Saturday, September 09, 2006

Thanks to the efforts of Joseph Mosconi, the Gmail mail-abuse team & several friends who actually forwarded old emails to prove I had been using the i.d., I’ve finally gotten my email address back! Now all I have to do is wade through 1200 emails . . . .


The September issue of Brooklyn Rail – that name always makes me think of the bird, not the train – is online with lots of goodies well worth reading. From Charles Bernstein telling Bob Dylan to grow up to Bill Corbett reviewing the collected poems of Anne Porter, to Ionesco to Sylvere Lotringer to poetry by Ravi Shankar (the poet, not Norah Jones’ daddy).


The impact of the web on poetry, as seen from down under.


First Cody’s closed its Telegraph Avenue store in Berkeley. Now it is becoming part of the Yohan book chain of Tokyo.