Andrew Goldfarb

In the Wax Museum

the chess game interrupts the city
on paper boats with rooftops

our eyes were lost in the machinery flowers
needles and pins and cardboard blocks
she couldn't help feeling sad
this was no longer music

but until we take up smoking
each door will have its picture
in driving blue nails
the snake in the hallway
moths, celluloid and excitements in the bathing apparatus

we step on houses of
hands on the cement
clutching matchsticks


she wears zippers for eyes
in the wax museum

Andrew Goldfarb was born in the enchanted hamlet of Elderberry beneath the languid shade of the Dum Dum Tree, where he has battled twelve-headed dragons in defense of the kingdom of Prurrh. He has seen his work published in Sonnetes Moste Frothy and Canterheavy Tymes.
