originates in performance, but doesn't translate complete onto paper--even Dana Bryant's "Second Cousin" seems only a pale shade in print, compared to her compelling live reading.--luigi

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This review originally appeared in TapRoot Reviews #3,
Copyright Burning Press 1993, 1995.

Contact the editor, luigi-bob drake, at Burning Press