Saturday, July 30, 2005

Allen Bramhall & Jeff Harrison are using a blog in what appears (to me at least) a new way, as a mechanism for an ongoing interview. Bramhall is always trying out new things with blogs. Harrison has been working with the interview form. I’ve commented on Jeff’s work before, especially his Worms’ Work.

This interview makes me think of how the dating system for entries in Blogger is a set-up – the interview progresses from the bottom up. Perhaps if one suppressed the date stamp, one would be more inclined to proceed as we have for so long on paper, from the top down. (Harvey Bialy’s is the one weblog on the blogroll that I believe starts at the top & moves downward – he accomplishes this, it would appear, by giving every post the same date.) When the first pre-IBM computers showed up in the 1970s, working on C/PM and other pre-DOS operating systems, some folks predicted that we’d all end up writing 22-line poems because that’s how many lines there were on a “green screen.” Didn’t happen. The technology changed too quickly, before the synapses of a generation were set in stone (or pixels, or what have you). That will almost certainly be the case as well with this “start at the end & work backwards” blogging software. Good riddance to that.