Saturday, December 10, 2005

Kate Greenstreet is the 700th participant in the blogroll to the left.




You can watch Harold Pinter give his Nobel Prize address by clicking on the arrow under the photograph in this BBC story.




You can hear poet & former abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center Norman Fischer discuss who listens & who hears in a podcast here. Perfect for listening to while meditating.




A lot of good arts organizations hold auctions at this time of the year – Space 1026 in Philadelphia tonight for one, New Langton Arts in San Francisco just last Thursday. None, however, does more for poetry than the jewel of the Twin Cities, Rain Taxi. Better yet, Rain Taxi doesn’t require you to slog into town for the event because it’s virtual.


Rain Taxi’s Tenth Anniversary Auction on eBay ends Sunday at 10:00 p.m. Pacific time. There are a ton of great items available, from Richard Brautigan & John Ashbery to Jonathan Lethem & Steve Martin to Gary Sullivan & Anne Waldman. Perhaps the most esoteric item available is Maria Damon’s Rain Taxi Shawl. Definitely one of a kind!




Displaced poets from New Orleans also have through Sunday to complete a survey being conducted by the New Orleans Cultural Committee. The committee is trying to quantify the impact of Katrina & its aftermath on the lives of artists from the Big Easy, which can be a useful tool in helping to get funds pried out of various federal and institutional kitties. And there is still a link on the left-hand column here, just below my bio, to the American Red Cross. That’s still a good idea.