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John M. Bennett. and Al Ackerman:

Luna Bisonte Prods
137 Leland Ave.
Columbus OH, 43214

8 pp., $1.00

Ackerman hacks Bennett under the influence of BURRITO, which Ackerman explains in marvelous calligraphy (a letter to Bennett reprinted here) could be a homemade eatable stored in the freezer or one tiny member of a friend's dream-litter of children produced by a surrogate. Bennett's oozing, body parts-strewn poems would be a tasty burrito in themselves. Ackerman's hack, "The Altereds" gets me going, makes me "start slap-slapping my ears" along with the prosody, the rhyme, the irresistible urge of mouth stiletto-heeling words.--Susan Smith Nash

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This review originally appeared in TapRoot Reviews #4,
Copyright Burning Press 1994, 1995.

Contact the editor, luigi-bob drake, at Burning Press