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Vol. 1, #3&4, 1993

100 Courtland Dr.
Columbia SC, 29223

8 pp., $1.00(?)

A cleverly origamied single sheet, featuring eight pieces by as many artists (about as "well known" as you get in some circles: Bennett, Ackerman, Greg Evason, Cheryl Townsend...). Split about even between visual and verbal work, with a political slant and an experimental bent.--luigi

The material in this weird little micro-zine ranges from one of Al Ackerman's inimitable drawings of a gap-toothed, grinning goofball, to a dotted numeral "one" by G. Huth, to a poem by Ficus Strangulensis that ends: "What means today?/ a bowl of violets thinking, 'Not this again.'"--Bob Grumman

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This review originally appeared in TapRoot Reviews #4,
Copyright Burning Press 1994, 1995.

Contact the editor, luigi-bob drake, at Burning Press