Thursday, October 21, 2004

It is often the case that the baseball playoffs are more exciting to watch than the World Series to which they lead. And it may turn out to be the case again this year. But anyone who is a fan of baseball will have to admit that the past week has been one of those transcendent moments when what is humanly possible in sport is on display so clearly that even the most casual observer would take notice. Since we’re rooting for everyone & everything from Massachusetts for the next several weeks anyway, we’re quite pleased.


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Gwen Knapp of the San Francisco Chronicle should win some kind of award for most extravagant mixed metaphor in attempting to describe the Sox-Yankee series:


They were tamed by pitchers who, in an era when arms are more delicate than orchids, worked like Iditarod dogs.


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Plus I like how they snuck in a plug for one of my books in this wallpaper display.