The highlights in this issue were: John Grey's "Soldiers Been And Gone" ("I think of those stilted young men,/ rifles growing out of their flesh,/ interrogating only that tiny part/ of us that has something to hide"); a few prose poems by Cynthia Hendershot; a long surrealistic poem by Halchin that left nerve endings snapping in my head; a Weinman poem that I truly admired ("Most of the animals I fucked/ didn't stay for seconds, or/ come back later for more"); a few music, chap, book reviews; and (God only knows how Howington did it) a few Lyn Lifshin poems that I actually liked.--Oberc
This review originally appeared in TapRoot Reviews #5,
Contact the editor, luigi-bob drake, at Burning Press
Copyright Burning Press 1994, 1996.