Friday, August 08, 2003

The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend


When I first moved to Philadelphia in 1995, the people here were already talking about how things were happening in the poetry community with an intensity & liveliness that seemed new. Every single year since then, I’ve heard that same song sung with a redoubled energy, as if the city’s literary community were reinventing itself over & over & over. This year, seven Philadelphia poets have come together to produce a bang-up start to the new school year with an awesome collection of readings spread out over two days. The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend promises to be a defining event. I recommend you click on that link not just to get details on locations & backgrounds, but also to see a great photo that includes many key conspirators (including Chris & Jenn McCreary’s new twins) plus links to some great resources, such as the November 2001 Live at the Writers House radio program where a prequel to The Philly Sound first occurred.


Oh, and purists will note that Philadelphia itself is being stretched some by this event, to the north as far as the Wiffle ball fields of Boston with Jim Behrle & to the west to the shores of La Jolla with Eileen Myles.


Here is the actual line-up of readings:


FRIDAY NIGHT at La Tazza 108

7:00 to 10:00 PM

Hosted by Tom Devaney & Maggie Zurawski

·         Ron Silliman

·         Edmund Berrigan

·         Jena Osman

·         John Godfrey





SATURDAY at the Kelly Writers House


10:30 AM - 12:30 PM:

9x9 Panel - - hosted by CAConrad

·         Jim Behrle

·         Edmund Berrigan

·         Jim Cory

·         hassen

·         Sofia Memon

·         Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore

·         Deborah Richards

·         Molly Russakoff

·         Prageeta Sharma


12:30 - 1:00 PM:

Reading hosted by Tom Devaney

·         Erik Sweet

·         Kathy Lou Schultz

·         Don Riggs


1:00 - 2:00 PM:

Reading hosted by Molly Russakoff

·         Ish Klein

·         Daniel Labeau

·         Bob Gallagher

·         Allie D'Augustine

·         Michael D.- Azreal

·         Elizabeth Scanlon


2:00 - 3:00 PM:

Reading hosted by Chris McCreary

·         Barbara Cole

·         Jen Coleman

·         Carol Mirakove

·         Pattie McCarthy

·         Katherine Folk-Sullivan

·         Leo White


3:00 - 4:00 PM:

Reading hosted by Greg Fuchs

·         Mariana Ruiz Firmat

·         Buck Downs

·         Chris Toll

·         Besty Fagin

·         David Kirschenbaum


4:00 - 5:00 PM:

Reading hosted by Mytili Jagannathan

·         Kazim Ali

·         Nijmie Dzurinko

·         Sofia Memon

·         Vani Natarajan

·         Laura Smith

·         Magdalena Zurawski


5:00 - 6:00 PM:

Reading hosted by Frank Sherlock

·         Eileen Myles

·         Kaia Sand

·         Jules Bykoff

·         John Coletti

·         Fran Ryan

·         Kyle Conner


6:00 - 7:00 PM:

Hosts Reading

·         CA Conrad

·         Tom Devaney

·         Greg Fuchs

·         Mytili Jagannathan

·         Chris McCreary

·         Molly Russakoff

·         Frank Sherlock



Details TBA (Nicole McEwan)