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Vol. 5 #1, Winter 1994

20 Danforth St.
Portland ME, 04101

60 pp., $5.00

One of the most subtle, yet vicious, publications around. It looks too innocent to have poems like Wayne Atherton's "Vagrant Meditation", or "Wild Fecundity", which carries its lines like a sword: "When the last wolf/ kills the last sheep/ and feeds... which/ shall you morn most/ in its passing?" and "She places her teeth/ on the dashboard/ next to a white plastic Jesus." Kurt Nimmo roars in with a dope-bust poem filled with the anxiety of wired out speed paranoia and cop cars closing in for the kill, while Gina Bergamino seduces with yet another emotional poem of abandonment. An interview with small press dirty-old-man Judson Crews rounds out another fine issue of poetry that brings joy to the heart, or takes you to the brink of destruction, depending on what you thrive on most.--Oberc

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This review originally appeared in TapRoot Reviews #5,
Copyright Burning Press 1994, 1996.

Contact the editor, luigi-bob drake, at Burning Press