Saturday, July 17, 2004

While I was on the road this week, Blogger made some "improvements" to its input process that makes it harder than ever to fully figure out how best to format text. Once again they did not think to tell anybody first, so that a perfectly set note -- like the one I had yesterday -- had to be reset over & over because what worked Wednesday didn't work Friday.

Actually, once I figure the new system out, it does look as though it might work better than the old one -- for me the ability to set poems that move away from the left hand margin is always the key -- but we shall see.

  So far I note four things, none encouraging:

  • Blogger's preview screen still bears no relationship to what actually gets published. You would have thought they would have fixed that first.

  • The input box doesn't recognize paragraph endings, so I have to put them in by hand.

  • Plus, although it will publish them properly once I do this, it erases them if I got back into the message to make a revision, which means that I have to put them back in for each paragraph every time I catch a typo. 

  • Some paragraphs don't start flush against the left margin, even when they do in the input dialog box.