Tuesday, November 02, 2004



Take a photo i.d. with you when you go to the polls, just in case . . .


If someone interferes with your right to vote:


  1. Document it

    Write down exactly what happened and the names of the people involved.


  1. Then report it

    Fill out the problem form at www.moveonpac.org

    - Call 1-866-MY-VOTE 1 to leave a message about your problem

    - If you need immediate legal assistance, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
    This is the 911 of voter hotlines – only use it if there is a serious problem.

DNC Voter Hotlines in selected states:


AR 1-866-999-VOTE (8683)

AZ 1-877-AZVOTES (298-6837)


FL 1-800-WIN-FL-04 (946-3504)


IA 1-800-519-3502


LA 1-866-788-8967


ME 1-800-651-VOTE (8683)


MI 1-866-722-2483


MN 1-888-424-2004


NH 1-877-239-VOTE (8683)


NV 1-877-WE-VOTE2 (938-6832)


OH 1-877-228-1452


OR 1-877-640-8811


PA 1-866-PA-VOTE9 (728-6839)


VA 1-800-322-1144


WI 1-866-WI-POLLS (947-6557)


WV 1-866-WV-VOTER (988-6837)


Find your polling place:


Learn your voting rights:



Election Protection Resources
