Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The next-to-last line in my own poem for the Rosenbach Alphabet was suggested by the physical history of the letter J as outlined in the American Heritage Dictionary (whose magnified pages bedeck the pedestals of the displays for each letter in the Rosenbach Museum show). CA Conrad, Craig Allen to his friends, develops his section in this curious collaboration from the same source. His book Frank is forthcoming from Jargon Books, the storied press of Jonathan Williams.


Dear Ron, below is my poem for the alphabet reading wednesday, looking forward to the event.  Pertho is the ancient rune where our P has some roots.  Pertho looks like a C with its top and bottom crunched in, pointy.  it also faces its opening east on the page, much like our C's opening and our P's horse head faces east.  my favorite thing about Pertho (which our P lacks) is that it can be used in the reverse, facing west on the page.  Freya Aswynn has been studying this ancient alphabet nearly all her life, and she feels strongly that Pertho is where many of the other runes were derived, which furthers her translation of Pertho facing east to birth.  Freya also sees the Nordic traditions using Pertho as a chess piece, and a secret, which makes sense in using Pertho to find someTHING'S opposite.  but written in a runic script, or word, in the reverse, could also show a decrease in energy, or even death.  so when i think about all this, i tend to feel that our P chickens out in a sense, alluding to our culmination of centuries of christian fears of hell, which leads to a paranoia of dying at all, a paranoia of living properly, finally leading to our unbridled consumerism and endless other folds of distraction from a cold, hard focus on our mortality.  P to me is the perfect example of fear.  Pertho was fully embraced as the ultimate symbol for accepting life's oppositions.  maybe it would be the perfect time in human history to introduce a reverse P.  OR EVEN a double P, the bulbous upper portions simultaneously east and west, sort of an ink and paper version of quantum chromodynamics.  where the nuclear energy glues the quarks, this is all symbolism with the double P of course (wish i could type a double P right now), the stem fusing time and/or energy.  anyway, whether or not anyone would listen to me for the need to evolve the alphabet with a west-facing P and a double P, well, we'll just have to see.  here's my poem:


P for Interest In Waking    


Pertho East )  )   )    )     )      )       )        )         )

bigger than an ant only in size "the parasitologist will be here in a moment to remove you from society PLEASE have a candy!"  pentagon cuts Iraqi circles square divide weapons contract by desire for another Ramadan America's face the day money drifts out of reach open your PDR Guide to Biological and Chemical Warfare Response implement White House Crucifix Stool Softener the passion of Chrissssssstina holds Papa's letter in air I leap hold on by my teeth I may not have ovaries but I've planted my feet in this marsh more than once Present? present our conscience to the world our sober apologies


(         (        (       (      (     (    (   (  ( Pertho West

perforate the language no sleeping bag HEY does this mean we're not staying? means there's no sleeping weigh your English Brother by date and hour of atrocity weigh ourselves complicit with every unanswered damnation my pop at cardboard box factory meditation not preservation's sanity but sanity's preservation Philly sounds of Philly Sound now you take that P poets (!) sounding Philly young palomino vegetarian in land of the cheese steak new plastic surgery won't prevent new tumor (permanence is fiction's definition) Presley, Lisa-Marie her father's face on blue balloon she carries to wood of screaming crows "I'm glad you're all right!" yell it before waking