Saturday, February 04, 2006

Darrell Gray,
photo by Alistair Johnston

CA Conrad’s Neglectorino Project now is up on its own weblog.


And Tom Orange has a nice piece about Darrell Gray, who is mentioned twice in CA’s blog, once by Rae Armantrout & again by Tom Raworth. Orange is right when he suggests that CA’s blog is one that really needs to have its comments section turned on.


The next issue of Jacket, which is starting to emerge online, has a lengthy piece on a British ex-pat neglectorino, Jack Beeching.


And it occurs to me to mention that Cary Nelson’s great Repression and Recovery: Modern American Poetry and the Politics of Cultural Memory, 1910-1945 is a wonderful volume to wade into for just this reason. Nelson attempts to describe all of American poetry over that 35 year span by starting with its most despised position, leftwing doggerel in radical newsletters, and proceeding outward from there.